The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, April 14, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. in the Holly Building. Joe Brumit, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Troy Ball, Chair Joe Brumit, Mike Fryar, Bill Hart, Richard Hurley, Don Locke, Kaye Myers, John Parham Jr., Wilma Sherrill, Ray Spells, Mandy Stone, David Wyatt, and Jayne English, President SGA.
Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, Interim President, Kaye Waugh, Vice President Human Resources & Organizational Development, Shelley White, Senior Executive Director for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education, Terry Brasier, Vice President for Student Services, Kerri Glover, Director, Communications Relations and Marketing, Melissa Quinley, Vice-President Instructional Services, David White, Director of Research & Planning Joe Bace, Executive Director Facilities, and Operations, Chris Campbell, College attorney, Paula Lovitt, Paralegal Campbell Shatley, and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call To Order
Mr. Brumit read the ethics statement, and no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.
Presentation To Mrs. Aleta Roberson
Dr. King and Chair Brumit recognized and presented Mrs. Aleta Roberson with a building naming resolution in honor of her husband, Dr. Joseph Roberson, in recognition of his outstanding contribution as a former member of the Board of Trustees. The College will rename the building located at 93 Victoria Road Dr. Joseph B. Roberson, Sr. Building. Dr. King read the resolution which, on a motion by Mr. Hurley, and seconded by Dr. Locke, the Board unanimously approved.
Closed Session
Dr. Locke moved to enter into a closed session at 3:40 p.m. pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a) (1) and (3) in order to discuss confidential personnel matters pursuant to G.S. 115D-27-29 and to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege. Mr. Hart seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.
Open Session
On a motion properly made, the Board returned to open session at 4:40 p.m.
Consent Agenda
Dr. Locke moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Closed Session Minutes of March 21, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, B. Closed Session Minutes of April 3, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, C. Closed Session Minutes of May 6, 2013, Monthly Board Meeting, D. Closed Session Minutes of June 3, 2013, Monthly Board Meeting, E. Closed Session Minutes of June 18, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, F. Closed Session Minutes of June 21, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, G. Closed Session Minutes of September 9, 2013, Monthly Board Meeting, H. Closed Session Minutes of October 7, 2013, Monthly Board Meeting, I. Closed Session Minutes of October 14, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, J. Closed Session Minutes of October 23, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, K. Closed Session Minutes of December 16, 2013, Monthly Board Meeting, L. Minutes of February 17, 2014, Monthly Board Meeting, M. Personnel Actions, N. Schedule of Investments, O. Approval of New and Revised Policies, O.1. Grade Appeals Policy, O.2. Mobile Devices Policy and Procedure, O.3. Workplace Retaliation Policy and Procedure.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Stone. Mr. Hurley approved the Consent Agenda with the exception of items A. through J., 2013 Closed Session Minutes. Mr. Fryar abstained from the vote. The motion was approved by the Board.
Dr. King asked the Board if “Personnel Actions” should remain under the Consent Agenda or be a unique action item. The Board agreed to leave “Personnel Actions” under the Consent Agenda.
Resolutions/Action Items
4. A. Kaye Waugh informed the Trustees that an audit was conducted on all full-time employees regarding Flex's $25 disbursements. The Human Resources department worked with the Finance department to make sure all employees received the correct amount of benefits due. The Trustees agreed and are aware of Flex's $25 disbursements.
4. B. Melissa Quinley informed the Trustees that the proposed change for the Central Sterile Processing Certificate was to allow students the option of getting additional certification in the evenings. On a motion by Mr. Hart, seconded by Ms. Stone, the Board unanimously approved the Central Sterile Processing Certificate.
4. C. Melissa Quinley informed the Trustees that the Nursing Assistant Certificate will be a curriculum class that will allow the College to apply for a new diploma in the future. The class will offer students another avenue to get into the healthcare program. On a motion by Mr. Hart, seconded by Ms. Stone, the Board unanimously approved the Nursing Assistant Certificate.
4. D. Melissa Quinley, Terry Brasier, and Brian Clemmons discussed and presented information on Financial Aid Loans. 70 percent of A-B Tech’s students need financial aid of some type. The College awards as much aid from Pell Grants, scholarships, and institutional funds as possible. The government also offers subsidized and unsubsidized loans. 1,800 students at the College are currently carrying $12 million in federal loans. Another 4,416 students were awarded $14 million in Pell Grants. The U.S. Department of Education has given the College an anticipated loan default rate of 17.4 percent. The College had a default rate of 13.8 percent in 2013. If the College default rate increases above 30 percent rate, Pell Grants and federal loans will no longer be offered at the College. If the College chooses to opt out of the federal loan program, the decision is final and cannot be reversed. Dr. Locke would like to continue offering student loans, monitor them tightly, and see what happens over the next three years. On a motion by Mr. Hart, seconded by Dr. Locke, the Board moved to continue offering student loans for a year and revisit the issue at that time.
Dr. Locke mentioned to the Board that “HigherOne” is the company that manages the College’s disbursement of refunds. HigherOne cards are disbursed to students, and the cards can be used as debit or credit. The fees can be extremely high.
Dr. King will look at the College’s involvement with the HigherOne program and will bring back a report to the Board.
4. E. The College is requesting permission to write off $278,000 in debt for 516 students. $40,000 of the money belongs to the College. The state is owed $240,000. The College hasn’t asked for a write-off since 2007. Next, the College will forward the Board’s decision to N.C. State Board then makes the final decision to write off the debt. On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Dr. Parham, the Board unanimously approved writing off the College debt and forwarding it to N.C. State Board.
Trustee Business
5. A. Dr. Locke updated the Board on the progress of the Presidential search. The search committee has performed its duties and out of twenty-eight applicants, eight people were selected as semi-finalists.
5. B. Mr. Hart gave a report on the NCACCT Conference in Raleigh, N.C. One session of the conference was regarding the Clery Act (The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act) requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. Most colleges will create a security report every three years. Mr. Hart would like to see A-B Tech’s security report in the future.
Mr. Hart shared that the state is concerned about revenue and wants pay increases for state employees. Performance funding for community colleges was discussed in Tennessee as well. Community colleges are well-liked and thought of as a source of economic development.
Mr. Wyatt shared that there was a lot of discussion on articulation, public education, and the need to spend money on education.
Mr. Fryar found the session on “How to retain a College President” very interesting.
Mrs. Myers found the conference to be productive, and informative and that the meetings went extremely well. The loss of Senator Martin Nesbitt was noted.
President's Report
Dr. King shared the following news:
- The Buncombe County WIA (Workforce Investment Act) has awarded to the College the contract for $550,000 to be an operator.
- The SACS-focused report has been submitted on time. Dr. King commended both Gene Loflin and Fiona Chrystall for doing an outstanding job on the report.
- High school visitation day brought 650 students to campus from nine area high schools. The students were given a tour of the College and treated to lunch.
- The open house was a huge success with over 500 people attending. Dr. King praised Mike Dempsey and Lisa Bush for their hard work and the consequent success of the evening. Mark Newman and Kerri Glover were also recognized for their contributions to alumni participation and marketing efforts.
- Golden Leaf has awarded the College a grant for $200,000.
- The College received a $195,000 grant from Duke Power to be used to further develop A-B Tech’s Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast.
- The Master Facilities Plan is in progress with David White leading the administrative aspect and Joe Bace handling the architectural aspect of the plan. The College has twelve employee sessions available for broad-based involvement in the process. The Master Planning team will give an informational presentation to the Board on May 1.
- In continuing the College’s agreement with Mars Hill University, A-B Tech South will remain at the current location for another year. A-B Tech will have more classroom space at the facility.
Dr. Locke invited the Trustees to attend the “Stand Against Racism” event which is being held on April 28 at various locations on campus, beginning at 8:00 a.m. with networking and light refreshments in the lobby of Ferguson Auditorium.
SGA Report
SGA President Jayne English shared the following information:
- The SGA had its last meeting of the academic year.
- All of the campus clubs are gearing up for finals and the commencement ceremony.
- “Women in Technology” is a new club that was instituted this year.
- Two new societies were instituted as well – one for anti-war socialists, and one for libertarians.
- Ms. English enjoyed her term as President of the SGA.
Chair Brumit and the Trustees agreed to hold the next Board Meeting on May 1, 2014, which will be held in Rhododendron 344.
On a motion by Chair Brumit, seconded by Ms. Stone, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary