December 16, 2013 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, December 16, 2013, at 3:30 p.m. in Magnolia Dining Room. Joe Brumit, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board were present: Troy Ball, Wayne Brigman, Chair Joe Brumit, Bill Hart, Richard Hurley, Don Locke, Kaye Myers, John Parham, Vice-Chair Ray Spells, Mandy Stone, David Wyatt, and Jayne English.

Others present for the meeting included: Mr. Mike Fryar, Dennis King, Interim President, Brian Willis, Vice President for Information Technology/CIO, Lisa Evans, Interim Vice President Business & Finance, Kaye Waugh, Vice President Human Resources and Organizational Development, Shelley White, Senior Executive Director for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education, Terry Brasier, Vice President for Student Services, Joe Bace, Executive Director Facilities, and Operations, Kerri Glover, Director, Communications Relations and Marketing, and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Call To Order

Mr. Brumit read the ethics statement, and no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.


Swearing In

Mr. Mike Fryar was sworn in as a new Board member by Judge Calvin Hill at 3:35 p.m.


Consent Agenda

Mr. Hart moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Minutes of October 7, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, B. Minutes of October 14, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, C. Minutes of October 23, 2013, Special Called Board Meeting, D. Personnel Actions, E. Budget Resolution Amendment, F. State Funds Budget Transfers, G. Schedule of Investments, H. Approval of New and Revised Policies, H.1. Workers’ Compensation, H.2. Family and Medical Leave, I. Approval of Policies for Deletion, I.1. Summary of Part-Time Benefits. Mr. Hart asked why the Workers’ Compensation and the Family and Medical Leave policies had changed. Ms. Kaye Waugh answered that the Workers’ Compensation policy was new and that the Family and Medical Leave policy was revised to make it current with new regulations. The motion was seconded by Ms. Stone and approved unanimously by the Board.


Guest Speaker

Ms. Jennifer Haygood, Executive Vice President/CFO of the North Carolina Community College System spoke to the Board regarding the roles, process, and criteria involved in the upcoming Presidential Search. Ms. Haygood stated that the role of a Board of Trustees is to elect a College President. This should be the Board’s number one priority and is the most important decision the Board will make. The selection will be a local process with the State Board having the final review and approval of the candidate. Ms. Haygood will be the Board’s contact from the State throughout the Presidential selection process.

The process of selecting a new President will be determined by a Board set timeline. A Presidential search typically takes nine months and it is up to the Board whether to use a search firm or local resources. The State doesn’t have any set requirements for the selection process is conducted. The Board will decide how to advertise, search, review applications, and finally narrow down the final candidates. The Board should have between three and five finalists.

The Board will provide the names of the finalists to Ms. Haygood who will then begin the State vetting process. The vetting process will take approximately two weeks. Once the candidates are vetted, their names are sent to the State’s Personnel Committee which will assess the finalists and provide Chair Brumit with a report on their findings.

The Board of Trustees then negotiates the terms of employment with the final candidate. The State salary is set at $154,387 plus any subsequent funds available from local sources and the College Foundation that the Board decides to use.

Ms. Myers asked what would happen if the State flagged a candidate as unacceptable. Ms. Haygood replied that the State Board will communicate any issues and concerns to the Board of Trustees. Ms. Haygood allowed that she had never seen a local Board override a State flagged candidate, but the Board of Trustees would still have the right to hire that flagged candidate. However, it should be presumed that the State Board would not give final approval to a flagged candidate. Ms. Myers asked if there would be any commentary on an approved candidate from the State. Ms. Haygood stated no – the candidate will be good or not.

Ms. Haygood urged the Board to think specifically about the search process. Honesty and integrity are the most important qualities for a President. Competence in developing a team, the ability to inspire others, and develop a shared vision of where the College will go. Ms. Haywood cautioned the Board to be aware of appearance versus substance, and to dig deep into all candidates.

Ms. Myers asked if the Board wanted to promote from within the College if that candidate would still need to go through the State vetting and approval process. Ms. Haygood confirmed that the candidate would still have to be approved by the State Board.

Ms. Haygood concluded by stressing the importance of having full community support for the next College President and setting the next leader up for success. Ms. Haygood will check in with the Board periodically and is available for any questions during the process.


Resolutions/Action Items

4. A. On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Fryar, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Ms. Stone to the Executive Committee.

4. B. On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Ms. Ball, the Board unanimously approved the termination of the Craggy Prison Food Service and Human Services Programs. Dr. Gene Loflin explained to the Board that the Craggy Prison programs have been terminated for over a year, but according to SACSCOC regulations, all new and terminated programs must be approved by the Board.


Trustee Business

5. A. Dr. Locke presented and recommended the following steps to use for the Presidential search process:

  1. Formation of a Search and Advisory Committee:
    1. Committee will draft job descriptions, applications, and advertisements in conjunction with College staff and College attorneys.
    2. The committee solicits input from stakeholders, and community and College-wide forums.
    3. The committee posts announcements in three national publications and utilizes free association postings.
    4. The committee reviews the profile.
    5. The committee presents a final candidate profile based on input from stakeholders and forums.
  2. College Counsel and Law Firm vetting:
    1. Drafts confidentiality agreement for Trustees and Search Committee to sign.
    2. Conducts background checks, and internet searches and provides the Trustees with results.
    3. Works with Board to negotiate the final contract.
  3. Full Board participation in the selection process:
    1. The Board has final approval on applications and advertisements.
    2. The Board develops questions and methodology in conjunction with the search committee for the interview process.
    3. The Board views candidates videotaped responses to set questions.
    4. The Board selects four to six finalists for interviews.
    5. The Board members visit the College and campus of the finalists.
    6. The Board submits three names to the State Board of Community Colleges.
  4. Final interview and selection process:
    1. Full day spent with each candidate including a morning campus forum, lunch meeting, meeting with the Executive Leadership Team, an afternoon forum with the community, and a full Board interview concluding with dinner with the candidate and spouse/partner.

Chair Brumit thanked Dr. Locke and Mr. Campbell for their work on the selection process and nominated Dr. Locke as Chair of the Presidential Selection Search Committee. Mr. Fryar asked if College employees were being included in the process, and Chair Brumit stressed that campus involvement with the search was imperative.

Chair Brumit recommended the following as members of the Presidential Search Committee: Dr. Locke as Chair, Carolyn Rice as both Secretary to the Search Committee and representative of staff, Kit Cramer, President & CEO, Asheville Chamber of Commerce, Ann Ponder, Chancellor of UNC Asheville, Kaye Waugh, Vice President Human Resources & Organizational Development, Marlene Roden, Associate Chair, Business Computer Technologies, and President Faculty Association, Sandra Byrd, College Foundation member, Bill Murdock, CEO at Eblen Charities and Entrepreneurial Foundation member, Sandra Tolley, Chairman of the Madison County Board of Education, and Jayne English, President, Student Government Association.

Dr. Parham moved to approve the Presidential Selection Search Process and Committee, and Ms. Stone seconded the motion, which was passed by the Board. Mr. Hart abstained from the vote. Mr. Hart’s brother-in-law is employed by the firm representing the College and Mr. Hart did not want there to be any appearance of possible impropriety.

5. B. Dr. King stressed the importance of Board involvement, as well as members of faculty and staff in the selection of the new CFO for the College. On a motion by Ms. Ball, seconded by Ms. Stone, the Board unanimously, approved Mr. Ray Spells to participate on the College’s CFO Search Committee.

5. C. Mr. Chris Campbell updated the Board on the purchase of the Holt property. The property is 2.71 acres located along Meadow Road and would allow the College contiguous ownership of property abutting the Nursing Home on Victoria Road. The property has appraised for $164,000 and will sell to the College for $150,000. County funds have helped with the survey and expenses. Mr. Campbell advised the Board to purchase the land and to close by the end of the year for tax purposes. Mr. Joe Bace informed the Board that the most important aspect of the land purchase is its location. The Board discussed whether the site is suitable for building, the possibilities of acquiring additional land, the limited amount of land around the College, and the possible future acquisition of more adjoining property.

On a motion by Mr. Wyatt, seconded by Mr. Hurley, the Board unanimously approved the purchase of the Holt Property.


Closed Session

At 4:40 pm, Mr. Locke moved that the Board of Trustees go into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1) and (a)(3) to discuss confidential matters pursuant to G.S. 115D-27 – 29 and to discuss matters covered by the attorney-client privilege including the lawsuit of “The Trustees of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College v. Action Target, Inc. Ms. Myers seconded the motion, which was passed unanimously by the Board.


Return To Open Session

On a motion properly made, the Board returned to open session at 6:05 p.m.



Chair Brumit asked for a motion naming Dr. Dennis King as Interim President. On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Hart, the Board unanimously approved to appoint Dr. Dennis King as Interim President.


Staff Presentation

Joe Bace, Executive Director, Facilities and Operations told the Board that the county agreed to finance a Master Facilities Plan that would encompass both the A-B Tech Asheville Campus and A-B Tech Enka as long as all building stops. The exception to this would be the construction already in process, the multi-purpose building, the parking structure, and the Allied Health building. The master plan would help update the campus, make it relevant, and focus on the future. The plan will describe which buildings can be renovated and for what purposes. The plan will affect A-B Tech Enka in that the master plan will be specifically based on existing buildings, meaning no work can be initiated prior to the master plan being completed. Mr. Bace informed the Board that the land that the TCC building sits on is classified as an inactive hazardous site and is leased from BASF. The actual building for the TCC belongs to the College.

The Trustees discussed possible demolition of the TCC building and the use of County dollars to improve the Haynes Building at A-B Tech Enka. Dr. King recommended spending the money on the Haynes building and appreciates the county funding the Master Facilities Plan.

Dr. Locke announced that the space for the brewing and distilling program will be operating by January 2014. Dr. King added that this was an additional reason for the master facilities plan – to decide what building will be used for what and where programs should be housed.

Mr. Bace concluded by telling the Board he will be working closely with the county as the master plan will take several months to complete. Mr. Bace will update the Board as needed. Dr. King assured the Board that the master planner will be directed to work with employees intimately so the College can make the right decisions as to where to move the programs.


SGA Report

Ms. Jayne English, President of the Student Government Association reported to the Board that the SGA had sponsored a holiday party for 110 headstart students, had doubled the number of Campus volunteers, and agreed to fund the gas and maintenance of a potential shuttle bus program on campus. The Executive Board of the SGA just returned from a conference in New Orleans and enjoyed the many conferences and workshops offered.

Dr. King stressed the importance of the Board attendance at the Board Strategic Planning Kickoff on January 30, 2014, at 9:00 am in the Fernihurst Building.

Chair Brumit reminded the Board that the Lighting of the Green is on December 17 and 20, 2014.



On a motion by Mr. Hurley, seconded by Mr. Brigman, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. by unanimous consent.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary