Open Basketball General Rules

  • All patrons must sign in and out.
  • All patrons must present an A-B Tech ID to participate.
  • Open basketball is only available during designated times.
  • Appropriate athletic apparel must be worn. A shirt and closed-toe shoes are required.
    No Street Clothes (i.e. sandals, open-toe shoes, hard-soled shoes, cargo pants/shorts, dress slacks, khaki pants/shorts or jeans). Anything that compromises the safety and professionalism of the weight, fitness, and gym areas is prohibited.
  • Non-marking athletic shoes only.
  • Hanging on rims is not permitted.
  • Students may bring their own basketball or they may check one out during open hours (limited supply).
  • The College is not responsible for any personal belongings. Lockers are available for use (students must provide their own lock) or you may place items on the bleachers.
  • No visitors are allowed in the fitness areas.
  • No food, or drink other than plain water is allowed. If you wish to carry water with you, it must be in a plastic container with a lid/cap.
  • Observe proper personal hygiene by showering regularly, wearing clean clothing, and using deodorant. Showers are available in the locker rooms (students must provide their own towels and toiletries)
  • In the event of an injury or accident, please notify the Gym Assistant or HPE faculty immediately.
  • Please direct all questions, concerns, and maintenance needs to the HPE Faculty and/or Gym Assistant on duty.
  • Profanity, excessively loud, or suggestive language will not be tolerated. This includes music selection.

The policies of the A-B Tech weight and cardio rooms have been developed to keep the facility and equipment in good condition and to assure your safety while using the facilities. If you have any questions or need assistance, please go to the A-B Tech Gym Assistant or the HPE Faculty (Coman 105 and 106).

Use of the A-B Tech fitness facilities is a privilege. Failure to comply with policies and directions of the staff governing participation, equipment, and/or conduct may result in suspension from the A-B Tech fitness facilities and/or its programs.