November 6, 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, November 6, 2023, at 3:05 p.m., in the Brumit Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality, Tillman Dining Room. Dr. Theresa Banks, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board participated: Joe Barwick, Joe Brumit, Michael Garrison, Tommy Justus, Himanshu Karvir, Matt Kern, David King, Libby Kyles, Judy Lewis, John Parham, Frances Ramsey, and Roger Reid. Jason Walls, and Ryan Adams-Clark, Ex-Officio, participated via Zoom. Roger Metcalf was absent.

Others present for the meeting included: John Gossett, President; Deborah Bailey, Vice President of Economic & Workforce Development and Continuing Education; Terry Brasier, Vice President of Student Services; Shanna Chambers, Vice President of Human Resources; Kerri Glover, Executive Director of Community Relations and Marketing; Beth Stewart, Vice President of Instructional Services; Brian Willis, Vice President of Information Technology; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President for Business and Finance/CFO; Darryl Rhymes, Director, Employment & Employee Relations; Ashley Leonard, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Call to Order

At 3:05 p.m., Chair Banks read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Rice called roll; a quorum was present.


Closed Session

At 3:06 p.m., Mr. Kern moved that the Trustees enter into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11under subsection (a) (3) to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege, and under subsection (a) (5) to discuss the acquisition of real property. Dr. Parham seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

On a motion properly made, the Trustees returned to Open Session at 3:14 p.m.


Closed Session Action

1. A. Mr. Brumit moved to approve the September 11, 2023, Closed Session minutes. Mr. Kern seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

1. B. Mr. Brumit moved to approve the request for a Utility Easement on the Asheville campus. Mr. Kern seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Consent Agenda

At 3:15 p.m., Chair Banks asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.

Dr. Parham moved to approve Consent Agenda items: 1. A. October 2, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes; and 1. B. Personnel Actions.

The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Mr. Karvir. The motion passed unanimously.


Resolution/Action Items

4. A. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that the College’s facilities Master Plan (2015-2024) will expire next year, and asked the Board to allow the Administration to issue a request for qualifications to architectural, engineering, or landscape architectural firms. The current Master Plan needs to be updated and extended through 2034. Additionally, the Administration requests that the new Master Plan be funded by Buncombe County Article 46 funds.

Dr. Barwick moved to approve the Request for Facilities Master Planning Services. Mr. King seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Business

The Board discussed the pros and cons of approving A-B Tech student identification cards for use as voting identification, at length.

At 4:10 p.m., Dr. Parham called the question.

Mr. Kern moved to direct the President to investigate changing the status of A-B Tech’s Student IDs so that students may use them to vote. Dr. Barwick seconded the motion and asked to add researching the cost of changing the status of student ID cards to the motion. The motion passed by majority consent. Mr. Garrison opposed.


President’s Report

Dr. Gossett shared the following with the Board:

  • The College is working on the required documents for the off-site SACSCOC review committee prior to the October 2024 on-site visit where the committee will perform our Fifth Year Reaffirmation.
  • The Executive Leadership team continues to work on next year’s budget deficit. We are focusing on areas where we have duplicate efforts being made that are no longer needed, as well as the College as a whole.
  • Autumn in Asheville grossed $90,000 which exceeded last year!
  • Community College Presidents are working on a new funding model for the system. The new model will make funding more equitable for all 58 community colleges. The proposal will include adding funding tiers, modernizing academic support, incentivizing collaboration to share programs, and offering more support for our students. The proposal will be presented to the State Board in November 2024.
  • Pratt & Whitney (P&W): The College and P&W continue to discuss the Right of Reversion issue. P&W wants to get the seven acres back if the College doesn’t begin construction soon. By law, the College can’t build on property that we don’t own. If P&W keeps the Right of Reversion in play, the College has asked that P&W reimburse the county all of the monies invested We continue to be hopeful for a presence in the southern part of our county.


Staff Report

Ms. Shanna Chambers gave a broad overview of A-B Tech’s benefit package. The benefit package includes:

  • The State Health Plan which costs the College $8,000 per employee per year and is offered to all employees.
  • Dental Insurance, which costs $388.00 per employee.
  • Term Life Insurance, which is 100 percent college-funded.
  • Additional perks include:
    • State Employee Credit Union membership
    • Employee Emergency Fund
    • Longevity Pay
    • On-site Health Clinic
    • Employee Assistance Network
    • Tuition Reimbursement Plan
    • Annual Flex Bonus
    • Alternative Work Schedules/Teleworking
  • Leaves and Accommodations include:
    • American Disabilities Act accommodations
    • The Family Medical Leave Act which grants employees temporary medical leave that may be used for family care, surgery, mental health, etc.
    • Vacation and Sick Leave
    • Personal Observance Leave
    • Military and Educational Leave
    • Shared Leave
    • Maternity and Paternity Leave
  • Retirement benefits are the most expensive part of the benefits package. A-B Tech contributes 25 percent of each employee’s salary to the State Retirement Plan.

Ms. Ramsey commended Ms. Chambers and the Human Resources Department for helping so many employees!


SGA Report

Ms. Adams-Clark shared that the Wellness Fair was well attended with approximately 350 students participating. The SGA is focusing on December and January fundraising opportunities for our community and our students, which include Be Loved, Meals on Wheels, Salvation Army Angel Trees, and many more.



Divisional Updates and the 2023-2034 Tracking Measures Scorecard are in the Handouts.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, December 4, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. in the Brumit Center for Culinary Arts.



On a motion properly made, the meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary