The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened their quarterly meeting on Monday, February 6, 2012, at 1:15 p.m. in Magnolia Dining Room. David Wyatt, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Tom Alexander, Joe Brumit, Mary Ruth Fowler, Bill Hart, Richard Hurley, Don C. Locke, Kaye Myers, John Parham, Carol Peterson, Ray Spells, Chair David Wyatt, Vice-Chair Mandy Stone, and Jonathan Woody, SGA President.
Others present for the meeting included: Hank Dunn, President; Brian Willis, Vice President for Information Technology/CIO; Max Queen, Vice President for Administrative Services; Scott McKinney, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Kaye Waugh, Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Development; Debby Harmon, Interim Vice President for Student Services; Dennis King, Special Assistant to the President for Accreditation; Shelley White, Senior Executive Director for Economic & Workforce Development/Continuing Education; Melissa Quinley, Vice President for Instructional Services; Gene Loflin, Associate Vice President for Instructional Services; Martha Shanks, Secretary to the Board; Sara Smith, Special Assistant to the President; and Chris Campbell, College attorney.
Call To Order
Chair Wyatt read the ethics statement; no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Shanks called roll. A quorum was present. Dr. Dunn asked for a moment of silence in honor of Dr. Joe Roberson, former long-term Trustee of A-B Tech Community College.
Dr. Dunn introduced two members of the A-B Tech Executive Leadership Team in new roles: Dr. Harmon, Interim Vice President of Student Services, and Dr. King, Special Assistant to the President for Accreditation.
Student Presentation
Culinary Hot Food Team:
Sheila Tillman, Associate Dean, Hospitality Education, introduced the Culinary Hot Food Team: Tony Powell, Jamie Witzleben, Drew McLeod, Morgan Heneghan, Josue Garcia, and Patrick O’Cain. The team won the North Carolina Student Culinary Competition on January 7, and on February 22 goes to the American Culinary Federation Southeast Student Culinary Competition. Phi Beta Lambda Kathie Doole, Ed.D, Instructor, and Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Co-Advisor and State Awards Program Director, shared information on chapter activities and projects. Dr. Dunn presented a state excellence award to her in her role with PBL. Two other state awards were relayed through Dr. Doole to PBL co-advisors Marlene Frisbee and Veronica Dooly.
Award Presentation
Bill Teague of the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund presented a grant check to Dr. Dunn for Project Skill-UP Financial Aid for Continuing Education students.
Staff Presentation - Melissa Quinley, Gene Loflin, and Dennis King
Ms. Quinley, Dr. Loflin, and Dr. King gave a thorough summary of two efforts underway:
- the “fifth-year” report due to SACSCOC by April 15, 2012, answering issues of concern to SACSCOC concerning the College’s current accreditation regarding documentation of Institutional Effectiveness in Education Programs, and
- the 2014 10-year reaccreditation process, with a full report due in 2013.
Board members Dr. Locke, Ms. Stone, Mr. Hart, and Ms. Peterson expressed appreciation to President Dunn for his candor in bringing the full scope of the SACSCOC accreditation issues to the Board and confirmed their commitment as a Board to understand the seriousness of the issue and their support of the College’s efforts to address accreditation issues.
Upon a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Ms. Stone, the Board unanimously approved a motion to affirm the College leadership on accreditation issues, support all accreditation endeavors, and communicate their support to the campus and outside community.
Consent Agenda
The Board received the Consent Agenda one week prior to the meeting. Dr. Parham moved to accept the Consent Agenda items to include: (A) Minutes of the November 7, 2011, Quarterly Board meeting, (B) Minutes of the December 12, 2011, Special Called Meeting, (C) Minutes of January 20, 2012, Special Called Meeting, (D) Personnel Actions, (E) Budget Resolution Amendment, (F)Schedule of Investments, (G) State Funds Budget Transfers, (H) Blanket Approval of the President’s Travel fiscal year 2011-2012, (I) Schedule of Fees fiscal year 2012-2013, (J) Self- Supporting Summer Fees 2012, (K) Student Travel: Minimester trip to Ecuador Summer 2012, (L) Approval of New and Revised Policies: 1. Sick Leave, 2. Discipline, 3. Advertising, 4. Intellectual Property, and 5. New Curriculum Program Development. Ms. Peterson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Resolution/Action Items
5. A. Upon a motion by Ms. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Hart, the Board unanimously approved program changes for the fiscal year 2012-2013 at A-B Tech.
5. B. Mr. Campbell, College attorney, relayed to the Board that the College followed state rules, forming a committee (of nine College and County members) to winnow the submittals from architects responding to the request for qualifications to design the Health and Workforce Building. Based on architect qualifications, the committee chose four firms in priority order. Once the Board approves the committee’s selections, staff will negotiate the dollar cost of the contract. If negotiations over the dollar amount are not successful, staff would negotiate with the next firm in line. The College is partnering with Buncombe County on this project, working to set forth the roles of each entity in the process.
Chair Wyatt stated he would entertain a motion to authorize the Chair and President to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County, setting forth the rules and responsibilities of each party regarding all aspects of the new Health and Workforce Building project. Mr. Hart moved to accept the motion, seconded by Mr. Alexander. The motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Upon a motion by Mr. Hart, seconded by Ms. Myers, the Board unanimously approved the committee’s selection and prioritization of the architects to design the Health and Workforce Building.
5. C. & 5. D. Upon a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Hurley, the Board unanimously approved Forms NCCCS 3-1 for 5. C. Asheville Campus Sidewalk and Parking Lot improvements, and 5.D. A-B Tech Enka Interior and Exterior Repair and Renovations.
5. E. Upon a motion by Mr. Hurley, seconded by Ms. Fowler, the Board unanimously approved the Strategic Plan 2012-2013: Areas of Focus.
5. F. Upon a motion by Ms. Fowler, seconded by Mr. Spells, the Board unanimously approved the Vision, Mission, and Values statements for A-B Tech Community College.
Trustee Business
6. A. Ms. Stone, Chair of the President’s Evaluation Committee, stated the committee will use the same process as the Board approved for the President’s Evaluation last year. Committee members are Mr. Hart, Dr. Locke, Ms. Fowler, and Mr. Woody.
6. B. Members discussed a Board Retreat, with a suggestion by Dr. Locke that it be more of a time to get to know each other rather than a business retreat. Chair Wyatt appointed Dr. Locke as Chair of the Board Retreat Committee.
6. C. Chair Wyatt, Dr. Dunn, Ms. Myers, and Mr. Hurley will be attending the ACCT National Legislative Summit in Washington DC on February 13 – 16.
6. D. Ms. Stone summarized issues discussed at the monthly Executive Committee meetings. These issues include SACSCOC updates, and a recommendation by the committee to bring the SACSCOC issue to the full Board at this meeting; the sales tax referendum and moving forward; and budget issues in anticipation of the state budget, including restrictions around pay, raises from the state.
6. E. Mr. Hurley shared a desire for individualized computer training to keep pace with changes in technology. Mr. Spells and Dr. Locke agreed with the importance of such training. Trustees are requested to send Mr. Hurley their requests; he will work with Mr. Willis, A-B Tech’s Vice President for Information Technology/CIO, to accomplish this.
President's Report
7. A. Dr. Dunn discussed the Strategic Plan Update Report for 2011-2012, included in the packet sent to the Board before the meeting. This updated report will be included in the quarterly Board packets going forward.
7. B. The new Health and Workforce Development building is a major priority for the College, but as that effort is being ramped up, the County is moving forward with the training facility, expected to open in the summer of 2013. Also in motion are improvements to the Victoria Road campus parking lots and sidewalks, and upgrades at the A-B Tech Enka facility, which should result in savings in utility costs to the College when completed. Chair Wyatt commended Dr. Dunn for his vision in causing the new building to become a reality.
7. C. Dr. Dunn shared that the A-B Tech Nursing Program has received full approval from the state accrediting board.
7. D. Dr. Dunn shared that the College received a perfect audit rating from the Program Audit 2010.
Other Updates
Spring enrollment is lower in headcount than the College’s goal, but FTE is better than anticipated. The decline in headcount is likely due to the changes the state has made to dual enrollment programs.
It is anticipated the Hemlock Building will cost approximately $2 million to remediate and restore, with an anticipated completion date of October 2012.
Dr. Harmon shared that Student Services is adopting as a top priority an enrollment management model for forecasting, targeting enrollment, and identifying barriers between what the College offers and students’ ability to access learning at A-B Tech. They are also helping students to become aware of government financial aid.
Dr. Dunn and three administrators, Ms. Quinley, Dr. Harmon, and Ms. Olesiuk, are traveling to Dallas in late February for the annual Achieving the Dream Institute. While there, Ms. Quinley and Dr. Dunn plan to visit a new health building at Brookhaven College.
The College, in cooperation with the Asheville Chamber of Commerce, UNCA, and Advantage West, is holding a Skills Gap Symposium at A-B Tech Enka on March 5. Representatives from area businesses and not-for-profit organizations are invited to attend. This is an opportunity to listen and learn what the College can create to prepare employees for jobs in the Western North Carolina area.
The College is undergoing a process review of the College’s enrollment processes, with assistance from a consultant from NC State, Industrial Extension Services. The emphasis is on data integrity and improving process flow.
Reports and Information
A written report from each Vice President/Senior Executive Director on his/her respective division was sent to the Trustees prior to the meeting. Trustees found the reports very informative and had no questions. Mr. Queen has been asked to update the Board at the May quarterly meeting on construction activities on campus.
Mr. Woody, SGA President, reported on a variety of activities SGA has organized and is planning to conduct over the next months. These include a December children’s party, a February 14 “Get Engaged Day” to get students engaged with local entrepreneurs, and a renewed focus on new students on campus. During entrepreneurship week, February 20-24, Culinary is putting on a formal etiquette dinner. During this year’s annual spring break, SGA students will volunteer with a different local organization each day, giving them broad exposure to real-life issues in Asheville.
Mr. Campbell commended Dr. King for his work on the student threat assessment process.
The next quarterly Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Monday, May 7, 2012, at 3:30 p.m. in Magnolia.
The annual A-B Tech Commencement will be held Saturday, May 12, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. in the Sherrill Center on the campus of UNC Asheville.
Upon a motion by Mr. Hurley, seconded by Dr. Locke, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 3:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Shanks
Board Secretary