May 15, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

The Executive Committee of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. in the Simpson Building. Mary Ann Rice, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Executive Committee were present: Joe Brumit, Frances Ramsey, John Parham, and Roger Metcalf.

Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, President; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Walt Curry, College Attorney; Chris Campbell, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Meeting Purpose

Discussion of the Enka property, Capital Projects, the TCC (Technology Commercialization Center), and the Board self-evaluation process.


Enka Property

Mr. Chris Campbell updated the Executive Committee on the status of the Enka property. The College has received two offers to purchase the Enka property and a potential third offer is pending. When the State Board of Community Colleges approves the sale of the Enka property, a portion of the sale must be used on “new governmental use capital projects” located on any of the College campuses.

Mr. Campbell recommended that during the June 4 Board meeting, the Executive Committee make a motion to the Trustees to authorize the Executive Committee to negotiate with any potential buyers of the Enka property with the assistance of Pulliam Properties (as needed) and with support from the College President, Administration, and College Attorneys. All negotiated offers will be brought before the full Board for consideration.

The Executive Committee agreed with Mr. Campbell’s recommendation and asked Mr. Campbell to write his recommendations for inclusion in the June 4 Board packet. (Recommendations attached.)


Capital Projects

Dr. Dirk Wilmoth updated and discussed the status of the following Connect NC Bond projects:

  • Sycamore Greenhouse Wall
  • Ramsey Gutters
  • Sunnicrest Exterior Repairs
  • Ivy Renovation
  • Poplar Building Repurposing
  • Advanced Manufacturing Center Renovation

All projects are on track and construction is scheduled to be completed in a timely manner.


Technology Commercialization Center

Dr. Wilmoth discussed the inventory of the existing space at the TCC and the programs that the College wishes to maintain. The College currently occupies 145,000 square feet in both office and warehouse space but would retain only 70,000 square feet of programmed space. At the request of the County Manager, Dr. Wilmoth compared the costs of a cost-efficient facility versus the costs of upgrading the existing facility.

Dr. Wilmoth informed the Executive Committee that building a new efficient 70,000 square-foot building would save $215,000 in utilities annually, and be less expensive than upgrading and repairing the current TCC building.


Board Proposed Self-Evaluation Process

The Executive Committee reviewed the latest version of the Board Self-Evaluation instrument and agreed to share the document with the full Board on June 4. The Committee also agreed to send the Board the Self-Evaluation document prior to the June 4 Board meeting to allow the Trustees extra time to complete the survey.

A copy of the Self-Evaluation document will also be on hand for Trustees to complete at the June 4 Board meeting, if needed.



The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary