PD Day - Ketchup, Mustard & Pickles

PD Day is October 20th. The focus of this year's PD Day will be on remote learning for faculty and staff. College employees currently have access to over 5,752 professional development offerings:

  • LinkedIn Learning – 5,064 courses
  • Safe Colleges – 152 courses
  • Innovative Educators – 250 courses
  • 20-Minute Mentors – 286 courses

To understand how the day will work, let's consider the theme of Ketchup, Mustard & Pickles:

  • Ketchup - we are intentionally building flexibility into the day to allow folks to catch up on work and/or overdue required training.
  • Mustard - the only requirement you must complete is to attend one of the two scheduled General Sessions (currently scheduled in LearnerWeb for 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.). These sessions are designed to be short and will last no longer than 45 minutes
  • Pickles - we would like everyone to pick at least one online professional development and complete it. This could be as short as a 20-minute mentor or as long as a complete learning path in LinkedIn Learning.

The PD Department has scheduled PD Day planning sessions in October to help you become familiar with the resources to participate in this year's PD Day. See LearnerWeb for more information.

In celebration of the 2020 Ketchup, Mustard & Pickle PD Day, the PD Department has collaborated with the Culinary Arts Department to bring you the first-ever A-B Tech Burger Contest.

Enter your idea for what you think would be the perfect A-B Tech Burger. You can enter as an individual, team, or department. For more information and to enter, see the A-B Tech Burger Contest Entry Form.

Please contact pd@abtech.edu if you have any questions!


Barbara C Browning, Director, Professional Development

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