Workplace Safety

We offer numerous courses to keep employees safe on the job - from basic first aid to hazardous waste site cleanup.

For more information, contact / (828) 398-7760.

Available Classes

This 10-hour training course covers workers’ rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. It includes helpful worker safety and health resources. It also provides samples of a weekly fatality and catastrophe report, a safety data sheet, and the OSHA Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses. Student handouts include:

  1. Walking and Working Surfaces, including fall protection
  2. Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection
  3. Electrical
  4. Personal Protective Equipment
  5. Hazard Communication
  6. Hazardous Materials
  7. Materials Handling
  8. Machine Guarding
  9. Bloodborne Pathogens
  10. Fall Protection

Course Topics:

  1. Definition of ergonomics
  2. Workplace problems, injuries, and losses due to ergonomic issues
  3. Types, signs and symptoms, and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  4. Common ergonomic stressors
  5. Techniques to combat these stressors

Course topics:

  1. Recognize the difference between collateral duty and primary duty
  2. Be aware of requirements for first aid availability
  3. Be able to explain how collateral and primary first aid duty relates to the bloodborne pathogens standard

Course topics:

  1. Purpose and scope of hazard communication in the workplace
  2. Role management and employee responsibilities in complying with this standard
  3. General requirements regarding chemical hazard classifications
  4. Requirements for an effective written hazard communication program

Course Topics:

  1. Understand the need for energy control procedures
  2. Identify methods of lockout/tagout
  3. Identify the employer’s responsibilities
  4. Identify the employee training needs
  5. Understand how to handle group lockout/tagout, outside contractors, and shift changes