Graduate Receives Scholarship to WCU

Brooke Walz, an A-B Tech graduate, has been awarded a full scholarship by Crumley Roberts to continue her studies and training toward a career in nursing.

Walz spent twenty years working with leading law firms as an advocate for clients, before enrolling in a nursing program at A-B Tech.  Thanks to the Crumley Roberts scholarship, she will now pursue a nursing degree from Western Carolina University.

“We are so thrilled that Brooke was chosen for this honor," said Dr. Dennis King, President A-B Tech Community College. " This scholarship will allow her to build upon what she has learned here, and take her education to the next level.”

“Having worked in the legal profession, I have always been fascinated by the resiliency of the human body and spirit after it has been through trauma," said Walz. " As a nurse I will be able to help those people on a more personal level, and it's all thanks to Crumley Roberts."

Pictured are from left,  A-B Tech President Dennis King, Scholarship Recipient Brooke Walz,  Crumley Roberts Attorney, Dre' Fleury, Ruth Darling Heyd of Crumley Roberts, and A-B Tech Vice President of Student Services Terry Brasier.

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