Information Technology: Artificial Intelligence Certificate

Artificial Intelligence - Hero
Program Code: C25590A1

Information Technology: Artificial Intelligence Certificate

Students will learn how to use AI tools focused on industry standards. Upon completion of the certificate, students will have a grounding in AI concepts, prompt engineering, AI domains, tools, and generative AI. This certificate is designed for those who have prior experience with computers and wish to add AI technologies to their skill set. If a student does not have prior computer proficiency, other coursework may be required to meet course prerequisites.

Courses requiring a grade of “C” or better: CSC, CTI, CTS, and DBA

Courses in this program

Course Code Course Credit Hours Link to course details

This course provides a survey of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Topics include the history, development, and current applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Demonstrate general artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts.

This course covers the introduction of the tools and resources available to students in programming, mark-up language, and services on the Internet. Topics include standard mark-up language Internet services, creating web pages, using search engines, file transfer programs; and database design and creation with DBMS products. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of programming tools, deploy a web-site with mark-up tools, and create a simple database table.

This course introduces the student to current legal and ethical issues in the computer/engineering field. Topics include moral reasoning, ethical standards, intellectual property, social issues, encryption, software piracy, constitutional issues, and public policy in related matters. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the moral and social responsibilities and public policy issues facing an industry. 

Course Code Course Credit Hours Link to course details

This course covers modern artificial intelligence tools, concepts, and technologies. Topics include theory and hands-on training across multiple artificial intelligence subdomains. Upon completion, students should be able to implement AI platforms that could improve safety, efficiency, accuracy, problem-solving, cost-savings, and the creation of new business opportunities.

This course introduces computer programming using the Python programming language. Emphasis is placed on common algorithms and programming principles utilizing the standard library distributed with Python. Upon completion, students should be able to design, code, test, and debug Python language programs.

This course is designed to develop SQL programming proficiency. Emphasis is placed on data definition, data manipulation, and data control statements as well as on report generation. Upon completion, students should be able to write programs which create, update and produce reports.

Total Credit Hours Required:

Curriculum is based on the 2024-2025 catalog.

Good To Know