King Named President of the Year, Receives Order of Long Leaf Pine

President Emeritus Dennis King was named NC Community College President of the Year and received others honor before his retirement. King served A-B Tech for 28 years, including five years as president, two years as a special assistant to the president, and 20 years as vice president of student services.

Governor Roy Cooper gave King the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, for persons who have made significant contributions to the state and their communities through their exemplary service and exceptional accomplishments.

King has been an active player in determining the economic future of Western North Carolina, by helping recruit New Belgium Brewing and GE Aviation to Asheville. King has had a strong commitment to expand and improve services at A-B Tech through technology and innovation. He also has focused on campus safety and state-of-the-art training and equipment for A-B Tech's Allied Health programs.

As president, he has been a staunch supporter of the college's partnerships with business, public schools and four-year institutions. His signature program at A-B Tech is known as RISE, for Respect, Integrity, and Support for Everyone. The program focused on student success, institutional service, and a welcoming culture at the college.

He was also presented with a resolution naming him President Emeritus and also naming a forthcoming greenspace on campus (the “quad” area between Elm, Coman and the Conference Center) as the Dennis King Commons.

In addition, the College’s 2018-19 Annual Report is dedicated to Dr. King’s legacy.

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