Law Enforcement Continuing Education and In-Service Training

Welcome to the A-B Tech Law Enforcement Training page.

Listed below are upcoming Law Enforcement Training classes that will be offered through A-B Tech. If you have any questions or if there is a training program you would like to see offered in the future, please let us know.

Course registration is restricted to sworn law enforcement officers. Federal law enforcement and company police officers are not fee-exempt.

A-B Tech Law Enforcement Training Staff

R. Daryl Fisher, MPA, FBI NA231
Director, Law Enforcement Training

C. Jeff Augram
Deputy Director/QA, Law Enforcement Training

To complete or print out the registration form go to the Law Enforcement Training Continuing Education Data Form.

Please email completed registration forms to

Classes Offered for 2025

This class is now full and registration is closed.

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail it back to Daryl Fisher at so we can get an accurate count of attendees.

Hosted by Special Agent Christopher Campbell, NCSBI

Free for sworn law enforcement

Covered topics:

  • Advanced Techniques associated with interrogation
  • The breakdown of certain mental health conditions can affect the collection of truth from individuals
  • Sociopathic vs. Psychopathic behaviors and how they can affect interrogations
  • Generational gaps and the psychology of how interrogation shifts based on age differences

This class will cover advanced techniques outside the typical interrogation practice spectrum and some theorized forms of lie detection. These practices are more in-depth when conducting interviews or interrogations with more difficult individuals based on multiple factors. While not all of these tactics can be used on every individual, the theories behind these advanced techniques are fact-based.

It is recommended that individuals take this class with previous training in interrogations and/or experience in interrogations.

This 3-day course provides basic, entry-level training for those who are assigned to work with street gangs. Instruction on how to recognize and identify gang members and gang insignia; ways to develop sources of information about gang activities within the community; and multi-jurisdictional approaches to gang investigations.

Who Should Attend: Training is offered to sworn officers from North Carolina. Officers / Investigators / Detectives or Agents that have limited experience, but little formal training in street gang investigations, including Detention / Corrections.

Instructional Staff: Experienced and seasoned law enforcement and criminal justice professionals from the North Carolina Gang Investigators Association who are dedicated to the prevention of gang-related activity within the state of North Carolina.

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail Law Enforcement Training Coordinator Daryl Fisher at

Hosted by Special Agent Christopher Campbell, NCSBI

Free for sworn law enforcement

Covered topics:

  • Psychology of Deception Detection
  • Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Physical Cues
  • Micro/Macro Expressions
  • Rapport Building
  • Verbal Communication
  • Statement Collection
  • Legal Issues in Interrogations


This class will discuss the entry-level aspects of interrogation, including room setup, rapport building, information gathering, and confrontation while moving into mid-level interrogation tactics. This class will give a psychological understanding of deception education, how deception detection works, and the best practices used in typical interviewing tactics. A multitude of videos will be used and broken down during the course to show interrogation tactics along with created scenarios to be worked through in class. Legal concepts will also be covered during this course.

  • March 31 - April 4, 2025 (40-hour initial course)
  • July 15, 2025 (Refresher course - 8-hours)
  • November 17 - 21, 2025 (40-hour initial course)

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail it back to Daryl Fisher at so we can get an accurate count of attendees.

To be accepted in this class, we will need for our records a Report of Appointment, completed Sheriff's Standards Forms F-1 and F-2 (Medical Physical), and a completed registration form (blank attached). For the F-1 and F-2, these can be a copy of the original hiring physical exam documents as long as they are within 12 months of April 17, 2023. Dress attire for the class will be your agency uniform unless otherwise specified by the instructor. Please complete the attached registration form and return it to either me or Jeff Augram.

Students will also need the DOCC Student Kit consisting of the DOCC Student Manual (January 2023 edition), DOCC Indexes, and the DOCC Binder. The Kit can be purchased for $65.50 through the NC Justice Academy Bookstore on the North Carolina Justice Academy Bookstore website.


Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail it back to Daryl Fisher at so we can get an accurate count of attendees.

March 17, 2025, through March 21, 2025

This 40-hour/credit course will teach the experienced officer the basic concepts of management and employee relations by providing the knowledge and skills required to effectively supervise personnel within a law enforcement agency or detention facility. Laptop computers are highly encouraged for this class.

The Lead Instructor, Rusty Sweezy, has many years of law enforcement experience and is currently with Mars Hill University. Rusty brings many years of leadership experience to the classroom from his positions at the Hendersonville Police Department, NC Justice Academy, and the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office. Rusty is also our lead instructor for the WNC Law Enforcement Leadership Academy.

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail it back to Daryl Fisher at so we can get an accurate count of attendees.

The class is three full days and includes both lectures and practical exercises every day.  The subject matter includes latent processing with powders, crime scene photography, evidence collection and packaging, biological and ballistic evidence recognition, and collection, sketching, and searching crime scenes. This class provides a lot of information and practical knowledge for anyone investigating crimes.

The lead instructor will be Leigh Thomas, MSCJ, CSCSA, of the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office. CSI Supervisor Thomas brings years of training and operational experience into the classroom, having processed high-profile crime scenes during her tenure with the Asheville Police Department and now with the Sheriff's Office.

The General Instructor Certification Training is designed for any Criminal Justice person planning to teach in any course mandated by either the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission or the Sheriffs' Education and Training Commission. Applicants for the class are required to successfully complete this course and apply for certification as a probationary general instructor upon successful completion.

To attend this course and become a probationary general instructor, applicants must have a minimum of four years of practical criminal justice experience.

It is our goal at A-B Tech to provide the information necessary for the students to competently and confidently research, plan, prepare, present, and evaluate a block of instruction in accordance with the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Model. The student will be required to develop a lesson plan with support materials sufficient for a 70-minute block of instruction. The student will further be required to construct a test appropriate to the 70-minute block of instruction. And finally, the student will be required to teach a 70-minute block of instruction that effectively and efficiently utilizes audio-visual aids.

The class size is limited to 16 students. Agencies with 200 plus employees will be limited to 4 total slots per agency per class. Agencies with less than 200 employees will be limited to 2 total slots per agency per class.

The classes are scheduled as follows:

  • No classes scheduled at this time

Attached to our website is a Blank Registration Form. Please complete the form, scan it, and send it back to me by e-mail.

The Identifying Predominant Aggressors class will cover topics like abuser behaviors, traumatic responses from victims of domestic violence, dual arrests/when to arrest, and context, intent, and effect in determining predominant aggressors while responding to incidents of domestic violence. The class is an 8-hour instruction, facilitated by Kevin Long, the Helpmate LAP coordinator, and April Burgess-Johnson, Helpmate’s Executive Director.

The class size is limited to 20 students. Tuition cost is waived for all sworn law enforcement officers but completion of college registration documentation is required at the start of the class.

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail Law Enforcement Training Coordinator Daryl Fisher at

If needed, we will do a waitlist. Additional classes will be added to our website when available.

  • Intoxylizer Recertification:
    • January 6 - 10, 2025
    • May 7 - 9, 2025
  • Intoxylizer Operator Certification:
    • February 10 - 14, 2025
    • May 12 - 16, 2025

Registration for this course must be completed through the NC Justice Academy Training Portal. More information can be found at Forensic Tests for Alcohol: Law Enforcement Training.

Buncombe County Training Center Driving Track

We have an outstanding (and fun) behind the steering wheel 8-hour class in vehicle control, utilizing our new SkidCar through cone courses on our driving track. Our SkidCar uses a controller that lifts or lowers the front and rear tires of the vehicle independently. This alters traction to simulate speed and other inclement driving conditions that cause a vehicle to lose grip, without the need for water or special surfaces. SkidCar allows the driver to experience real dynamics, real emotion, and real physical response in a way that no other driver's training tool can. Officers only need to attend one day and seating is limited to enable the most behind-the-wheel time possible. Our driving instructors will be Sgt Robbie Baker with the NC SHP and Sgt Dustan Auldridge with the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office.

Seating is limited to 10 people each day. Please select which session you would like to attend.

If you have questions about the course, you may contact Sgt. Dustan Auldredge. Email or by Phone (828) 337-7428

To register for this class please contact:

Jeff Augram at A-B Tech

24-Hour Training Course

For More Information Contact:
Class Description:

This course exposes participants to the key elements necessary to be successful as chiefs of police/heads of a law enforcement agency. A variety of topics and techniques will be covered that will prepare participants to engage in a management style that will foster a rewarding and successful career as a police chief or head of a law enforcement agency.

The focus of the training will serve to facilitate executive-level decision-making techniques that will lead the participants down the road to success. The learning environment and course exercises will be interactive with frequent group discussions designed to draw on the experience and expertise of the participants themselves as well as from the experience the instructor brings to the class.

Practical and scenario-based exercises, along with information sharing and discussion within the class, will provide the opportunity for the course, participants, to understand issues from many different viewpoints to assist them in grasping the concepts as they are discussed.

Participants will work individually and in small or large groups and present assigned projects to the class. Participants will be presented with material and instruction designed to facilitate and encourage positive, developmental, forward-thinking roles for leading their agencies. This is accomplished by not only helping the participant to become successful but by assisting in heading his/her agency in a successful direction.

Who Should Attend:

Advanced/Senior Level Officers and Command Level Officers seeking to develop their leadership skills and abilities.

Course Topics and Areas of Instruction:

Leadership Theories and Approaches, Application of Leadership Principles, Foundations of Organization Leadership, Challenges of Leadership, Organizational Crisis, Lincoln on Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times, and Stories of Leadership

Instructors Chief Scott Bissinger and LT Mike Murphy, Buncombe Co. Sheriff’s Office

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail it back to Scott Bissinger at

A-B Tech is offering a seated session of the 2024 Mandatory In-Service Training (MIST). Instructors are Chief Scott Bissinger and LT Mike Murphy, Buncombe Co. Sheriff’s Office. You must attend all 3 days to receive credit.

The classes will be delivered on the following dates:

  • There are no classes scheduled at this time
  • January 2 - 4, 2025 (Thurs, Fri, Sat)
  • January 10 - 11 (Fri, Sat) (40 hour course)

This 40-hour/credit course is for all certified law enforcement officers who are currently assigned or will be assigned as School Resource Officers. The goal of this course is to provide the officer with the history, philosophy, and basic skills necessary to serve as a School Resource Officer. Participants will receive instruction in school-based law, ways to handle exceptional students and classroom instruction techniques.

  • January 27 - 31, 2025 (40 hour course)

This 40-hour course is for law enforcement officers tasked with providing field training to law enforcement recruits who have completed BLET or equivalent training. It will focus on understanding the various roles that an FTO must fulfill and the basic requirements of their position.

The lead instructor will be Detective Michael Thueme of the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office. Detective Thueme brings an array of training and patrol operational experience to the classroom. Attendees will need to purchase the Field Officer Training Manual through the NC Justice Academy Book Store. Laptop computers are highly encouraged.

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail it back to Daryl Fisher at so we can get an accurate count of attendees.

Presented by Crisis Systems Management, LLC

Asheville, NC


The Crisis Negotiation Team of the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office is teaming with the Law Enforcement Training Unit at A-B Tech Woodfin to bring a class provided by Crisis Systems Management, LLC. The class provided is Negotiating with Special Populations (Advanced)

Registration for the training class will be done through Crisis Systems Management, LLC.

The registration fee is $595.00 through Crisis Systems Management, LLC.

Local, County, and State Law Enforcement Officers from North Carolina can also receive Continuing Education Credit through A-B Tech.

If questions arise, please contact Deputy Jared Porshia at

Hosted By: Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

Location: Buncombe County Training Center
24 Canoe Lane
Asheville, NC 28804

Registration Fee: $595 per person

Lodging: Hilton Garden Inn-Asheville South

9 Rocky Ridge Rd.
Asheville, NC

Phone: (828) 633-6024

Ask for the state government rate.


Registration, Curriculum/Prerequisite Questions:
Christel Boeck
Regarding the Training Site:
Buncombe Sheriffs’ Office

January 2025

  • Basic Radar Operator January 27 - 29, 2025
  • Radar Recert January 30, 2025
  • Radar & Lidar Recert January 30, 2025
  • State Testing January 31, 2025

March 2025

  • Basic Radar Operator March 10 - 12, 2025
  • Radar Recert March 13, 2025
  • Radar & Lidar Recert March 13, 2025
  • State Testing March 14, 2025

May 2025

  • Basic Lidar Operator May 27, 2025
  • Radar Recert May 28, 2025
  • Radar & Lidar Recert May 28, 2025
  • State Testing May 30, 2025

July 2025

  • Basic Radar Operator July 7 - 9, 2025
  • Radar Recert July 10, 2025
  • Radar & Lidar Recer July 10, 2025
  • State Testing July 11, 2025

October 2025

  • Basic Radar Operator September 29 - October 1, 2025
  • Radar Recert October 2, 2025
  • Radar & Lidar Recert October 2, 2025
  • State Testing October 3, 2025

All basic and recertification testing will occur at A-B Tech Woodfin the same week as training.

A copy of the operator’s current, valid operator certificate must accompany registration forms for recertification classes.

A current, valid Radar operator certificate must accompany any registration forms for Lidar Operator school.

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail it back to Daryl Fisher at so we can get an accurate count of attendees.

A-B Tech is partnering with the Asheville Police Department (APD) to offer Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) at A-B Tech Woodfin.

The first day of class will start at 8 a.m. and the remainder of the class start times will be scheduled by the instructor.

Lead Instructor: Officer Hunter Welborn

Hunter Welborn is an officer with the Asheville Police Department and was assigned to the joint Asheville City/ Buncombe County DWI Task Force. Hunter takes DWI offenses very seriously and is committed to providing the best training possible to officers of North Carolina. Officers testifying about SFST tests performed in the field must be court-certified as experts before testimony will be allowed about any SFST test performed. Hunter will have an array of assist instructors with extensive experience in SFST performance and DWI enforcement.

This class will cover how to properly recognize and identify injuries caused by strangulation, as well as injuries commonly caused by incidents of domestic violence. Topics will include the associated risks and effects of strangulation, how to properly photograph and document injuries, proper terminology, and improving reporting for prosecution purposes. This is an 8-hour instruction, facilitated by Kevin Long, the Helpmate LAP coordinator, as well as Jacqueline Maillet, the Mission Health Forensic Nurse Supervisor, and Assistant District Attorney Kyle Sherard.

Please print off this registration form, complete it, and e-mail Law Enforcement Training Coordinator Daryl Fisher at


The student must meet the following prerequisites: currently certified as a law enforcement officer and actively assigned to a SWAT team. Students must provide a letter from the Agency, stating that they qualify and meet the prerequisites. This letter must be attached to their enrollment request and must be on the employing agency’s letterhead.

Resources Required:

Students must bring with them (materials required): a handgun with at least three magazines, 700 rounds of practice ammunition for a handgun, a tactical belt and holster, a long gun (SMG/Carbine/Shotgun) with at least three magazines, 700 round practice ammunition for long-gun, flashlight, tactical clothing, rain gear, body armor, gas mask with filter, hearing/eye protection, billed ball cap and ballistic helmet.

The Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program (ASTITP) is designed to provide an officer with high-quality training and instill the analytical knowledge, skills, and aptitudes needed for the highest proficiency in this specialized field. The course takes Active Shooter Threat Tactics Training to the next level by emphasizing leadership, teach-backs, and adult learning as well as the traditional technical skills needed by field training officers and special agents. This course is an intensive training program that covers a variety of tactical subject matters to include: individual and team movement and operational formation. In addition, this program focuses on the role of the field trainer and emphasizes evaluation skills and documentation requirements.

For more information, please contact Captain Dustan Auldredge with the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office -

To register visit FLETC Notice and Consent Banner, US Department of Homeland Security Warning Statement

The following courses are being developed and training dates will be posted once confirmed. Some classes may only be offered on an as-needed basis.

  • Detention Officer Certification (DOCC)
  • General Instructor Training
  • Social Media Investigations
  • Taser Certification
  • Telecommunicator Certification

Course registration is restricted to sworn law enforcement officers. Federal law enforcement and company police officers are not fee-exempt.