Search Results for “M카”
This course provides advanced experience in a simulated salon setting. Emphasis is placed on the efficient and competent delivery of all salon services in preparation for the licensing examination and employment.
Published on the Carolina Spark Website - July 3, 2023
… This course provides advanced experience in a simulated salon setting. Emphasis is placed on the …
Posted on the Citizens Times website on July 12, 2023
This course introduces the basic principles of sanitation and safety relative to the hospitality industry. Topics include personal hygiene, sanitation and safety regulations, use and care of equipment, the principles of food-borne illness, and other related topics.
Student Team and Student Chef to Vie for National Titles in New Orleans July 16-19
After practicing his signature entrée for the upcoming American Culinary Federation’s (ACF) national competition twice a week for the past three months, 24-year-old Roman Nourse often finds himself cooking duck in his sleep.
… of the creative and technical methods of sculpture with a focus on the traditional processes. Emphasis is placed on … completion, students should be able to show competence in a variety of sculptural approaches. This course has been approved for the transfer under the CAA as a pre-major and/or elective course requirement. ART-281 6 3 …
This course covers the brewing of seasonal and specialty beers using advanced brewing techniques. Topics include original recipe development, lab analysis, production techniques, and packaging.
Published in the Asheville Citizen-Times on July 25, 2023 Asheville — A team of culinary students from A-B Tech was awarded second place on July 19 in the American Culinary Federation’s national finals competition in New Orleans.