The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, February 17, 2014, at 1:30 p.m. in the Magnolia Building. Joe Brumit, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Wayne Brigman, Chair Joe Brumit, Mike Fryar, Richard Hurley, Don Locke, Kaye Myers, Wilma Sherrill, Ray Spells, Mandy Stone, David Wyatt, and Jayne English, President SGA.
Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, Interim President; Kaye Waugh, Vice President Human Resources & Organizational Development; Brian Willis, Vice President for Information Technology/CIO; Shelley White, Senior Executive Director for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; Terry Brasier, Vice President for Student Services; Kerri Glover, Director, Communications Relations and Marketing; Melissa Quinley, Vice-President Instructional Services; David White, Director of Research & Planning; Chad Donnahoo, College attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call To Order
Mr. Brumit read the ethics statement; no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.
Presentation To Past Board Members
Dr. King and Chair Brumit recognized and presented Carol Peterson with a plaque for her outstanding contribution as a former member of the Board of Trustees. Tom Alexander, Bobby Capps, and Mary Ruth Fowler were recognized for their contributions as well but were unable to attend the meeting.
Closed Session
The closed session was tabled until April 14, 2014. Chair Brumit asked the Trustees to please read the minutes from prior closed sessions and be prepared to vote on them at the April 14, 2014 meeting. Copies of the closed session minutes are available at the offices of Campbell Shatley and in the President’s office with Carolyn Rice.
Consent Agenda
Dr. Locke moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of item H. Schedule of Fees: A. Minutes of December 16, 2013, Monthly Board Meeting; B. Minutes of January 30, 2014, Monthly Board Meeting; C. Personnel Actions; D. Budget Resolution Amendment; E. State Funds Budget Transfers; F. Schedule of Investments; G. Approval of New and Revised Policies; G.1. Weapons on Campus; G.2. Secondary Employment – Internal and External; G.3. Employment; G.4. Grievance and Reporting Policy; G.5. Diversity and Inclusion; G.6. EEO/Non-Discrimination in the Workforce; G.7. Tobacco Free Campus. Dr. Locke suggested removing item H. Schedule of Fees from the consent agenda as he is opposed to nickel and diming students with additional general education fees. Dr. King will look into alternative methods of funding to cover the fees. Dr. King asked the Board to approve the Schedule of Fees with the exception of pages 14, 15, and 16 which includes the general education fee section. Dr. Locke moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hurley and approved unanimously by the Board. Chair Brumit asked for a resolution to the Schedule of Fees by April 14, 2014.
Resolution/Action Items
2. A. On a motion by Mr. Fryar, seconded by Mr. Brigman, the Board unanimously approved Educational Leave with Pay for ESL Instructor Jennifer Y. Hill for June and July 2014.
Trustee Business
3. A. Jon Creighton, Buncombe County Planning Director/Assistant County Manager presented a construction update to the Board regarding projects on campus. Two parking lots have been completed and the sidewalk project on Victoria Road is ongoing albeit delayed by weather and stormwater requirements.
The contract has been awarded for the construction of the Allied Health Building. The building cost is approximately $32 million and the eighteen-month project has an anticipated finish date of July 2015.
A seven-floor parking garage with 652 spaces will be constructed next to the Sycamore and Elm buildings on the current tennis court site. The garage will be encased with a mesh design.
A multipurpose building with a 26,000 square foot, 800-person auditorium, and catering kitchen will be constructed next to the parking garage on the current parking lot site. Campus police and security will have office space in the building as well.
Mr. Fryar asked if the auditorium would be able to host trade shows similar to an expo center. Dr. King will check with the county to see if the interior design of the building has been finalized.
Finally, Buncombe County has constructed a public training center in Woodfin, NC. The building will be used by A-B Tech for Emergency Management Services, Basic Law Enforcement Training, Fire Service Training programs, etc. The building has twelve classrooms and labs enclosed.
3. B. Dr. Locke updated the Board on the progress of the Presidential search. The Search Committee conducted four public forums seeking input on the characteristics of the next President of A-B Tech. A position description was drafted using input from the forums. The search process is on time and the website is up and operational. Having Chris Campbell and Paula Lovitt from Campbell Shatley as partners with the search process has been very helpful. The closing date for applying has been changed from March 14 to March 17, 2014.
Mrs. Myers gave a brief report on the ACCT Conference in Washington DC. The conference was productive, informative, and a great opportunity for the attendees to hear excellent speakers. The Trustees also had the opportunity to meet with Senators Kay Hagen, Richard Burr, and Marco Rubio who all want to put community colleges at the forefront. Mrs. Myers distributed copies of the Federal Legislative Priorities of the 113thCongress as well as a presentation on Conducting an Effective CEO Search to the Trustees.
President's Report
Dr. King shared the following news:
- Chair Brumit, Dr. King, Ms. Tillman, and Mr. Irvin met with CEO Ms. Jordan of New Belgium in Colorado to explain the capabilities of the College and to offer the services of A-B Tech. New Belgium was unaware that A-B Tech could help with hiring, job fairs, training, etc., and is beginning to see the College as a partner.
- The cleanliness of campus facilities is being addressed. An RFP has been issued for a new cleaning service.
- Plumbing issues are being addressed as well. New Belgium will fund grants from $5,000 to $25,000 for water preservation projects and Grant Writer Laura Pennington is pursuing the possibility of getting a grant for instant flush toilets to be installed on campus.
- Buncombe County has given the College $200,000 to have a Master Facility Plan created. The plan will be completed in September 2014. The College will work with Mathews Architects in Asheville, who will in turn work in conjunction with Coal, Earnest, and Stone from Raleigh and Brailsford and Dunlevy from Washington DC. A deliberate master facility plan will provide the College data on growth, and show the College the direction it should be moving in regarding growing programs on campus.
- Golden Leaf has awarded the College a $200,000 grant to assist with equipment and up fit of the Maple Building for the GE Aviation program. An instructor has been hired for the composites training program and will report to Kevin Kimrey, Director of Economic & Workforce Development. GE Aviation has been engaged with the College at every level of the $1.2 million project; which is also the largest project the College has ever managed. Approximately 60 jobs will be created with the potential for many more. Three hundred current workers will be trained in the facility as well.
- The College’s 2014-2015 Strategic Plan is in the process of being finalized. Board input is being incorporated and the Plan should be completed by the first week of March 2014.
- The lot clearing and tree removal currently in process to make way for the Allied Health Building has resulted in exposing the Early Education Center to the elements. The College will construct a shelter to provide shade, windbreaks, and terrace plantings around the playground to prevent water runoff.
- The College has missed five days of school due to inclement weather. Classes are being made up with online assignments.
SGA Report
SGA President Jayne English shared the following information:
- SGA offices have relocated to the Holly Building in an effort to attract more students to the association.
- The Asheville Transit System has adjusted its schedule for the College, allowing students to arrive on campus earlier than previously.
- Clubs and a number of new programs are getting started for the spring semester.
- The Business Etiquette Dinner was an excellent and large success. For $10 per person, the culinary department provides students with a fine dining experience, complete with etiquette training starting with which fork to use for which course, etc. It is an excellent learning opportunity for the students and prepares them for future business meetings that include a meal.
Chair Brumit reminded the Trustees of the next Board Meeting on April 14, 2014, which will be held in the Holly Building, Rooms 120, 121, and 122.
On a motion by Mr. Spells, seconded by Ms. Stone, the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary