The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, March 7, 2016, at 3:30 p.m. in the Mission Health / A-B Tech Conference Center. Joe Brumit, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Chair Joe Brumit, Pamela Baldwin, Bruce Briggs, Wayne Brigman, Mike Fryar, Richard Hurley, Don Locke, Roger Metcalf, John Parham, Frances Ramsey, Mandy Stone, and Ana Frady, Ex-Officio.
Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, President; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services; Melissa Quinley, Vice President Instructional Services; Shelley White, Vice President Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; David White, Executive Director of Research and Planning; Brian Willis, Vice President, Information Systems Technology; Kaye Waugh, Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Development; Kerri Glover, Executive Director, Community Relations and Marketing; Chris Campbell, College attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call To Order
Mr. Brumit read the ethics statement; no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.
Consent Agenda
Dr. Metcalf moved to approve the Consent Agenda: 1. A. Minutes of February 1, 2016; 1. B. Personnel Actions; 1. C. Schedule of Fees 2016-2017; 1. D. Approval of New and Revised Policies, and 1. F. Approval of Employment Compensation Policies for deletion.
Mr. Briggs moved to amend the 1. E. Admissions Policy, by adding a provision to require all BLET students to have a state-authorized law enforcement agency as a sponsor prior to acceptance into the program. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hurley, and the Policy with the added language was approved unanimously by the Board.
The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Dr. Parham and approved unanimously by the Board.
Resolution/Action Items
2. A. Dr. King discussed the Conference Center Naming Resolution with the Board. Mission Health will grant the College $1 million over five years for a ten-year naming right of the new Center. The Center will be called the “Mission Health / A-B Tech Conference Center.” It is the recommendation of the administration to proceed with the naming right.
Mr. Briggs asked if the Center could be named something else after ten years. Dr. King informed the Board that the naming rights are for ten years only. If Mission Health does not want to continue with another grant, other options will be pursued at that time.
The Trustees discussed the implications of calling the building an “Events Center” versus a “Conference Center”. Mr. Fryar would like the building to be called an “Events Center” which would encompass any and all types of events to be held on campus. Dr. Locke stated that the word “Event” was broader than the purposes of an educational institution and that “Conference” implies education as the center’s primary purpose.
On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Ms. Stone, the Board approved the Conference Center Naming Resolution, with Mr. Fryar opposing it.
2. B. Ms. Quinley informed the Board that the Global Education Trip to Ireland in spring 2017 is a trip that was added to 2017 and that the trip is being offered to both the community and students.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Mr. Brigman, the Board unanimously approved the Global Education Trip to Ireland, Spring 2017.
2. C. Ms. Quinley and Dr. White presented the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan to the Board.
- The proposed strategic plan is a three-year plan and provides much more detail related to how the College will accomplish its goals.
- Every goal is not reduced to a number.
- We have retained accountability and metrics from previous plans (now called ‘tracking measures’).
- The Plan is a work in progress and will get more specific as strategies and activities are added to support each goal and initiative.
- An example was provided showing adding strategies and specific activities to a goal/initiative.
- All departmental plans and budgets will be linked back to College priorities, goals, and initiatives.
- If approved by the Board, the plan will be published in mid-March. Implementation will begin in July 2016.
- Goals and initiatives will be prioritized and assigned to individuals who will be responsible for ongoing implementation and reporting.
- Monthly and annual progress updates will continue.
- A master ‘Scorecard’ was presented that provides an example of how progress on achieving goals and initiatives will be documented. Templates will be developed for more detailed reporting.
- Each initiative will be assessed by one or more ‘tracking measures’. Many tracking measures were carried over from the current (2015-16) strategic plan.
The Trustees offered the following comments and concerns:
- Dr. Locke asked if the plan was as specific as possible and how the Board would know that goals are being reached. Ms. Quinley informed the Board that surveys will be used to measure goal attainment.
- Ms. Stone requested more Trustee involvement in the Plan as the Trustees represent employers, education systems, and community voices. Dr. White said that while listening sessions with the Board were offered, they had low attendance. There were several campus sessions that were very useful regarding the Plan.
- Mr. Fryar stressed the importance of including all student groups in the Plan, such as students who need a certificate to get a job quickly. Ms. White informed the Trustees that the College offers short, intermediate, and long-term programs for students and that over 60 certificate programs are available.
