June 1, 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, June 1, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. in the Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality. John Parham, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board were present: Leah Ashburn, Joe Brumit, Matt Kern, and Frances Ramsey. Trustees Theresa Banks, Jacquelyn Hallum, Vijay Kapoor, and Roger Metcalf participated via Zoom. Ron Edgerton participated by telephone.

Others present for the meeting included: Joseph Barwick, Interim President; Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services; Shanna Chambers, Executive Director of Human Resources; Amanda Edwards, Director of the Foundation; Kerri Glover; Executive Director of Community Relations and Marketing; Anne Oxenreider, Executive Director of Research and Planning; Beth Stewart, Vice President Instructional Services; Brian Willis, Vice President Information Technology/CIO; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Deborah Wright, Vice President Work Force Development and Continuing Education; Chris Campbell, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Call To Order

Chair Parham read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called the roll, a quorum was present.

Mr. Campbell stated that the Board has a quorum with the addition of Theresa Banks, Jacquelyn Hallum, Vijay Kapoor, and Roger Metcalf on Zoom, and with Ron Edgerton on the telephone. He opined that any decisions made today should be ratified at the August meeting given that the College Constitution calls for a minimum of eight (8) Trustees in actual attendance to take action. The Trustees were comfortable proceeding under the circumstances.


Swearing In

At 3:05 p.m., the Honorable Alan Z. Thornburg swore in Ms. Judy Lewis as a new Trustee and Ms. Frances Ramsey as a reappointed Trustee to the Board.


Presentation Of Plaques Of Appreciation

Chair Parham presented Ms. Leah Ashburn with a plaque in appreciation for her loyal and dedicated service as a Trustee of the College, and thanked her for her service.

Chair Parham virtually presented Ms. Jacquelyn Hallum with a plaque in appreciation for her loyal and dedicated service as a Trustee of the College, and thanked her for her service.

Although Mr. Gene Bell was unable to attend the meeting, Chair Parham thanked him for his service as a Trustee and stated that his plaque will be mailed to him.


Consent Agenda

Chair Parham asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.

Mr. Brumit moved to approve Consent Agenda items: 1. A. February 6, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes; 1. B. March 2, 2020, Special Called Board Meeting Minutes; 1. C. March 9, 2020, Special Called Board Meeting Minutes; 1. D. March 20, 2020, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes; 1. E. March 23, 2020 Board Meeting

Minutes; 1. F. May 11, 2020, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes; 1. G. Personnel Actions; 1. H. 2020-2021 Annual Appointments and Reappointments; and 1. I. Blanket Travel Authorization and Excess Approval.

The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Mr. Kern. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Consent Agenda. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.


Resolution/Action Items

2. A. Dr. Barwick informed the Board that due to the impact of the pandemic, the College shifted the start date for the summer term one week to allow the College an additional week to complete the transition of summer courses to technology or hybrid-based. The total time for the ten-week semester remains the same.

Mr. Brumit moved to approve the Revised 2020 Summer College Calendar. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kern. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Revised 2020 Summer College Calendar. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

2. B. Dr. Barwick stated that the Executive Committee met on May 11 and discussed several mitigating circumstances that have caused the College to have a budget deficit. In addition to eliminating positions, reducing compensation for new positions, and cutting expenses, the Administration is proposing that all employees (except for adjuncts) take six furlough days this year. Six furlough days will reduce the budget deficit significantly, and would apply to all state and county employees. The 2020-2021 College Calendar has been revised to reflect the furlough days.

Ms. Ashburn moved to approve the Budget Revised 2020-2021 College Calendar. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kern. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Budget Revised 2020-2021 College Calendar. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

2. C. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that several Connect NC Bond Referendum projects are completed and that the College is ready to begin repairs and renovations on several new buildings.

Mr. Brumit moved to approve the Amendments to the Connect NC Bond Referendum Projects. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ashburn. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Amendments to the Connect NC Bond Referendum Projects. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

2. D. Dr. Barwick stated that having a Policy and Procedure that mandates that the College will adhere to the North Carolina Community College System’s Board Code regarding the assignment of course load and credit is a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requirement for the College.

Ms. Ashburn moved to approve the Assignment of Course Level and Credit Policy and Procedure. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kern. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Assignment of Course Level and Credit Policy and Procedure. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

2. E. Dr. Wilmoth explained that due to the pandemic, the College needed to update the Electronic Signature Policy and Procedure to address the increase in teleworking employees as well as conducting business with those who do not have a College ID and user password. The updated Policy follows the Digital Signature Policy Guidelines of the Office of the State Controller.

Ms. Ashburn moved to approve the Electronic Signature Policy and Procedure. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kern. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Electronic Signature Policy and Procedure. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

2. F. The Separation from Employment Policy and Procedure has been updated to include the term “furlough.” Employees furloughed across the board do not have the right to appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees. Health insurance coverage will, however, continue for furloughed employees.

Mr. Brumit moved to approve the Separation from Employment Policy and Procedure. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ashburn. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Separation from Employment Policy and Procedure. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

2. G. Dr. Wilmoth explained that again, due to the pandemic, the Buncombe County Commissioners asked the College to submit a “zero chance” budget for 2020-2021. The College continues to operate frugally and will continue to make cost-cutting decisions as practicable.

Mr. Brumit stated that the Board knows how hard the campus has worked over the past few years with budget cuts from both the state and the county and now to have to cut personnel. I do not know how much more this campus can take.

