Using Resources for Success

Event date
Location: Elm Building, Room 208A


Free Spring Workshop for Staff, Faculty, and Students

  • Monday, April 8
  • Facilitator: Dr. Joseph Fox
  • Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
  • Location: ELM 208A

Students will build upon their identified “Sphere of influences” to identify assets that can assist them in their life journey, leading to success as they map out their life-sustaining journey. Students will focus on setting achievable goals and outcomes, as well as starting the process of creating an asset map of resources. Students benefit from this session by identifying resources and processes that lead not only to student success but also to life success.

To register for this session, please visit Using Resources for Success Survey. Registration is not required, but strongly encouraged, to help us prepare the best session possible for our participants!

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