The Importance of Life Coaching/Mentoring Orientation

Event date
Location: Elm Building, Room 208A


Free Spring Workshop for Staff, Faculty, and Students

  • Monday, March 11
  • Facilitator: Dr. Joseph Fox
  • Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
  • Location: ELM 208A

“The Importance of Life Coaching/Mentoring” explores mentorship, life coaching, and advocacy as strategies that lead to student success. The focus is on identifying the "sphere of influences" that can provide a positive impact, support, and resources for students, creating a seamless transition from the educational journey to life-sustaining employment, and beginning the process of developing a comprehensive “Life Plan.” Students benefit from this session by discussing the elements of life coaching, including available resources, videos, reflection journals, and groups, as well as one-on-one life coaching sessions.

To register for this session, please visit The Importance of Life Coaching/Mentoring Orientation Workshop. Registration is not required, but strongly encouraged, to help us prepare the best session possible for our participants!

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