Mr. Kern moved to approve the revised 2020-2021 Buncombe County Budget Request. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brumit. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the revised 2020-2021 Buncombe County Budget Request. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

2. H. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that the College issued a request for proposals for five annual open-ended service agreements for design and engineering services for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Firms were asked to submit their proposals prior to June 15, and the selected firms will be presented to the Board for approval during the August 3 meeting.

Ms. Ashburn moved to approve the Request for Proposals for Annual Open-Ended Service Agreements for Design and Engineering Services for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brumit. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the Request for Proposals for Annual Open-Ended Service Agreements for Design and Engineering Services for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.

2. I. Dr. Barwick stated that the College is seeking approval for two new Associate Degrees in Teacher Preparation. These transfer degrees are for those who want to teach at the middle and high school levels. The Associate of Arts degree will concentrate on general education, and the Associate of Science degree will focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) courses.

Ms. Ramsey moved to approve the New Associates in Arts and Associates in Science Teacher Preparation Degrees. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lewis. Trustees Hallum, Banks, Kapoor, Metcalf, and Edgerton each verbally approved the new Associates in Art and Associates in Science Teacher Preparation Degrees.


President's Report

Dr. Barwick shared the following information with the Board:

  • The College has not yet received the CARES I (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds that are to strictly be distributed to students who were enrolled in the spring. The administration is working with the federal government on the disbursement delay. Students are aware of the situation, and thanks to the Foundation, students have access to an emergency fund to help with their expenses.
  • The CARES II funds have been received by the College, although we are unable to spend that money until the CARES I funds have been distributed. The CARES II funds are for all Covid-19-related expenses incurred by the College during the pandemic.
  • Unfortunately, the May Commencement Ceremony was canceled. The College is hoping to hold divisional ceremonies in the fall, and all graduates have received their degrees and/or diplomas, special honors, and a congratulatory letter through the mail. All 2020 graduates will be invited to participate in the 2021 Commencement Ceremony.

Dr. Barwick then shared his gratitude for the opportunity to work with the Board.

Several Trustees shared their appreciation for having the opportunity to work with Dr. Barwick and stated that Dr. Barwick was an extraordinary leader.


Trustee Business

4. A. Dr. Parham informed the Board that he appointed Ms. Banks, Mr. Kern, and Mr. Edgerton to the Nominating Committee. The Committee will present a slate of officers for the Board to vote on during the August 3 meeting.

4. B. The Board discussed safety and security practices on A-B Tech campuses during the pandemic. Dr. Wilmoth shared that the College has a Coronavirus Response Team who meets three times a week to discuss safety issues as well as reopening campuses, and the guidelines for doing so. The College will provide facemasks for all employees and students will be encouraged to wear them. The Budd Group has deep cleaned all campuses, Plexiglas barriers have been placed in strategic locations on campus, and handwashing areas or hand sanitizers are available. Informational safety posters have been printed and placed in all buildings.

If students do not comply with mandated safety measures, it is a behavioral issue and the student will be asked to leave the campus. If employees do not comply with mandated safety measures, it is a disciplinary issue and Human Resources will get involved. Accommodations will be made for employees who have pre-existing health conditions.

A-B Tech Madison will have electronic security doors installed soon, and the Administration hopes that all of A-B Tech’s employees will do the right thing and back up fellow employees if a safety issue arises.

4. C. Dr. Parham reminded the Board that the NCACCT Leadership Seminar will be held in Asheville, on August 26-28. Dr. Parham encouraged all Trustees to attend the Seminar and to please let Ms. Rice know if they plan to attend.

4. D. Dr. Parham asked that all Trustees complete the Annual Board Self-Evaluation and return the Evaluation to Ms. Rice when done. The Annual Self-Evaluation is also a requirement of SACSCOC.


Staff Report

Ms. Shanna Chambers informed the Board that in an effort to continuously improve the College’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan, Dr. Joseph Fox with Fox Management Consulting was hired to perform an audit on the Plan.

Mr. Darryl Rhymes shared the following information regarding the Audit:

  • The purpose of the audit was to discover the building blocks needed to enable A-B Tech to shape Human Resources’ diversity and inclusion strategies, as well as to identify what the College can do to make the hiring process more diverse and inclusive.
  • The Audit showed that A-B Tech has made a good faith effort in taking proactive steps related to nondiscrimination hiring practices and has established policies and procedures to enhance its inclusion philosophy.
  • Dr. Fox suggested additional places for the College to advertise job vacancies to establish inclusion benchmarks, the addition of an inclusion statement on A-B Tech’s homepage, and that the College provides professional development for members of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

To conclude, the Audit was favorable, and the College will implement Dr. Fox’s recommendations.

Several Trustees thanked and praised Mr. Rhymes for the timely information provided during his presentation on Diversity and Inclusion.

Dr. Barwick introduced Ms. Anne Oxenreider, the Executive Director of Research and Planning to the Board.



Chair Parham mentioned that the State and County Budget Report as of April 30, 2020, and the May Tracking Measures Scorecard for 2019-2020 were in the handouts.


Presentation Of Plaque Of Appreciation

Chair Parham thanked Dr. Barwick for leading the College during the pandemic with wisdom, compassion, and a steady hand. Chair Parham stated that the Board was fortunate to have Dr. Barwick as A-B Tech’s interim president, and asked Dr. Barwick to please accept a plaque as a recognition of the Board’s appreciation and esteem.

Dr. Barwick received a standing ovation from everyone in attendance!



On a motion made by Mr. Brumit, seconded by Ms. Ashburn, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. by unanimous consent.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary