June 7, 2021 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, June 7, 2021, at 3:00 p.m., in person, and via Zoom in The Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality. Dr. John Parham, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board participated in person: Theresa Banks, Matt Kern, David King, Libby Kyles, Judy Lewis, Roger Metcalf, John Parham, and Frances Ramsey. Trustees Himanshu Karvir and Max Queen participated via Zoom. Trustees Nian Avery, Wayne Brigman, and Joe Brumit were absent.

Others present for the meeting included: Dr. John Gossett, President; Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services; Shanna Chambers, Executive Director of Human Resources; Amanda Edwards, Executive Director College Advancement; Kerri Glover; Executive Director of Community Relations and Marketing; Anne Oxenreider, Executive Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research; Beth Stewart, Vice President Instructional Services; Brian Willis, Vice President Information Technology/CIO; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Finance/CFO; Deborah Wright, Vice President of Economic & Workforce Development and Continuing Education; Darryl Rhymes, Associate Director, Human Resources and Special Assistant to the President for Equity and Compliance; Ashley Leonard, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Call To Order

Vice-Chair Metcalf read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called the roll, a quorum was present.


Consent Agenda

At 3:05 p.m. Vice-Chair Metcalf asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.

Dr. Banks moved to approve Consent Agenda items: 1. A. May 3, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes, 1. B. Personnel Actions, 1. C. 2020-2021 Annual Appointments and Reappointments, and 1. D. Blanket Travel Authorization and Excess Approval. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Trustees Banks, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, Queen, and Ramsey each verbally approved the Consent Agenda. The motion passed unanimously.


Resolution/Action Items

2. A. Dr. Dirk Wilmoth informed the Board that the Audit Committee (Mr. Joe Brumit and Ms. Frances Ramsey) met with our Independent Auditor Cherry Bekaert, to review the College’s Financial Statements and Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020. The Auditor found all financial statements to be presented fairly with no inconsistencies.

Ms. Ramsey shared that the Auditors were very complimentary about working with A-B Tech and our employees.

Mr. Kern moved to approve the Financial Statements and Audit for the Fiscal Year that Ended June 30, 2020. Mr. King seconded the motion. Trustees Banks, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, Queen, and Ramsey each verbally approved the Financial Statements and Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020. The motion passed unanimously.


President’s Report

Dr. Gossett shared the following information with the Board:

  • The College’s Virtual Commencement was very successful and well-attended.
  • The “mask mandate” was lifted for the College on June 1. Anyone who wishes to continue to wear masks are encouraged to do so.
  • The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) has been busy with the College’s strategic planning process. ELT works well together, and with leadership from Anne Oxenreider and Deborah Wright, the strategic plan for the next three years will be completed for Board approval soon.
  • We continue to collaborate with our partners in Western North Carolina, and we are looking forward to meeting with the Madison County Commissioners.
  • A-B Tech’s Trailblazer Leadership Academy has been so successful that we developed the “Western Leadership Academy” to include participants from Haywood and Blue Ridge Community Colleges. Ms. Barb Browning is leading the process for all three colleges.
  • Several Educational and Trade Journals have featured A-B Tech and all of the things that the College has to offer.
  • The Western North Carolina Community College Presidents met on our campus with members of the Belk Endowment team to discuss the best use for all of the federal funds being distributed to our schools.
  • The Presidents of Montreat, Mars Hill, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and the Chief Executive Officer of MAHEC met to discuss what we as educators can do to help further the healthcare industry in North Carolina. All of our colleges have an important role in training healthcare personnel, and it is vital to our citizens that we provide the best training possible.
  • We are waiting for the final deed to our land on the Pratt & Whitney site so that the architects can get started on our Workforce Training Center. We continue discussions with the County and the State on how they can further support our efforts. We want a building to be proud of and one that can serve our community for years to come.


Trustee Business

4. A. Ms. Anne Oxenreider discussed the results of the Annual Board Self-Evaluation Survey with the Board. The seven Trustees who participated in the Survey agreed on most items. Several comments focused on the roles and responsibilities of being a Trustee.

Dr. Parham stated that since the Board has several new members, there is an opportunity for the Trustees to receive a refresher course on Board responsibilities. A presentation on roles and responsibilities will be scheduled for the August meeting.

4. B. Dr. Parham appointed Trustees Theresa Banks, Matt Kern, and Libby Kyles to the Nominating Committee. The Committee will present their nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Board Secretary for 2021-2022, during the August 2, 2021, meeting.


Staff Report

Dr. Gene Loflin presented what the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) expects from our Board of Trustees. Dr. Loflin discussed the following Board expectations:

  • The core requirement is that the College operates with integrity in all matters.
  • The mission of the College must be clearly defined, comprehensive, and published specific to the institution and appropriate for higher education.
  • The College must have a governing board of at least five members who:
    • Holds in trust the fundamental autonomy and ultimate well-being of the College.
    • Ensures both viable leadership and strong financial resources to fulfill the mission.
    • Acts with authority only as a collective body.
    • Ensures potential conflicts of interest are addressed and that the Board’s independence is maintained.
  • The Board must regularly review the College’s mission statement.
  • The Board selects and regularly evaluates the College’s President.
  • The Board should be free from inappropriate influence and must avoid the appearance of any conflict of interest.
  • The Board must also protect the College from undue influence by external persons or bodies.
  • The Board ensures a clear and appropriate distinction between the policy-making function of the Board and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer and implement policy.

Dr. Loflin concluded the presentation by stating that it takes a great team to write reports for SACSCOC. Dr. Gossett added that Dr. Loflin is the College’s SACSCOC expert and that we owe him a great debt of gratitude for all of his hard work.


Closed Session

At 3:20 p.m., Dr. Theresa Banks moved that the Trustees enter into a closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11 (a) (1) and (3) in order to discuss confidential personnel matters pursuant to G.S. 115D-27-29 and to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege. Dr. Metcalf seconded the motion.

Trustees Banks, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, Queen, and Ramsey each verbally approved to enter into a closed session. The motion passed unanimously.


Return To Open Session

At 4:40 P.M. on a motion properly made, the Trustees returned to the open session.



Chair Parham mentioned that the State and County Budget Report as of April 30, 2021, and the May 2020-2021 Student Success Scorecard were in the Handouts.

The next Board meeting will be on August 2, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. in The Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality.



On a motion properly made, the meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary