The Executive Committee of the Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Friday, November 15, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. in the Simpson Building, Second Floor Conference Room. Dr. Roger Metcalf, Vice Chair, presided.
The following members of the Executive Committee were present: Joe Brumit, Frances Ramsey, Matt Kern, and Roger Metcalf. In addition, Trustee Gene Bell was in attendance.
Others present for the meeting included: Chris Campbell, College Attorney; Dr. Joe Barwick; and Dr. Myra Johnson.
Presidential Search
Dr. Barwick and Dr. Johnson introduced themselves and their company, Executive Leadership Associates, LLP (“ELA”). By action of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee is empowered to retain the services of ELA for an amount not to exceed $25,000. They stated that ELA has reviewed the list of candidates and stands ready to further evaluate their qualifications and supplement the pool as requested by the Board of Trustees. The Executive Committee agreed that ELA could involve the College’s Leadership Team and other campus leaders as they deem best. Trustee Gene Bell recommended that ELA conduct outreach into the community to obtain diverse views regarding the issues facing the College and its next President. Mr. Campbell reviewed the provisions of the proposed contract with ELA for approval after the closed session to discuss specific candidates.
Closed Session
At approximately 2:30 p.m. Mr. Kern moved that the Trustees enter into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a) (1) in order to discuss confidential personnel matters pursuant to G.S. 115D-27-29 and under subsection(a)(3) to receive advice from the Board Attorney. Mr. Brumit seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
On a motion properly made, the Committee returned to open session at 3:25 p.m.
Action on ELA Contract
By motion made by Joe Brumit and seconded by Matt Kern, the Executive Committee unanimously approved the contract with ELA.
Future Meetings
The Committee agreed to meet again on December 17, 2019, after the College’s Holiday Luncheon to reduce the candidate field to six (6) for recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Committee also agreed to recommend a Called Board meeting on January 27, 2019, for the Committee and ELA to present the recommended candidates to the full Board of Trustees.
On a motion properly made by Mr. Brumit and seconded by Mr. Kern the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher Z. Campbell
College Attorney