June 21, 2013 Special Called Meeting

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a special called meeting on Monday, June 21, 2013, at 9:00 A.M. in Magnolia Dining Room. Richard Hurley, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board were present: Tom Alexander, Wayne Brigman, Joe Brumit, Mary Ruth Fowler, Bill Hart, Chair Richard Hurley, Don Locke, Kaye Myers, Carol Peterson, Vice Chair Ray Spells, Mandy Stone, David Wyatt, and Jayne English, SGA President.

Others present for the meeting included Hank Dunn, President; Martha Shanks, Secretary to the Board; and Chris Campbell, College attorney.


Call To Order

Mr. Hurley read the ethics statement; no conflicts of interest were reported.

Ms. Shanks called roll. A quorum was present.


Discussion Of A-b Tech Building Program

Mr. Hurley opened the discussion with a recap of Dr. Greene’s presentation to the Board at the June 3 Board meeting, and Mr. Hart’s motion, passed unanimously by the Board, to take her proposals under advisement to allow more time to review and understand the proposal. In an effort to come to a consensus as a Board at this meeting, Mr. Hurley requested that Trustees comment on where they stand on the issue and what they individually think should be the next step in the process.

A summary of each Trustee’s comments is provided:

  • Mr. Spells stated the Board needs to look at what was originally requested; if parking is needed it should be in the mix. The auditorium should be left off the table for now and addressed separately. The highest priority is what students need to complete classes and graduate.
  • Mr. Wyatt stated that the 2010 Master Plan had outlined facility needs, which were utilized by the campus planning committee. The auditorium is needed as there is not a space on campus adequate to handle current meeting needs. The Board should get behind the building plan as put forward; he is not in favor of any modifications to A-B Tech’s plans.
  • Ms. Fowler seconded Mr. Wyatt’s remarks and believes the people on campus who worked on the building plans are the ones who know what is needed.
  • Mr. Hart thinks adjustments may be needed to the original plan. The rationale for his motion on June 3 was to get a handle on Dr. Greene’s proposal; he believes the Board should not drive a stake in the ground before they have more information.
  • Mr. Campbell reminded the Board that the state legislature has passed into law that the County is in charge of building on campus under the sales tax referendum and in consultation with the Board.
  • Ms. English stated that healthcare professionals have stated the new building is needed and confirmed that a considerably larger meeting space is needed.
  • Mr. Brigman, as a new member of the Board, is not familiar with previous discussions. He believes that what is needed for the students should be the deepest concern.
  • Mr. Brumit stated the Board’s responsibility is to see that the campus is situated for the future. If this is the building that is needed, the Board should stand behind it.
  • Mr. Alexander needs more information; he is not ready to stand on the point for lack of information. He wants to find out from the county why Dr. Greene’s proposed plan diverges so dramatically from what was initially approved and remains open to more information.
  • Ms. Myers stated she regretted not hearing Dr. Greene’s presentation; she is familiar with and favorable to A-B Tech’s plan as originally presented. Dr. Greene has asked several Trustees to serve on a committee, with a meeting called for Wednesday, June 26, to discuss her proposal. Coming out of this meeting, the committee will have a better idea of Dr. Greene’s proposal as a basis of comparison to the previous plan to present to the full Board. Mr. Hurley stated he had not been advised of this meeting.
  • Dr. Locke stressed his belief that the important thing is to work with the County with an attitude of cooperation. In Dr. Greene’s presentation, she stated that the A-B Tech Board can do what they want, but if it doesn’t concur with the County, they won’t float the bond issue for the College. He also shared concerns he recently heard from the local neighbors regarding the height and location of the new building.
  • Ms. Peterson stated it is crucial to remember that the County controls the construction process now. The most important thing is that there is a congenial working relationship between the two boards. Nothing should be in the building that would jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the bond floated by the County. The overriding goal should be what is best for students and a good working relationship between the Boards.
  • Ms. Stone reminded the Trustees that Dr. Greene wanted to open dialogue when she made her presentation in June. The respective parties need to respect each other’s expertise: A-B Tech brings students’ needs forward; Dr. Greene has the expertise on what is allowable under the financing; the County has expertise in managing multi-million dollar building construction. Where there is disagreement, discourse can lead to consensus given new and deeper understandings of all viewpoints.

Mr. Hurley recapped events from the sales tax referendum campaign through the groundbreaking on October 18, 2012. He encouraged the Board to stand in support of the original plans the College campaigned for. Mr. Wyatt moved, seconded by Ms. Fowler, to ask Buncombe County Commissioners to proceed with the

Allied Health and Workforce Development building as designed and campaigned on. The further discussion addressed the diversity of opinion among Trustees on the issue and the importance of learning details of alternate plans and related financing consequences. The committee structure will allow constructive communication between all parties. Mr. Campbell stated it is clear the Board is in favor of completing the sales tax projects, and that the only appropriate action at this point in time would be to appoint the committee to meet with the County. One committee holding one meeting with the County will be most productive.

Mr. Wyatt withdrew his motion.

Mr. Brumit moved to appoint the following Trustees to the committee as requested by Dr. Greene: Mr. Myers, Dr. Locke, Mr. Hart, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Brumit, and Mr. Spells. Ms. Stone seconded the motion. Ms. Peterson called the question. The motion was unanimously approved.

The meeting will be publicly noticed for June 26 at 2:00 P.M., giving the required 48 hours’ notice. Mr. Hurley will also be in attendance at the June 26 meeting.


Closed Session

At 10:05 a.m. Dr. Locke moved to go into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3) in order to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege and pursuant to subsection (a)(1) in order to discuss confidential personnel issues in accordance with G.S. 115D-27-29. Ms. Peterson seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

On a motion properly made, the Board moved into an open session at 11:10 a.m.



Upon a motion properly made, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 11:15 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha L. Shanks
Board Secretary