The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College/Buncombe County Joint Capital Advisory Committee convened a meeting on Thursday, August 29, 2019, at 1:30 p.m. in the Simpson Building President's Conference Room.
The following A-B Tech representatives were present: Roger Metcalf, Board of Trustees (Chair); Matt Kern, Board of Trustees; Dr. Dennis King, President; Dirk Wilmoth, CFO.
The following Buncombe County representatives were present: Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, Commissioner (by phone); Al Whitesides, Commissioner (Vice Chair); Matt Evans, Financial Planning Analyst, Buncombe County.
Others present for the meeting included: Robert Lane, Community Member; Michael Mace, General Services Director, Buncombe County; Ronald Lunsford, Facilities and Construction Coordinator, Buncombe County.
Call to Order
Call to Order at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, August 29, 2019.
Roger Metcalf opened the meeting with introductions, which included two guests from Buncombe County. Michael Mace, General Service Director, and Ronald Lunsford, Facilities and Construction Coordinator.
Chairperson Metcalf presented the minutes for approval. Mr. Kern motioned to approve the minutes as submitted, seconded by Mr. Whitesides, none opposed, motion carried. Minutes have been approved and will be maintained by the Board of Trustees and Board of Commissioners, to be publically posted on the A-B Tech website.
Chairperson Metcalf opened the floor to review the proposed by-laws. Ms. Beach-Ferrara requested the addition of language to clarify the approval process. Mr. Whitesides moved to approve the by-laws with changes, seconded by Mr. Kern, all in agreement, and none opposed, the motion carried. The committee has approved the by-laws with changes which will be presented to the A-B Tech Board of Trustees for approval at the October 7 meeting.
Chairperson Metcalf opened the floor to discuss nominations for the position of Vice-Chair. Mr. Kern moved to nominate Mr. Whitesides, seconded by Ms. Beach-Ferrara. No other nominations were presented, all in agreement, none opposed, and the motion was carried. The committee approved Mr. Whitesides to preside as the Vice-Chair.
Article 46 Fund Balance Update
Mr. Evans provided a current fund balance and forecast review of Article 46 funds. The committee requests a copy of Senate Bill 267 to review any language that may allow Buncombe County to potentially allocate Article 46 funds to needs other than A-B Tech. Dr. King will distribute copies of Senate Bill 267 to the committee.
Article 46 Funding Requests 2019-2020
Dr. Wilmoth presented to the committee the requests for additional Article 46 funds as recommended by the A-B Tech Administration totaling $2,440,000.00 They are as follows:
Projects | Estimated Cost |
Emergency Projects | $40,000 |
Energy Conservation Measures | $500,000 |
Enka | ———— |
Facility Assessment and Master Plan | $125,000 |
First-Year Programmatic Capital Investments | $75,000 |
New TCC Roofs | $1,700,000 |
Totals | $2,440,000 |
Mr. Kern motioned to approve the Article 46 Funding Requests 2019-2020 in the amount of $2,440,000.00, subject to A-B Tech Board of Trustee approval. Motion seconded by Vice-Chair Whitesides. All in agreement, none opposed, motion carried. The committee approves the allocation of $2,440,000.00 of Article 46 funds for the requested projects subject to A-B Tech Board of Trustee approval. If approved the Article 46 Funding Requests 2019-2020 will move to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners for final review and approval at the October 1, 2019 meeting.
Vice-Chair Whitesides motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:30 pm, seconded by Mr. Kern.