September 14, 2021 Board of Trustees Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

The Executive Committee of the Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. in the Simpson Building. Matt Kern, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Executive Committee were also present: Himanshu Karvir, Frances Ramsey, and Roger Metcalf.

Others present for the meeting included: Dr. John Gossett, President; Dr. Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President for Business and Finance/CFO, Ms. Anne Oxenreider, Executive Director Strategic Planning and Institutional Research, Mr. Chris Campbell, College Attorney; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Workforce Training Center And Article 46 Funds

The Executive Committee discussed Article 46 funds, the cost of construction, and the Workforce Training Center at length.

Mr. Chris Campbell shared the history of Article 46 funds, the College, and the fact that the North Carolina Senate Bill 267 sunsets on June 30, 2027. The funds have provided for capital maintenance on all of the buildings on the A-B Tech Asheville campus, and facilities improvements on A-B Tech Enka. After 2027, Buncombe County has agreed that the College will continue to receive $5 million annually from the Article 46 funds for operating costs.

In 2022, a new debt service ($5 Million) for the Workforce Training Center for Pratt & Whitney starts, and also ends in 2027. Once the debt is paid for the Center, the Center will be deeded to A-B Tech with a restrictive covenant.


2020-2025 Strategic Plan Draft

The Executive Committee reviewed a draft of the Strategic Plan which is scheduled for discussion and approval during the October 4 Board meeting. Ms. Anne Oxenreider stated that she will hand out a paper copy of the Strategic Plan, show a PowerPoint, and explain the planning process from the beginning to the end. Over 1,100 employees and 6,000 students have had input into the planning process. The Plan is metric based and the outcomes will be reported in the College’s Annual Report.


Nomination Process

The Executive Committee discussed the nomination process for selecting the Board Chair, Vice-Chair, Board Secretary, and members of the Executive Committee. In the spirit of transparency, the Executive Committee agreed that the nominating process would be explained in depth during a Board meeting by the Board Chair prior to appointing members to the Nominating Committee. When the Nominating Committee meets, they are subject to open meeting laws, so anyone who wishes to participate in the nomination process may attend.



On a motion properly made the meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. by unanimous consent.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary