The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College/Buncombe County Joint Capital Advisory Committee convened a meeting on Monday, February 8, 2021, via Zoom, a video conferencing platform.
The following A-B Tech representatives were in attendance: Roger Metcalf, Board of Trustees (Chair); Matt Kern, Board of Trustees; Dr. John Gossett, President; Dirk Wilmoth, CFO.
The following Buncombe County representatives were in attendance: Al Whitesides, Commissioner (Vice Chair); Terri Wells, Commissioner; Matt Evans, Financial Planning Analyst, Buncombe County.
Others present for the meeting included: Robert Lane, Community Member; Matt Mace, Director, of Buncombe County General Services Department.
Called to Order
Chairperson Metcalf called the annual meeting to order via Zoom at 3:04 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2021
Chairman Metcalf opened the meeting with rollcall and welcomed newly elected Commissioner Terri Wells to the committee replacing Commissioner Jasmine Beach-Ferrara.
Chairperson Metcalf presented the minutes from October 5, 2020, for approval. Matt Kern motioned to approve the minutes as submitted, seconded by Robert Lane. The minutes are approved and will be maintained by the Board of Trustees and Board of Commissioners, to be posted on the A-B Tech website.
Review Article 46 Fund Balance and Cash Flow Projections
Dr. Wilmoth clarified that today's meeting, per the by-laws, is designated as an annual meeting. He asked the group to consider choosing an alternative date as it conflicts with the Buncombe County School Board's annual meeting.
Dr. Wilmoth presented the Article 46 Fund Balance and Cash Flow projections through September 2020, as provided by Mr. Evans, Financial Planning Analyst for Buncombe County. (See supporting documents.)
Changes to the projections include:
- The addition of Project Ranger.
- Pushing out Energy Conservation Measures to FY22 per the County General Service Team (CGST).
- Tax figures for FY21 are updated.
Article 46 funds have done better than projected by roughly $500,000 over the subsequent period.
Dr. Metcalf opened the floor to questions; no questions were fielded.
Review of Status of Current and Anticipated Projects
Dr. Wilmoth presented to the committee an update of Article 46 funded projects. (See chart below)
Project | Cost | Updates |
Emergency Projects | $40,000 | Not Spent. |
Energy Conservation Measures | $500,000 | The project is completed. The expected balance will be less than the projected $500,000. |
Enka | ||
Facility Assessment & Master Plan | $125,000 | The Facility Assessment and Master Plan team are ready to present concluding reports. A meeting has been called of the Stakeholders to review the results. |
1st Year Programmatic Capital Investment | $75,000 | Not Spent. Awaiting facility assessment results. |
New TCC Roof | $1.7 million | Not Spent. Awaiting facility assessment results. |
Project Ranger | $5 million | Architects are selected, and the County is moving forward with the project. |
Dr. Metcalf opened the floor to questions.
Mr. Lane requested an update on the TCC Roof emergency repairs' present state and if it has led to client loss. Dr. Wilmoth, Dr. Metcalf, and Mr. Kern responded that there had not been any client loss at this time, and the roof emergency repairs are currently holding.
New Proposed Projects
Dr. Wilmoth presented proposed new projects identified as significant issues above the routine $3 million designated for repairs and replacements. All new projects will be presented to the Board of Trustees before the committee would need to make any decisions.
New proposed projects include the following:
- Possible New Site for A-B Tech South: The building that houses A-B Tech South is currently listed for sale by its owner Mars Hill University. There is no guarantee that the new owners will have the same vision for the building. A new site needs consideration ideally with a 20,000 sq. ft. footprint to meet South Buncombe County's growing needs.
- Stormwater Management Plan: The development of a Stormwater Management Plan to address current and future run-off from Victoria Road.
- Coman Gym Remediation. The discovery of a mercury bonding agent was uncovered in preparations for replacing the Coman Gym floor. The use of this agent was standard practice in the 1980s when the existing floor was installed. The cost of remediation is being explored, and the revised project budget may exceed the funding that is available from the Connect NC bond funds.
Chairperson Metcalf opened the floor to questions.
Dr. Metcalf inquired into the progress of the Dominion Gas Line Easement on the Enka Campus. Responding, Dr. Wilmoth stated the paperwork is finalized, and the College has been compensated $200,000 for permanent easements; these funds are designated for repairs to the Enka site.
Ms. Wells asked if the Project Ranger training facility and A-B Tech South would be separate. Dr. Gossett responded yes. It is projected that they would be separate facilities with A-B Tech South providing academic programming and the Training Facility providing advanced manufacturing training for Pratt & Whitney and other manufacturing companies.
Dr. Metcalf asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Mr. Kern motioned to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Whitesides. All in favor, motion approved. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Action Items
- Decide on elected officers to the committee
- Choose an alternative date for the annual meeting.