The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. in the Tillman Dining Room located in the Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality. Mary Ann Rice, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Gene Bell, Bruce Briggs, Joe Brumit, Ron Edgerton, Mike Fryar, Matt Kern, Keynon Lake, John Parham, Frances Ramsey, and Darinda Noah, Ex-Officio.
Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, President; Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services; Shanna Chambers, Executive Director of Human Resources; Kerri Glover; Executive Director of Community Relations and Marketing; Beth Stewart, Vice President Instructional Services; David White, Executive Director of Research and Planning; Shelley White, Vice President Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; Brian Willis, Vice President Information Technology/CIO; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Chris Campbell, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call To Order
Chair Mary Ann Rice read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. C. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.
Swearing In
At 3:10 p.m., Ms. Leah Ashburn was sworn in as a new Trustee by the Honorable Alan Z. Thornburg.
New Hire Introduction
Mr. Darryl Rhymes introduced one new employee to the Trustees. Ms. Shanna Chambers announced that Mr. Rhymes has been promoted four times during his tenure at the College and is now the Associate Director of Human Resources and Special Assistant to the President for Inclusion and Employment.
Mr. Chris Campbell introduced Mr. Kristopher Caudle to the Board. Mr. Caudle is a new Associate in the Campbell Shatley Law Firm.
Presidential Selection Process Presentation
Ms. Jennifer Haygood; Chief of Staff/Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer of the North Carolina Community College System, discussed the Presidential selection process with the Board, via Skype. Ms. Haygood discussed roles and responsibilities, the presidential selection process, local recruitment and vetting process considerations, required background checks, terms of employment considerations, retirement benefits, as well as the timeline for selection, and ultimately, presenting two to three finalists to the State Board for final approval.
Ms. Haygood wished Dr. King well and thanked him for his service to the North Carolina Community College System. Ms. Haygood also welcomed the Board to feel free to call her with any questions during the selection process.
Consent Agenda
Chair Rice formally welcomed and introduced Ms. Leah Ashburn to the Board. The Trustees are glad to have Ms. Ashburn join them.
Chair Rice then asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Mr. Brumit moved to approve Consent Agenda items: 2. A. April 1, 2019, Executive Committee Minutes; 2. B. April 1, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes; 2. C. May 13, 2019, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes; 2. D. May 28, 2019, Special Called Board Meeting Minutes; 2. E. Personnel Actions; 2. F. 2019-2020 Annual Appointments and Reappointments; and 2. G. Blanket Travel Authorization and Excess Approval.
The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Dr. Parham and approved unanimously by the Board.
Resolution/Action Items
3. A. Mr. Campbell discussed the amendments to the Board of Trustees’ Constitution. A procedure for the investigation and removal of a Trustee was added to Article VIII of the Constitution. A minimum of two-thirds of the Board must be in agreement to remove a Trustee and must vote to do so during a public meeting.
Additionally, a provision has been added to the Constitution that states the “Board shall request that all appointing entities conduct a criminal background check prior to making an initial appointment to the Board.”
On a motion by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Edgerton, the Amendment to the Board of Trustees’ Constitution was approved by unanimous consent.
3. B. Dr. Stewart informed the Board that the School Absences for Religious Holidays and Observances Policy has been updated to bring the College in compliance with the State Board of Community College’s policy and to remove a reference that is no longer valid.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Mr. Brumit, the changes to the School Absences for Religious Holidays and Observances Policy were approved by unanimous consent.
3. C. Dr. Stewart stated that the Student Evaluation of Curriculum Instruction Policy has been revised to reflect A-B Tech’s method of evaluating faculty and courses, including courses that may only last four weeks long.
On a motion by Mr. Brumit, seconded by Mr. Kern, updates to the Student Evaluation of Curriculum Instruction Policy were approved by unanimous consent.
3. D. Dr. Stewart stated that the College is seeking approval to offer four Global Education Trips in 2020 to the following countries: Greece, Japan, Canada, and Ireland. Ms. Ramsey expressed concern about allowing A-B Tech students and faculty to volunteer in a refugee camp in Greece and asked what the process is if the camp is located in an area of political or military unrest. Dr. Stewart stated that the College monitors alerts from the state department, and the College would cancel the trip to Greece if necessary.
Dr. King suggested that the Board approve all of the 2020 Global Education trips except for Greece, which may be reconsidered during the August 12 meeting.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Mr. Edgerton, the 2020 Global Education Trips to Japan, Canada, and Ireland were approved by unanimous consent.
3. E. Dr. Wilmoth asked the Board to extend several Annual Open-Ended Service Agreements for Design and Engineering Services through 2020. Mr. Briggs asked if the engineering projects on campus were being completed by Buncombe County engineers or by local firms. Dr. King stated that the Buncombe County projects on campus were completed by Buncombe County engineering firms; however, the gutter project in Madison County was completed by a local firm.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Mr. Kern, the Extension of Annual Open-Ended Service Agreements for Design and Engineering Services through 2020 were approved by unanimous consent.
3. F. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that the Executive Committee met and approved to continue with Cherry Bekaert as the College’s Auditing firm. The College received three bids, scored each appropriately, and Cherry Bekaert scored the highest on the evaluation. The Administration is requesting full Board approval to continue with Cherry Bekaert.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Mr. Edgerton, the Selection and Approval of Cherry Bekaert as the College’s Auditing firm was approved by unanimous consent.
Dr. Wilmoth then informed the Board that the Budd Group, the College’s janitorial service, has recently renewed its contract with the College for an additional three years.
Trustee Business
4. A. Mr. Campbell distributed a search timeline chart and discussed the process for the Presidential Search with the Board. The Search will be similar to the Presidential Search conducted in 2014 and will include campus and community forums, electronic surveys regarding the characteristics the College desires in a President, vetting for basic qualifications, background checks, and reference checks conducted prior to being selected for an interview, hosting candidate visits to campus, having the Search Advisory Committee visit the campus of the applicant, and several other processes. Most of the above decisions will be delegated to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee who will be named during the August 12 Board meeting.
Mr. Brumit stated that the selection of the next President will be the most important decision that the Board makes for the College and for its future.
On a motion by Mr. Edgerton, seconded by Dr. Parham, the Presidential Search Process was approved by unanimous consent.
4. B. Chair Rice informed the Trustees that Mr. Joe Brumit and Mr. Ron Edgerton have agreed to participate on the Audit Committee for the Board.
4. C. Chair Rice mentioned that the next NCACCT Leadership Seminar is scheduled for August 21-23, 2019 in Wilmington. Ms. C. Rice will send information to the Board when registration opens.
4. D. Chair Rice opened the floor for a general discussion on the sale of the Enka property. Dr. King stated that the College received new information regarding parking spaces in Enka. An Executive Committee meeting will be scheduled to discuss the details of a parking agreement and to finalize the contract that will be presented to the full Board on August 12.
President's Report
Dr. King will email his Board Report to the Trustees. (A copy is attached.)
Student Government Association Report
Ms. Darinda Noah provided the following report to the Board:
- The SGA held a very successful Earth Day celebration on campus, with composting as the main focus.
- The election for the next SGA officers will take place in September. Unfortunately, the Board will not have student representation again until the October 7 meeting.
Closed Session
At 4:45 p.m. Mr. Brumit moved that the Trustees enter into a closed session pursuant to G.S. 142-318.11(a) (1) and (3) in order to discuss confidential personnel matters pursuant to G.S. 1115D-27-29 and to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege.
Upon a motion properly made, the Board returned to open session at 5:20 p.m.
Chair Rice mentioned that a State and County Budget Update and the 2016-2019 Tracking Measures Scorecard Update were in the Board packet for review.
The Board discussed the County budget at length. Mr. Bell suggested that he and Ms. M. Rice should meet with the Buncombe County Commissioners to further discuss the budget for the College.
On a motion by Mr. Brumit, seconded by Dr. Parham, the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary