The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, March 7, 2022, at 3:08 p.m., in person and via Zoom in The Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality. Mr. Matt Kern, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board participated in person: Tommy Justus, Himanshu Karvir, Matt Kern, David King, Judy Lewis, Roger Metcalf, John Parham, and Frances Ramsey. Trustees Theresa Banks, Libby Kyles, and Bethany Duke, Ex-Officio participated via Zoom. Trustees Joe Brumit, Michael Garrison, and Max Queen were absent.
Others present for the meeting included: Dr. John Gossett, President; Terry Brasier, Vice President of Student Services; Shanna Chambers, Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development; Amanda Edwards, Executive Director of College Advancement; Kerri Glover; Executive Director of Community Relations and Marketing; Anne Oxenreider, Executive Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research; Beth Stewart, Vice President of Instructional Services; Brian Willis, Vice President of Information and Technology/CIO; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President of Business and Finance/CFO; Deborah Wright, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development and Continuing Education; Darryl Rhymes, Director of Employment and Employee Relations; Chris Campbell, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call to order
Chair Kern read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called roll; a quorum was present.
Consent Agenda
At 3:10 p.m., Chair Kern asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Mr. Karvir moved to approve Consent Agenda items: 1. A. February 3, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes, and 1. B. Personnel Actions.
The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Mr. King. Trustees Banks, Justus, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, and Ramsey each verbally approved the Consent Agenda. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Resolution/Action Items
2. A. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that the College received the 2021-2022 budget from the state and asked the Board for approval.
Dr. Banks moved to approve the 2021-2022 budget as presented. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Trustees Banks, Justus, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, and Ramsey each verbally approved the 2021-2022 budget. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.
2. B. Dr. Wilmoth stated that the Board is required to approve all changes to the 2022-2023 Schedule of Student Fees. Student fees are included in the cost of attending College, and financial aid may be used to pay the fees.
Dr. Justus moved to approve the changes to the 2022-2023 Schedule of Fees. Dr. Parham seconded the motion. Trustees Banks, Justus, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, and Ramsey each verbally approved the change in the 2022-2023 Schedule of Fees. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.
2. C. The Audit Committee, Trustees Brumit and Ramsey met with our accountants Cherry Bekaert, LLP, to review the Financial Statements and Audit for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2021. The Committee found all financial statements to be presented fairly with no inconsistencies.
Ms. Ramsey shared that Dr. Wilmoth and his accounting team received many compliments from Cherry Bekaert and that she is proud to know that the College has employees who work as hard as the accounting team does.
Dr. Parham moved to approve the Financial Statements and Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Trustees Banks, Justus, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, and Ramsey each verbally approved the Financial Statements and Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.
President's Report
Dr. Gossett shares the following information with the Board:
- The College is waiting for the deed to the land before we can move forward with the architect to build the Training Center on the Pratt & Whitney site.
- We are working through the letters of agreement with Pratt & Whitney on how and who we will be training. The College is currently working with potential employees for Pratt & Whitney, on interview skills, machining, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, shop safety, etc.
- The training equipment for Pratt & Whitney is mobile. We can train students on any site necessary. Additionally, several grants have been awarded to the College to help pay for the equipment.
- Pratt & Whitney employees will have to complete continuing professional development, which will be offered at the College.
- Buncombe County has budgeted $3 million to demolish the Haynes Tower at A-B Tech Enka. Buncombe County will handle the bidding and demolition process. Once the County accepts the demolition bid, the bid will come back to the Board for approval.
- The Enka community will be informed that the demolition will take place, when, and why. Communications to the Enka community will start as soon as possible.
- Buncombe County also approved funding for the Hemlock stormwater mitigation request. The College will manage the stormwater project.
- In conclusion, Dr. Gossett shared that he had been out of the office for several days and has full faith in his Executive Leadership Team to lead the College during his absence.
Trustee Business
Chair Kern asked the Board if they had anything they would like to discuss, and they did not.
Staff Report
Ms. Deborah Wright introduced the A-B Tech Enka team to the Board. Ms. Jill Sparks, Executive Director, Small Business Center; Mr. Chris Reedy, Senior Director, Industry Training for Food, Beverages & Natural Products; Mr. Jeff Irvin, Chair, Brewing, Distillation & Fermentation and Director, Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast; Mr. Duane Adams, Associate Director, Small Business Center; and Ms. Jesse Dane, Asheville Tea Company shared the following Enka Economic Activity Update:
- A-B Tech Enka houses the following:
- Small Business Center
- Business Incubation Program Participants
- BioNetwork and Labs
- Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast
- NCCCS Apprenticeship Programs
- NC Department of Health and Human Services
- US Small Business Administration
- Asheville SCORE
- Western Women’s Business Center
- Blue Ridge Food Ventures
- Operating since 2005, Blue Ridge Food Ventures has offered farmers, food, beverage, natural product entrepreneurs, bakers, and food truck operators an opportunity to bring their products to market.
- The total value of goods produced is over $3.8 million.
- BioNetwork
- Industry Training
- Analytical Testing
- Test Kitchen
- All classes at the BioNetwork are free to students.
- Craft Beverage of the Southeast
- Curriculum Program
- Innovative Liquid Technologies
- POX (a Mexican spirit pronounced posh)
- Asheville Tea Company
- Has been in the small business incubator program since 2019.
- Creates craft teas using a farm-to-teacup mission by working with local farmers sourcing tea blends.
- The small business center has helped with coaching, building financial models, resources, access to grant opportunities, advice, and affordable manufacturing space.
- Has grown 290 percent in three years and created eight new jobs.
- Asheville Tea is sold in Earth Fare, Lowes, Harris Teeters, and Whole Foods.
Chair Kern stated that the College has a hidden gem in A-B Tech Enka that supports all our communities.
SGA Report
Dr. John Gossett shared the following information with the Board for Ms. Duke:
The A-B Tech Food Pantry will continue through the end of March.
Several themes this month:
- Women's History
- March Money Month
- March Madness
- Healthy Eating
Fifteen events are planned which include:
- NSLS Speaker Broadcast
- Virtual Boardgame and Trivia
- Show Your Team Spirit Day
- And many more!
- Many students have been focused on midterms and preparing for graduation.
- Lastly, SGA Officers have been approved to attend an SGA conference on March 19, 2022. We are really looking forward to networking with other students in SGA and honing our leadership skills even further.
Closed Session
At 4:27 p.m., Mr. Himanshu Karvir moved that the Trustees enter closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11 (a)(1) and (3) in order to discuss confidential personnel matters pursuant to G.S. 115D-27-29 and to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege. Dr. Justus seconded the motion.
Trustees Banks, Justus, Karvir, Kern, King, Kyles, Lewis, Metcalf, Parham, and Ramsey each verbally approved entering into Closed Session. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.
Return to Open Session
On a motion properly made, the Board returned to Open Session at 4:34 p.m.
Divisional Updates, the February 2021-2022 Student Success Scorecard, and the Twelve-Month Enrollment for 2020-2021: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System Data (IPEDS) are in the Handouts.
The next Board meeting will be on Monday, April 4, 2022, at 3:00 p.m., in The Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality.
On a motion properly made, the meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary