Topic: Nonprofit
Are you ready to draft a written strategic plan but wonder “How do we narrow down all these ideas into one document?”
This workshop helps business leaders understand the three questions every well crafted strategic plan should answer.
Funding for Good’s experts will highlight essential components of a written strategic plan and share strategies to ensure that your end product is clear, concise, and compelling. We will explain how to organize the content in a way that that educates and inspires readers.
Participants will learn how a well-designed “strategic planning retreat” contributes to a plan that captures the shared vision of your collective group without ignoring the innovative ideas of individual team members. This workshop is perfect for leaders seeking a wealth of tips, tools, and templates to convert strategic planning conversations and content into one LIVE written plan.
• Learn the three questions every well crafted strategic plan should answer • Walk away with a content checklist for a written strategic plan • Clarify content order and formatting tips • Gain tips on how to facilitate strategic planning conversations in ways that make capturing the content in writing easier • Access a variety of free tools and templates to simplify the strategic planning drafting process
Speaker(s): Funding for Good
Fee: No Cost