The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, July 30, 2018, at 3:00 p.m. in the Magnolia Building. Mary Ann Rice, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Gene Bell, Bruce Briggs, Wayne Brigman, Joe Brumit, Ron Edgerton, Mike Fryar, Jacquelyn Hallum, Matt Kern, Roger Metcalf, William Murdock, John Parham, Frances Ramsey, and Darinda Noah, Ex-Officio.
Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, President; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services; Shelley White, Vice President Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; Beth Stewart, Vice President Instructional Services; Brian Willis, Vice President Information Technology/CIO; David White, Executive Director of Research and Planning; Kerri Glover, Executive Director, Community Relations and Marketing; Shanna Chambers, Executive Director of Human Resources; Chris Campbell, College Attorney; Chad Donnahoo, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call To Order
Chair Mary Ann Rice read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. C. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.
New Hire Introductions
Mr. Darryl Rhymes introduced several new employees to the Trustees.
Ms. Mary Ann Rice moved to accept the Amended Agenda, which adds a presentation by Trustee Mike Fryar on Article 46 Funds. The motion was seconded by Dr. Parham and approved unanimously by the Board.
Consent Agenda
Dr. Parham moved to approve the Consent Agenda items: 1. A. June 4, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes; 1. B. July 2, 2018, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes; 1. C. Personnel Actions; and 1. D. Continuing Budget Resolution.
The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Mr. Murdock and approved unanimously by the Board.
Resolution/Action Items
2. A. 1. Ms. Kerri Glover informed the Board that updates to the Branding, Marketing, and Communications Policy included adding social media accounts as well as the new A-B Tech Trailblazers Mascot logo.
On a motion by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Briggs, the Branding, Marketing, and Communications Policy was approved by unanimous consent.
2. A. 2. Dr. Beth Stewart stated that the General Education Core Policy was updated to include the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Standard 9.3, which states “The institution requires the successful completion of a general education component at the undergraduate level.”
On a motion by Ms. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Brumit, the General Education Core Policy was approved by unanimous consent.
2. A. 3. Dr. Stewart stated that updates to the Instructional Live Projects Policy reflect changes in the North Carolina State Board of Community College Code, as well as adding the Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education as an owner of the Policy.
Ms. Hallum asked where the money that is generated from Live Projects was allocated. Dr. Wilmoth replied that funds from Live Projects are put back into the College’s operating budget.
On a motion by Mr. Edgerton, seconded by Mr. Kern, the Instructional Live Projects Policy was approved by unanimous consent.
2. B. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that three Connect NC Bond projects need to be amended and sent to the State Board for final approval. The costs to renovate the Ivy building have increased due to an increase in construction costs. Bids to repair the Sycamore Greenhouse came in substantially higher than the project was initially approved for, and renovations to the Chestnut building are completed. All other Connect NC Bond Projects are on schedule. The administration is seeking Board approval to forward these three projects to the North Carolina State Board.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Ms. Hallum, the Amendments to the Connect NC Bond Referendum Projects were approved by unanimous consent.
Swearing In
At 3:18 p.m., Ms. Mary Ann Rice, Ms. Jacquelyn Hallum, and Student Government Association President Darinda Noah were sworn in as Trustees of A-B Tech Community College, by the Honorable Calvin J. Hill.
Resolution/Action Items Continued
2. C. Dr. King informed the Trustees that the 2019-2020 College calendar aligns with the North Carolina State Employees calendar, and reflects the new mandated annual twelve paid holidays.
On a motion by Mr. Kern, seconded by Dr. Metcalf, the 2019-2020 College Calendar was approved by unanimous consent.
2. D. Dr. King informed the Board that the College wishes to name the A-B Tech Writing Center located in the Don C. Locke Library, for Professor Emerita Lisa Johnson. Ms. Johnson created the Writing Center, spent countless hours volunteering in the Center, and has helped an innumerable amount of students to succeed in English and other courses.
On a motion by Dr. Metcalf, seconded by Mr. Kern, the A-B Tech Writing Center will be renamed the “Lisa Johnson Writing Center”. The motion was approved by unanimous consent.
2. E. Dr. Glenda Weinert asked Chair Mary Ann Rice and was granted permission to speak to the Board regarding building an Early Child Care Education Center on the A-B Tech Asheville Campus. Dr. Weinert informed the Board that she is seeking approval to build an 8,000-square-foot prefabricated building on the A-B Tech Asheville Campus that would accommodate approximately 75 children. Dr. Weinert has been working with the Buncombe County Commissioners on focusing on expanding early childcare education and quality childcare facilities within Buncombe County. The College owns the property where childcare is needed which could be a potential location for the Center. The County is proposing to build the building at no cost to the College, on College-owned property, and will maintain the building per College standards.
The Trustees discussed the proposal at length.
Mr. Bruce Briggs moved to adopt a motion to move forward with taking a more in-depth look at the project. Dr. Roger Metcalf seconded the motion.
The Trustees continued the discussion and had several questions. Ms. Hallum asked Dr. King his opinion of the proposal. Dr. King stated that he is opposed to the project and suggested that the proposal be turned over to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will have a complete discussion of any questions that the Trustees may have, and will report to the full Board during the October meeting.
Mr. Briggs withdrew his motion to move forward with the project, and Dr. Metcalf withdrew his second.
Mr. Brumit invited all Trustees to attend the Executive Committee, and if unable to attend, to provide the Committee with a list of questions about the project.
Mr. Kern moved to have the Executive Committee consider using College property for this project. Mr. Briggs seconded the motion, which was approved by unanimous consent.
Trustee Business
3. A. Ms. Francis Ramsey thanked Mr. William Murdock and Mr. Ron Edgerton for serving on the Nominating Committee and thanked the Board for their support.
Ms. Ramsey moved to nominate Ms. Mary Ann Rice as Board Chair, Dr. John Parham as Vice Chair, and Ms. Carolyn Rice as Board Secretary for 2018-2019. As there were no nominations from the floor, the nominations were approved unanimously.
3. B. Dr. Dave White presented an overview of the results of the Trustees Self-Evaluation Survey to the Board. Ten out of 14 Trustees responded to the Survey, and most answers were positive. The Executive Committee will develop recommendations based on the survey responses and will provide an action plan to the full Board during the October meeting.
3. C. Chair Rice asked that the Trustees please let Ms. C. Rice know if they are attending the NCACCT Leadership Seminar being held in Asheville from September 5 through September 7, 2018.
3. D. Mr. Joe Brumit updated the Board on the status of the Enka Property. The Executive Committee met with two potential buyers on July 2. The higher offer was for the entire parcel which results in the College leaving Enka completely. Timelines would be difficult to meet as the College has programs to relocate and nowhere currently to put them.
The second offer is to separate the Enka property. This buyer is interested in the Haynes Tower and the front section of the property, leaving the TCC building for the College. This purchaser is more in line with the College’s priorities and is interested in expanding on College programs already in Enka. Some of these programs include Brewing, Entrepreneurship, and the Small Business Incubator.
Mr. Chris Campbell reminded the Board that the College cannot sell all of the property and can only lease the section that BASF still owns.
Mr. Kern stated that a Task Force was created to discuss and visualize the future of the Enka property. The Task Force has met twice and no one is interested in selling the entire Enka parcel. The Task Force envisions using part of the Enka property to benefit the Enka community.
Mr. Brumit concluded that there are several opportunities for the Enka property that will incorporate College programs and benefit not only Enka but all of Western North Carolina as well.
3. E. Mr. Mike Fryar updated the Board on the Article 46 Sales Tax funds allocated to the College. On November 8, 2011, voters approved a quarter-cent sales tax increase to fund a construction campaign on campus. Mr. Fryar explained that without the Buncombe County Commissioners' approval, the sales tax funds were misallocated from the College, and placed into the general funds in the Buncombe County budget.
The Trustees discussed Article 46 Sales Tax funds at length.
Mr. Brumit thanked Mr. Fryar for looking into the funds and moved to make a request to the County for a full accounting of the Sales Tax funds. Mr. Kern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
President’s Report
Dr. Dirk Wilmoth presented the summary of the Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 State and County Budget. The report indicates how the College has spent the funds allocated from the state, and Buncombe and Madison counties. The College has spent close to 99 percent of all budgeted money. The North Carolina Community College State Board will not approve the budget for the College until mid-August, and the Board will be asked to approve that budget during the October 1 meeting.
SGA Report
Ms. Darinda Noah informed the Board that the Student Government Association (SGA) is in the process of gearing up for the 2018-2019 College year. The first meeting of the SGA’s Senate will be held on August 22, 2018, and members of the Board are welcome to attend.
Motion For Closed Session
At 5:20 p.m., Mr. Brigman moved that the Trustees enter into a closed session pursuant to G.S. § 143.318 (a)(1) to prevent the disclosure of privileged or confidential personnel information pursuant to G.S. § 115D 27-29; and under subsection (a)(3) to receive advice from the Board Attorney regarding Parmar v. A-B Tech, et al. (18 CVS 525 Buncombe County)”. Dr. John Parham seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
On a motion properly made, the Board returned to open session at 6:20 p.m.
Open Session
Mr. Brigman moved to appoint Campbell Shatley to represent Christy Andrews, Misty Shane, and William Evans, in their official and individual capacities in Parmar v. A-B Tech, et al. (18 CVS 525, Buncombe County). Mr. Matt Kern seconded the motion, which was approved by unanimous consent.
Mr. Brigman then moved to empower the Executive Committee as a Litigation Committee and be granted the authority to manage, on the Board of Trustees’ behalf, all aspects of the Parmar v. A-B Tech, et al. (18 CVS 525, Buncombe County) except the authority to settle claims.
Mr. Briggs requested that the Board receive updates on the lawsuit as it progresses, and Ms. Ramsey suggested that the full Board be invited to the Executive Committee meeting when the lawsuit is scheduled for discussion.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Murdock and was approved by unanimous consent.
Dr. Parham moved to approve the June 4, 2018, Closed Session Minutes. Mr. Brumit seconded the motion which was approved by unanimous consent.
On a motion by Mr. Brumit, seconded by Mr. Fryar, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary