The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Monday, October 1, 2018, at 3:00 p.m. in the Magnolia Building. Mary Ann Rice, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Board were present: Gene Bell, Bruce Briggs, Wayne Brigman, Joe Brumit, Mike Fryar, Jacquelyn Hallum, Matt Kern, Keynon Lake, Roger Metcalf, William Murdock, and John Parham.
Others present for the meeting included: Dennis King, President; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President Business and Finance/CFO; Terry Brasier, Vice President Student Services; Shelley White, Vice President Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; Beth Stewart, Vice President Instructional Services; Brian Willis, Vice President Information Technology/CIO; David White, Executive Director of Research and Planning; Shanna Chambers, Executive Director of Human Resources; Chad Donnahoo, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.
Call To Order
Chair Mary Ann Rice read the ethics statement. No conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. C. Rice called roll. A quorum was present.
New Hire Introduction
Mr. Darryl Rhymes introduced a new employee to the Trustees.
Mr. Bell asked Mr. Rhymes if the College has a diversity-hiring program in place, with specific numerical goals for employing blacks. Mr. Rhymes stated that the College’s goal is to diversify the campus as much as possible.
Dr. David White added that 14.6 percent of recent College interviewees were from diverse populations and 25 percent of new hires are minorities. The goal for the last year was 20 percent. The goal for 2018-2019 will be set before the December Board meeting.
Ms. Hallum asked to receive a report on the minority turnover rate at the College. Ms. Shanna Chambers will provide the information to Ms. Hallum.
Consent Agenda
Mr. Wayne Brigman moved to approve the Consent Agenda items: 1. A. July 30, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes; 1. B. August 8, 2018, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes; 1. C. September 7, 2018, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes; and 1. D. Personnel Actions.
The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was seconded by Mr. Brumit and approved unanimously by the Board.
Resolution/Action Items
2. A. Dr. Wilmoth informed the Board that the State Board of Community Colleges had amended the Sound Fiscal and Management Practices Policy. To make the College Policy consistent with the State Board Policy, the Administration is seeking approval to amend the College Policy.
On a motion by Mr. Brigman, seconded by Mr. Kern, changes to the Sound Fiscal and Management Practices Policy were approved by unanimous consent.
2. B. Ms. Shanna Chambers explained that the Faculty and Staff Credential Requirements Policy has been changed to consider applicants from both regionally and nationally accredited institutions.
On a motion by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Brigman, the Faculty and Staff Credential Requirements Policy was approved by unanimous consent.
2. C. Dr. King told the Board that he would be traveling out of the country from December 10 through December 17, 2018. Dr. King suggested that the Board appoint Dr. Dirk Wilmoth as Acting President while he is away.
On a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Mr. Brumit, the Board appointed Dr. Dirk Wilmoth as Acting President from December 10 through December 17, 2018, by unanimous consent.
2. D. Dr. Wilmoth stated that the Board approved the Buncombe and Madison County Budgets during the April 9, 2018 meeting. The College has received the budget from the State of North Carolina, and Dr. Wilmoth is requesting Board approval for the final budget prior to its submittal to the State Board.
Mr. Fryar apologized to the Board and stated that Buncombe County’s part of the College budget was taken out of Article 46 Sales Tax monies. Mr. Fryar told the Board that there are ongoing conversations with Interim County Manager George Wood and the Buncombe County Commissioners on how to recover some of the funds from the sales tax.
Mr. Fryar and Mr. Wood met with the Executive Committee on September 7 to discuss the Article 46 Sales Tax issue and confirmed that funds from the quarter-cent sales tax were being used for the College’s operating budget, as well as for the debt service recently constructed buildings on campus.
Mr. Fryar added that there are eleven buildings on campus that are currently under maintenance.
The College appreciates this attention to deferred maintenance which was the result of budget cuts in recent years.
Mr. Bruce Briggs requested that an up-to-date report on the progress of the recuperation of the Article 46 Sales Tax funds for the College be presented during the December 3 Board meeting.
On a motion by Mr. Brigman, seconded by Dr. Parham, the 2018-2019 Budget was approved by unanimous consent.
2. E. Dr. Wilmoth discussed the 2018-2019 Negative Fund Balance Report with the Board. The State Board requires the College to report unplanned negative balances as well as a plan to rectify any negative balances to the Board of Trustees annually.
The Board discussed the negative balances at length. The largest negative balance is attributed to uncollectible student accounts and federal student aid. The negative balances that have been accruing over the past few years will be written off after three years. The debt, however, remains on the books.
Mr. Briggs stated that the Board passed a Resolution to take appropriate action on delinquent accounts and asked what was being done by the College to collect on the negative balances.
Dr. King shared that the College has taken the following actions:
- Ensuring the student signs a financial agreement acknowledging that a debt is owed to the College.
- Verifying student attendance in class prior to processing financial aid refunds.
- Disbursing student loans at a slower rate to minimize potential future liabilities.
- Decentralizing the Attendance Policy to reduce student liabilities from complete withdrawal from the College.
Dr. King added that the College is using institutional funds to partially offset the debt, and tighter financial aid policies are in place.
On a motion by Ms. Hallum, seconded by Mr. Murdock, the 2018-2019 Negative Fund Balance Report was accepted as presented by unanimous consent.
2. F. Dr. King informed the Board that the Division of Emergency Services has developed a partnership with the Navy Medical Unit in Cuba to deliver an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course. Emergency Medical Science faculty will train ten students from the Navy Medical Unit in four weeks of online instruction and one week of on-site lab instruction at the base in Cuba. Course fees charged will cover all necessary costs, including salaries and travel expenses. The instructors will be housed on the Navy Base in Guantanamo Bay, and international insurance has been secured for the trip.
The Navy requested that the College approve the travel to Cuba prior to September 30, 2018, so that the funds may be encumbered prior to October 1. The Executive Committee met on September 26 to discuss and act on the Emergency Medical Science Trip to Cuba.
The Emergency Medical Science Travel to Cuba was approved by a quorum vote on September 26, 2018.
Swearing In
At 4:30 p.m., Mr. Keynon Lake was sworn in as a Trustee of A-B Tech Community College, by the Honorable Calvin J. Hill.
Trustee Business
3. A. Mr. James Wilson with Pulliam Properties presented the following three offers for the Enka property to the Board:
- Mr. Charlie Ball has offered $1.4 Million for 7.7 acres of the Enka property which includes the Haynes tower and property behind the tower. Mr. Ball is interested in expanding his business incubator “Hatch”. Mr. Ball’s offer allows A-B Tech to retain a presence in Enka.
- McElroy and Associates have offered $8.2 Million for the entire 40-plus acre parcel. McElroy and Associates are interested in locating a “big box” store in Enka. This proposal will require A-B Tech to leave the Enka property completely.
- Mr. Tim Dockery, in partnership with Mr. Rusty Pulliam, has offered $6 Million for the Enka parcel. If the College agrees to sell to Mr. Dockery and Mr. Pulliam (Developers), the Developers have agreed to construct a building valued at $1.5 Million for A-B Tech at a location of the College’s choice.
Mr. Wilson stated that if the College had any issues with Mr. Pulliam’s involvement in the offer, the offer would be rescinded immediately.
Mr. Matt Kern moved to discuss the offers on the Enka Property during the Board Meeting. Mr. Wayne Brigman seconded the motion.
The Trustees discussed the three offers at length. The Executive Committee will discuss the three offers in detail and bring back a recommendation to the full Board. All Trustees will be notified when the Executive Committee meeting is scheduled.
3. B. The November 13 Board Retreat will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Governor’s Western Residence. Dr. King asked the Trustees if there was anything they would like to add to the agenda. Ms. Jacquelyn Hallum suggested that the topic of Diversity should be added to the agenda. Dr. King stated the Board could address Diversity during the 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. session. This is when the Board will establish its goals for 2018-2019.
3. C. Several Trustees attended the September NCACCT Leadership Seminar in Asheville. The Seminar was well attended and very informative. Mr. Chad Donnahoo presented “Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money: When a Board gets Sued” during the Seminar, and the same presentation will be made during the Board Retreat.
President’s Report
Due to the late hour, Dr. King will email his Board Report to the Trustees. (A copy is attached.)
Student Government Association Report
Ms. Darinda Noah was unable to attend the meeting but sent the following report:
- The Fall Festival was held on September 6. The event included a picnic lunch for 1,500 participants, free chair massages, activity stations, informational booths hosted by student organizations and college resources providers, a DJ, and the new College mascot, the Trailblazer Bear, made an appearance. The Trailblazer Bear danced with the crowd on the Beech Tree Deck.
- Constitution Day: Officers of the SGA (Student Government Association) set up a table in the Coman Student Center and distributed pocket-sized U.S. Constitutions along with voter registration forms. This is a federal requirement of all Colleges offering Title IX funding.
- National Voter Registration Day: The SGA hosted voter registration tables in four campus locations. 94 voter registration forms were completed and delivered to the Buncombe County Board of Elections.
Motion For Closed Session
At 5:04 p.m., Mr. Brigman moved that the Trustees enter into a closed session pursuant to G.S. § 143.318 (a)(1) to prevent the disclosure of privileged or confidential personnel information pursuant to G.S. § 115D 27-29; and under subsection (a)(3) to receive advice from the Board Attorney regarding Parmar v. A-B Tech, et al. (18 CVS 525 Buncombe County)”. Ms. Jacquelyn Hallum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
On a motion properly made, the Board returned to open session at 5:30 p.m.
Open Session
Mr. Brumit moved to approve June 30, 2018, Closed Session Minutes. Mr. Brigman seconded the motion which was approved by unanimous consent.
Hand Outs
10. A. Chair Rice asked the Board to read the Tracking Measures Score Card Final 2017-2018, and the August 2018 State and County Funds Report, which are located in the packet.
On a motion by Mr. Brigman, seconded by Mr. Brumit, the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary