May 2, 2016 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, April 4, 2016, at 3:30 p.m. in the Magnolia Building. Joe Brumit, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board were present: Pamela Baldwin, Bruce Briggs, Wayne Brigman, Richard Hurley, Don Locke, Roger Metcalf, Kaye Myers, John Parham, Frances Ramsey, Robin Ramsey, Mary Ann Rice, and Ana Frady, Ex-Officio.

Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, President; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services; Melissa Quinley, Vice President Instructional Services; Shelley White, Vice President Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; David White, Executive Director of Research and Planning; Brian Willis, Vice President, Information Systems Technology; Kaye Waugh, Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Development; Kerri Glover, Executive Director, Community Relations and Marketing; Chris Campbell, College attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Call To Order

Chair Brumit read the ethics statement; no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called the roll. A quorum was present.


Swearing In

Mrs. Robin Ramsey was sworn in as a new Trustee of A-B Tech Community College by Judge Calvin Hill at 3:35 p.m.


Consent Agenda

Dr. Parham moved to approve the Consent Agenda: 1. A. Minutes of April 4, 2016; 1. B. Personnel Actions; 1. C. Approval of the Standards of Academic Progress Policy; and 1. D. Approval of the Proposed Budgets for Buncombe and Madison Counties.

The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Ms. Myers and approved unanimously by the Board.


Resolution/Action Items

2. A. Dr. King informed the Board that upon the recommendation of the Executive Leadership Team, the College would like to recognize Mr. Hurley’s service to the Board with a resolution of commendation. Chair Brumit added that Mr. Hurley has been a wonderful representative of the College, and thanked Mr. Hurley for his years of service.

On a motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Ms. Myers, the Board unanimously approved the Resolution of Commendation for Mr. Hurley.

2. B. Dr. King informed the Board that the College, in compliance with the Debt Collection Guidelines of the State, is seeking permission from the Board to write off uncollectable student accounts.

The Trustees discussed outstanding student debt and made several suggestions on collection processes.

Campbell Shatley will look into the student debt repayment issue to see if there are any other collection options available to the College.

On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Dr. Baldwin, the Board unanimously approved the Write-off of Student Accounts.


President’s Report

Dr. King shared the following news with the Board:

  • The Culinary department held their Capstone dinners, which continue to be an excellent culmination of the program.
  • Representatives Ager, Turner, and Fisher toured A-B Tech Woodfin in response to the multi-campus status request before the state. The multi-campus designation is moving forward with special legislation introduced by Senator Van Duyn and endorsed by Senator Apodaca and the local delegation.
  • The College held the annual Academic Achievement Award Ceremony to recognize outstanding students in their fields of study. The students were awarded medallions to signify their achievements; they will be wearing them at the commencement ceremony on May 14.
  • The College is investigating a free drop-in daycare service for students at the YMCA. In return, the students will be required to perform four hours of service in the daycare center weekly.
  • The 2016 Legislative Luncheon at the Biltmore Estate was a nice event and very informative.
  • Dr. King toured the New City Christian School at the request of former Representative Bruce Goforth. The tour was a very positive experience. All of the students are on some form of scholarship. Some of these students will be visiting A-B Tech in the near future.
  • The College met with the architect for the building that will replace both Rhododendron and Elm. Preliminary drawings were presented for discussion.
  • On April 15 the College hosted an open house with over 800 high school students in attendance. Student Services did an excellent job of hosting, giving campus tours, and serving lunch to all of the students in our service area.
  • There is a continued need for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) in the community. Shelley White and a team from Continuing Education met with 50 representatives from Mission Hospital and several long-term care facilities to discuss how the College can increase the pool of CNAs.
  • A proposed second list of Connect NC Bond projects is included in the Board packet. Funds from the Bonds are to be used specifically for student-facing buildings; therefore renovating the Sunnicrest building will not move forward at this time. The Madison county HVAC project will be brought to the Board for approval once the Sunnicrest project is officially disapproved by the State Board of Community Colleges. Several Madison County projects are at the top of the list for phase two of upgrading campus facilities. An engineer from Buncombe county will visit A-B Tech Madison, inspect the building, and make recommendations on what additional projects in Madison County may be required.


SGA Report

SGA President Ana Frady informed the Board that the Earth Day festivities were very successful and generated positive feedback.

Andrea Howell has been elected President of the SGA for the 2016-2017 school year. Allen Henderson will be the Vice President, and Iris Frost has been elected Secretary.

Ms. Frady informed the Board that this was her last meeting. She is taking all the skills she learned at College and moving to Portugal to open a café.

Chair Brumit and the Board thanked Ms. Frady for her service and wished her great success.


Staff Report

Ms. Melissa Quinley and Dr. David White discussed the Vision, Mission, and Values statement with the Board:

  • The College is reviewing its Vision, Mission, and Values statement to reflect any significant changes, align with the new three-year Strategic Plan, and comply with accreditation requirements.
  • Several sessions have been held on campus to get feedback from faculty and staff, and the College is seeking Board input as well.

The Board discussed the Vision, Mission, and Values of the College and made several suggestions.

Ms. Quinley and Dr. White thanked the Board for their participation. The final Vision, Mission, and Values statement will be brought to the Board for approval at the June 6 meeting.


Trustee Business

Chair Brumit stated that he, Dr. Locke, Ms. Myers, and Dr. King attended the NCACCT Law/Legislative Seminar in Raleigh. House Bill 2 seemed to be the focus of much discussion; overall it was a good and interesting seminar.

Dr. Locke added that an attorney from Campbell Shatley participated in Trustee training sessions. Dr. Locke stated that Campbell Shatley is well respected by the state and the Board appreciates having them represent the College.

Ms. Myers was recognized by the state at the seminar for her eight years of service on the Board of NCACCT. Dr. Locke stated the Board’s appreciation for Ms. Myers’ service as well.


Closed Session

At 4:45 p.m. Dr. Locke moved to enter into a closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a) (1) and (3) in order to discuss confidential personnel matters pursuant to G.S. 115D-27-29 and to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege. Mr. Briggs seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.

On a motion properly made, the Board returned to open session at 5:25 p.m.


Open Session

On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Ms. Myers, the Board unanimously approved amending the Agenda to vote on the President’s contract.

On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Ms. Rice, the Board unanimously approved to extend the President’s contract until July 1, 2018, with a five percent increase in salary, and an additional five vacation days.

On a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Ms. Frances Ramsey, the Board unanimously approved the addition of the President’s 2016-2017 goals to include technology.



On a motion by Dr. Locke, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. by unanimous consent.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary