The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, April 17, 2017, at 3:30 p.m. in the Mission Health/A-B Tech Conference Center. Joe Brumit, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Gene Bell, Bruce Briggs, Wayne Brigman, Mike Fryar, Jacquelyn Hallum, Roger Metcalf, William Murdock, Frances Ramsey, Robin Ramsey, Mary Ann Rice, Mandy Stone, and Andrea Howell, Ex-Officio.
Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, President, Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO, Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services, Beth Stewart, Vice President Instructional Services, Shelley White, Vice President Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education, David White, Executive Director of Research and Planning, Kaye Schmidt, Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Development, Marketing, Kerri Glover, Executive Director, Community Relations and Marketing, Brian Willis, Vice President, Information Technology/CIO, Chris Campbell, College Attorney, and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call To Order
Chair Brumit read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. C. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Bell moved to approve the Consent Agenda items: 1. A. Minutes of February 9, 2017. 1. B. Minutes of March 28, 2017, Executive Committee Meeting. 1. C. Personnel Actions, 1. D. Approval of New and Revised Policies. and 1. E. Proposed Budgets for Madison and Buncombe Counties.
The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Ms. Stone and approved unanimously by the Board.
Resolution/Action Items
2. A. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that the College is seeking approval to write off uncollected student accounts older than three years and to take them off the College’s active books. The College has been more aggressive in pursuing student debts and is seeing a downward trend in outstanding account balances. Upon Board approval, these accounts will be reported to the N.C. Department of Revenue, turned over to a collection agency, and reclassified on our books for tracking purposes.
Dr. King added that as a result of turning uncollected accounts over to the state, the College recovered over $80,000 in outstanding funds in the last month.
On a motion by Ms. Stone, seconded by Ms. M. Rice, the Board unanimously approved the Write-Off of Student Accounts.
2. B. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that the College wishes to extend four separate Annual Open-Ended Service Agreements for Design and Engineering for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. The services are for architectural design, structural and civil engineering, as well as mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering.
On a motion by Mr. Brigman, seconded by Mr. Murdock, the Board unanimously approved the Annual Open-Ended Service Agreements for Design and Engineering Services.
2. C. Dr. King informed the Board that the College wishes to recognize and present Miss Oralene Simmons with an Honorary Associate of Applied Science Degree with a major in Community Relations at the May 13 Commencement Ceremony. Miss Simmons has been a long-time civic leader in the community and a valued friend and partner of A-B Tech.
2. D. Dr. King also wishes to recognize and present Ms. Brinda Caldwell with an Honorary Associate of Applied Science in Art and Decorative Management Degree at the May 13 Commencement Ceremony. Ms. Caldwell has been a valued employee with A-B Tech for over thirty-five years.
On a motion by Mr. Murdock, seconded by Ms. R. Ramsey, the Board unanimously approved the Honorary Degree Resolutions for both Miss Oralene Simmons and Ms. Brinda Caldwell.
Trustee Business
3. A. Dr. King referred the Trustees to the two assessment reports regarding the condition of the Elm building that was included in the Board packet. Both Novus Architects and MSS Solutions, L.L.C., completed a site survey of the Elm building and recommend razing the building. The Trustees also viewed a video of the conditions of the Elm building.
At the March 12 Executive Committee meeting, the College was asked to put together a long-range maintenance plan for all buildings on campus. The Plan has been completed and includes cost estimates of all maintenance that needs to be performed on all campus buildings. For this purpose, Dr. King stated that $1.5 Million will be included in the College’s budget request to Buncombe County for necessary and immediate building maintenance.
The Buncombe County Commissioners asked the College to provide a list of construction priorities for the campus. The College’s top three priorities are:
- A new building to replace the Elm building.
- The completion of the fifth floor of the Allied Health and Workforce Development Building.
- The renovation of the third floor of the Sycamore building.
Dr. King stated that the College is planning for a joint working meeting between the Board of Trustees and the Buncombe County Commissioners, to further discuss A-B Tech needs.
The Trustees discussed various options for the campus at length. The Trustees agreed the top priority of the College is to focus on the growth and the future of the College, and that the main concern should be for the students and their education.
Mr. Fryar requested, and the Trustees agreed to ask Mr. Greg Israel to take the lead in the joint working session with the Trustees and Commissioners.
Several Trustees asked to take a tour of the campus. Campus tours will be offered in the near future.
3. B. Chair Brumit asked the Trustees who attended the NCACCT Law/Legislative Seminar to report on the Seminar. Ms. Robin Ramsey stated the Seminar was riveting and complemented Campbell Shatley on a wonderful presentation. Ms. Hallum agreed and enjoyed the Seminar as well.
3. C. Mr. Greg Mayo discussed 360 Degree Evaluations with the Board. The 360-degree evaluation is a tool that was designed to use as an annual review. The reviewee would evaluate themselves, and supervisors and employees would evaluate the reviewee as well. The evaluation consists of universal management competencies, is online, and takes approximately twenty minutes to complete.
Chair Brumit added that the 360 Degree Evaluation would be completed in addition to the annual President’s evaluation required by the North Carolina Community College System. The Trustees agreed to have the President participate in the 360 Degree Evaluation.
3. D. Chair Brumit asked the Trustees to nominate an additional member to serve on the Executive Committee. Mr. Fryar nominated Mr. Bell, and Mr. Brigman nominated Ms. Frances Ramsey. Mr. Bell stated that Ms. Frances Ramsey had more experience as a Trustee for A-B Tech and that Mr. Bell would withdraw his name from consideration.
On a motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Bell, the Board unanimously appointed Ms. Frances Ramsey to the Executive Committee.
3. E. The Trustees discussed the Senate Bill regarding Community College Board Governance. The Bill would provide for circumstances in which the State Board of Community Colleges may appoint an interim Board of Trustees to assume the powers and duties of a Board of Trustees, to require that a Board of Trustees meet at least once every two months, and to authorize the State Board of Community Colleges to require financial audits in certain circumstances.
Dr. King stated that SACSCOC has specific criteria within the accreditation criteria of the College which states that the Board must act independently. The State Board of Community Colleges and SACSCOC have agreed to jointly work on the Bill.
President's Report
Dr. King shared the following news with the Board:
- Congratulations to Trustee William Murdock who has been selected to the National Wrestling Hall of Fame!
- Dr. King introduced Mr. Darryl Rhymes to the Board. Mr. Rhymes is the Special Assistant to the President for Inclusion and Employment for the College. Mr. Rhymes is a valued employee, has been with the College for over nine years, and serves on all employee search committees.
Mr. Rhymes addressed the Board and stated that it was a pleasure working with the College and that he was looking forward to diversifying the College’s workforce and campus.
- Dr. King discussed the Compliance Audit Procedures for Year Ended June 30, 2016. The State audits the College on student financial aid loans and student loan defaults. The College has hired a company to help lower student loan default rates, and the percentage of defaults has decreased from 22 percent to 16 percent.
Dr. King asked Dr. Brasier to discuss the Financial Aid Audit Report with the Board. Dr. Brasier informed the Board that the College has a program participation agreement to administer Pell Grants, student loans, etc., and part of the agreement is that the College has to remain compliant with the rules and regulations set by the Department of Education.
The Audit resulted in two findings related to the overpayment of loans to students, and not reporting out-of-compliance students in a timely manner. The College takes student compliance very seriously and is building an internal reporting system in an effort to stop recurring non-compliance with student loans.
- Congratulations to Dr. Dolly Horton who has been appointed as the Vice President of Academic and Student Services at Isothermal Community College. Dr. Horton almost single-handedly moved the College into the Allied Health and Continuing Education Building and will be greatly missed.
- The Human Resources department recognized employees who have five or more years of employment with the College. Employees with fifteen or more years with the College were invited to enjoy a dinner provided by the College’s award-winning Culinary team.
- The High School Visitation and Open House Days were a huge success. Over 500 people attended the Open House, and over 700 attended High School Visitation Day.
Dr. King introduced Ms. Lisa Bush, Executive Director of Enrollment Management, to the Trustees. Ms. Bush informed the Trustees that the College hosted over 1,200 employers and vendors at the Open House. The College received excellent feedback from this event.
Ms. Bush continued by describing the High School Visitation Day. Students from Buncombe, Madison, and Haywood Counties, as well as homeschooled students all enjoyed a day on campus seeing all that A-B Tech has to offer. Both events were very successful.
- The College received a $30,000 donation from Blossman Gas, to be used for aviation scholarships.
- Dr. King showed the Trustees a video made by Duke Energy highlighting the A-B Tech Brewing Program.
Mr. Bell questioned the Trustees as to why there isn’t more diversity in the Brewing Program and challenged the Trustees to take the responsibility of recruiting minorities in the community into programs such as Brewing. Chair Brumit asked Mr. Bell for the name of someone in the minority community who could help the College with recruiting minority students. Mr. Bell will discuss this issue at any time and will provide as much input as possible toward recruiting efforts.
Staff Report
Ms. Kaye Schmidt updated the Trustees on the following 2016-2019 Strategic Plan Initiatives:
- 2.1.2. – Develop and implement a College Diversity and Inclusion Plan:
- The College has a dedicated Special Assistant to the President for Inclusion position in Human Resources. This position focuses efforts on diversity recruitment and serves on full-time interview committees to ensure equitable hiring practices.
- A cross-functional committee has begun the process of creating a Diversity and Inclusion Plan to support the 2016-19 strategic goals of the College.
- Employment opportunities are advertised with local agencies and in the following publications.:
- Green Opportunities
- La Voz
- Urban News
- CIMA- Compañeros Inmigrantes de las Montañas en Acción
- ALAS – Asheville Latin Americans Achieving Success
- Nuestro Centro – For our people
- Foreign language chairs at UNC-A and WCU
- English Language Acquisition and Foreign Language instructors at A-B Tech
- Advertise full-time positions on the national Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) website.
- Utilize concepts from Incorporating Diversity Principles into the Selection Process webinar to train faculty and staff who participate on hiring committees.
- Diversity and Inclusion emails are sent weekly to approximately 327,522 job seekers for selected full-time faculty and staff positions.
- Job notices for all full-time faculty and professional staff positions are sent to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in North Carolina and the Southeast.
- Active as one of the founding members of the Western North Carolina Diversity Engagement Coalition (WNC DEC). Professional development, mentoring, and networking activities are offered to support multicultural individuals, and resumes are shared among the member organizations to promote hiring opportunities.
- Maximizing Interview Skills class is taught at the main campus and other partners - Green Opportunities, WNC DEC, Goodwill, and Western Carolina Rescue Ministries.
- Human Resources staff are active on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast Board and the Western North Carolina Human Resources Association Diversity Committee.
- Human Resources and Student Services staff co-chair the College’s Diversity and Inclusion committee. Activities and events foster awareness and understanding of diversity issues through interactive learning opportunities for faculty, staff, students, and the public.
- A-B Tech partners with the YWCA to host the annual Stand Against Racism event.
- Served as a host site and financially supported a group of employees to attend Building Bridges.
- 2.1.4. – Enhance employee use of flex-time and alternative work schedules. Ms. Alexa Bazley informed the Board that flexible working hours are perceived as the number one benefit of an employer. Studies have found that productivity and job satisfaction increase. The College is making minor changes to existing procedures to allow for more employees to take part in flexible work schedules.
SGA Report
President Andrea Howell provided the following report to the Board:
- The focus this spring has been on getting students engaged on campus to improve the College experience for themselves and our fellow students. We are doing this by encouraging involvement in:
- College activities, events, and SGA clubs and societies.
- Surveying the campus as a group for inclusiveness and accessibility.
- SGA hosted UNCA student Madeline Delp, Ms. Wheelchair USA.
- Ms. Delp toured the campus to see how easily a student in a wheelchair could access the main areas on campus, classrooms, and restroom facilities.
- We found our campus offers much in the way of wheelchair accessibility.
- Findings have been submitted to Dirk Wilmoth to ensure that opportunities for improvement are placed in the hands of those that help make our campus the most accessible and inclusive we can offer these students.
- The SGA hosted a campus-wide Manna Food Bank Drive:
- 491 lbs. of food were collected
- Overall totals for A-B Tech:
- 21,540 lbs. food
- 197 service hours
- $8,014 donations
- The SGA is preparing for the big spring student activity day for Earth Day on April 19
- This is the major semester student engagement event of spring with a lot of activities, community resources, and ways to participate in sustainability and fellowship.
- SGA elected new student officers for the 2017-2018 term:
- Iris Frost – President
- Denise Duncan – V.P.
- Rojildredys Celestin – Secretary
- SGA had several speakers this semester
- Dr. King
- Stella Galyean from financial aid
- Dirk Wilmoth
On a motion by Mr. Brigman, seconded by Mr. Fryar, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary