Testing for Current Students

Testing for Students with Approved Accommodations

Testing for students with approved accommodations through A-B Tech's Support Services. The Testing Center maintains a copy of approved testing accommodations for each semester as requested by the student and approved by the Support Services office. Students should seek approval for accommodations at least two weeks prior to any testing. Provisions include mobility-accessible testing stations, separate rooms for testers with readers/scribes, and separate spaces for noise/distraction-free testing. Appointments should be scheduled by emailing the Testing Center at testingcenter@abtech.edu.

Students can schedule to test at the link below.

Testing Center Scheduling

TEAS Testing

To find more information, visit TEAS Testing.

Placement Testing

Students should remember these important items when ready to test:

  • A Photo ID is REQUIRED for all testing (your A-B Tech Student ID is a great option).
  • The following items ARE permitted in the Testing Center:
    • Photo ID.
    • Locker key.
    • Tissues.
    • Ear plugs or muffs are provided by the Testing Center.
    • Items approved by an instructor or by Support Services (may include a personal calculator, books for open-book tests, etc).
  • Lockers are available to store all other personal belongings (including large coats) during testing sessions.
  • Appointments can be scheduled on the Testing Center Scheduling page.