- Dr. Locke asked what type of report the Trustees would receive at the end of six months. Dr. White showed the “Scorecard” to the Trustees to demonstrate how goals and progress would be documented. The scorecard shows the initiative, and corresponding baseline, current, target, and status. Trustees will see where the College is at any given moment.
- Ms. Ramsey stated that she likes the format of the report.
- Dr. Baldwin agreed with Ms. Ramsey. The scorecard style of the report will provide more information and allow the Trustees to ask better questions.
- Chair Brumit is glad to see a fluid strategic plan; one that can be changed as needed. With monthly reports, the Trustees will be better informed.
- Dr. Locke asked for the minutes to reflect that Ms. Quinley and Dr. White have put a lot of time and effort into the Plan and that the Trustees appreciate all of their hard work.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Dr. Baldwin, the Board unanimously approved the Strategic Plan for 2016-2019.
Trustee Business
3. A. Mr. Campbell requested a change be made to the minutes of the February 18, 2016, Executive Committee Meeting. The naming license for Mission Health will be for ten years instead of the written fifteen years.
Ms. Stone moved to approve February 18, 2016, Executive Committee Meeting minutes as amended; Dr. Locke seconded the motion.
On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Dr. Parham, the Board unanimously approved the amended February 18, 2016, Executive Committee Meeting minutes.
3. B. Chair Brumit asked if any other Trustees would like to attend the April 20-22 NCACCT Law Legislative Seminar in Raleigh. No other Trustees will attend.
3. C. Dr. King and Ms. Myers attended the ACCT National Legislative Summit in Washington D.C. Dr. King found the summit to be highly informative with excellent speakers. The attendees also had the opportunity to meet with several senators.
President's Report
Dr. King shared the following news with the Board:
- The College continues to work diligently on the NC Connect Bond referendum. Additional presentations have been made at Asheville and Madison County Rotary Clubs. The referendum is receiving strong support in form of letters to the editor from local representatives and prominent business owners.
Mr. Briggs commended Dr. King and Chair Brumit on their highly visible efforts regarding the Bond referendum and getting it passed. The Trustees agreed.
- The College will be issuing a request for a proposal for a new custodial service.
- The College is working toward gaining campus status for the Woodfin facility. When the North Carolina Community College system grants campus status, the facility will receive $500,000 to be used for the operation of the campus. Mr. Kennon Briggs has been the consultant on this project, and strong support has been received from Senators Apodaca and Van Duyn. Dr. White has been instrumental in the process as well.
- In response to the state audit in November and December 2015, the College agreed to have all personnel who are involved in purchasing, attend purchasing training. The College has met that obligation with the exception of one person, who will be trained as soon as practicable.
- The President of Duke Energy in North Carolina visited the College and was able to see the equipment that was purchased with their grant.
- A summit for local employers is being organized by Ms. Shelley White to discuss the severe shortage of and need for Certified Nursing Assistants.
- Ms. White informed the Board that the College is working in cooperation with Ingles Markets for a truck driver training program that would include a significant worker/apprenticeship component aligned with NC Works Apprenticeship. All students would be hired by Ingles prior to starting the truck driving program and would work either in the warehouse or at a store location during the training. Classroom training would be held at A-B Tech and driver training would take place at the Ingles warehouse in Swannanoa. The curriculum will include driving, logistics/materials movement, safety, and customer service training. At the end of the year, students will be certified truck drivers, hold a CDL license, and will have developed a relationship with Ingles as employees. The College provides the instruction, and Ingles provides the trucks, trailers, and driver training location. Ingles will start the program with 12 students. Upon completion of the initial offering, the program may be expanded to include other employers interested in hiring driver apprentices during the training.
Ms. Ramsey stated that the Board should commend Ms. White for the two-year effort it took to make the Ingles driving program come to fruition.
Members of the Executive Leadership Institute who attended the Board meeting were asked to introduce themselves to the Trustees.
SGA Report
SGA President Ana Frady informed the Board that members of the Student Government attended personal development workshops where they learned employee etiquette, business meeting protocol, and meeting protocol with political officials.
The SGA met with Dr. King and Dr. Brasier regarding safety issues on campus, then discussed the issues with Campus Police and the maintenance department, and devised a plan for sidewalks and easier access to emergency call boxes.
SGA partnered with Eblen Charities for a coat drive that was a huge success.
On a motion by Mr. Hurley, seconded by Ms. Stone, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary