February 7, 2022 Joint Capital Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

The A-B Tech/Buncombe County Joint Capital Advisory Committee convened a meeting on Monday, February 7, 2022, at 3:00 p.m., via Zoom. Chair Wells, presided.

The following members of the Committee participated. A-B Tech Trustees Judy Lewis and David King; Buncombe County Commissioners Terri Wells and Al Whitesides; and At-Large Representative Robert Lane.

Others present for the meeting included: Dr. John Gossett, A-B Tech President; Dr. Dirk Wilmoth, A-B Tech Vice President of Business/CFO; Matt Evans, Buncombe County Financial Planning Analyst; Michael Mace, Director of Buncombe County General Services Department; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary Pro Tem.


Called to Order

The meeting was called to order, and Dr. Wilmoth welcomed the Committee. Dr. Wilmoth then reviewed the meeting’s Agenda.



Dr. Wilmoth stated that per the Bylaws, the Committee’s Chair, Vice Chair, and Recording Secretary may only serve a one-year term, and therefore, a new Chair and Vice Chair needed to be elected.

Mr. King nominated Commissioner Wells to serve as the Committee’s Chair.

Commissioner Wells agreed to act as the Chair Pro Tem until Commissioner Whitesides was able to join the meeting.

Mr. King withdrew his nomination.

Commissioner Whitesides joined the meeting and agreed that Ms. Wells should be the Chair of the Committee. A formal vote was not taken.

Chair Wells asked the Committee for a nomination for Vice Chair.

Mr. King moved to nominate Mr. Lane as Vice Chair and to extend Mr. Lane’s term on the Committee for an additional year. Commissioner Whitesides seconded the motion. Mr. King, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Wells, and Mr. Whitesides verbally approved the motion. Mr. Lane abstained. The motion passed by a majority vote.

A formal vote for the Chair and the Recording Secretary for the Committee will take place during the next meeting.

Dr. Wilmoth recommended that the Committee move the annual meeting to the third Monday in February due to a conflict with the Buncombe County School Capital Fund Commission.

Commissioner Whitesides moved to amend the Bylaws and to change the annual meeting date to the third Monday in February. Mr. King seconded the motion. Mr. King, Mr. Lane, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Wells, and Mr. Whitesides verbally approved the motion, which passed by unanimous consent.



The Committee reviewed the minutes from the February 8, 2021 meeting. Commissioner Whitesides moved to approve the minutes with one change. Mr. Lane seconded the motion. Mr. King, Mr. Lane, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Wells, and Mr. Whitesides verbally approved the amended minutes, which passed by unanimous consent.


Article 46 Funds

The Committee reviewed projected Article 46 funds. Revenues have been stronger than projected during the pandemic. The annual increase in revenue after this year is projected at eight percent as opposed to four percent in the recent October 2021 projection. As a result, the fund balance projection at the tax provision’s sunset in 2027 more than doubled from October’s $21 Million to $46 Million.

Mr. Evans added that the County used to see a seven percent growth annually and that now it is already at a twenty percent growth year to date. The County expects to have a large surplus.


Status of Current Projects

Dr. Wilmoth stated that the College has several ongoing capital repair projects on the Asheville campus including a new roof on the Dogwood Building, a new storefront, and boiler replacement for the Elm Building, and a chiller replacement in the Magnolia building.

The new roofs for the TCC Building at A-B Tech Enka have been approved and remain out to bid. The College is still negotiating with Pratt & Whitney and Buncombe County for the training facility to be located in the south part of the County.


Projects Approved by the A-B Tech Board of Trustees

A-B Tech’s Board of Trustees approved an Article 46 capital funding request to go to the A-B Tech/Buncombe County Joint Advisory Committee that will restore the stormwater management facilities behind the Hemlock building on the Asheville campus. The College has the potential to receive grants from RiverLink and the City of Asheville to help with the mitigation of the stormwater run-off, which runs into our neighboring properties on Haith Drive. The College is requesting the A-B Tech/Buncombe County Joint Advisory Committee to allocate

$150,000 toward the restoration of the stormwater facilities, which could be paid for out of Article 46 funds. Chair Wells asked for a motion.

Mr. King moved to approve addressing the issue of the stormwater management facilities on the A-B Tech Asheville campus. Mr. Lane seconded the motion. Mr. King, Mr. Lane, Ms. Lewis, and Ms. Wells, verbally approved the motion, which was passed by a majority vote. Commissioner Whitesides missed the vote due to connectivity problems.

Dr. Wilmoth stated that the Administration presented the pros and cons of different options of what to do with the Haynes Tower on the Enka Campus to the A- B Tech Board. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved demolishing the Haynes Tower and regarding the property for future use.

The Committee discussed the Enka Campus and the Haynes Tower at length.

Mr. King moved to demolish the Haynes Tower. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Mr. King, Mr. Lane, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Wells, and Mr. Whitesides verbally approved the motion, which passed by unanimous consent.


Projects Under Consideration by the A-B Tech Board of Trustees

During the February 3, 2022, A-B Tech Board meeting, the Trustees discussed and expressed their interest in pursuing the purchase of the building located at 111 Victoria Road, Asheville. 111 Victoria Road is the last piece of property available on Victoria Road and could expand the Asheville campus. The Building would be used for personal counseling, career counseling, and advising services, as well as a place to go to get help with job interview skills. All of these services could be provided at one location that is convenient for our students.

The Committee discussed the benefits of purchasing 111 Victoria Road and agreed to continue reviewing the proposal and follow up with any questions.

Chair Wells asked if there were any questions or final remarks. As there were none, Chair Wells asked for a motion to adjourn.



On a motion properly made, the meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Secretary Pro Tem