We offer numerous courses to keep employees safe on the job - from basic first aid to hazardous waste site cleanup.
For more information, contact ewd@abtech.edu / (828) 398-7760.
Available Classes
This 10-hour training course covers workers’ rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. It includes helpful worker safety and health resources. It also provides samples of a weekly fatality and catastrophe report, a safety data sheet, and the OSHA Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses. Student handouts include:
- Walking and Working Surfaces, including fall protection
- Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection
- Electrical
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Hazard Communication
- Hazardous Materials
- Materials Handling
- Machine Guarding
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Fall Protection
Course Topics:
- Definition of ergonomics
- Workplace problems, injuries, and losses due to ergonomic issues
- Types, signs and symptoms, and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- Common ergonomic stressors
- Techniques to combat these stressors
Course topics:
- Recognize the difference between collateral duty and primary duty
- Be aware of requirements for first aid availability
- Be able to explain how collateral and primary first aid duty relates to the bloodborne pathogens standard
Course topics:
- Purpose and scope of hazard communication in the workplace
- Role management and employee responsibilities in complying with this standard
- General requirements regarding chemical hazard classifications
- Requirements for an effective written hazard communication program
Course Topics:
- Understand the need for energy control procedures
- Identify methods of lockout/tagout
- Identify the employer’s responsibilities
- Identify the employee training needs
- Understand how to handle group lockout/tagout, outside contractors, and shift changes