A-B Tech offers a variety of clubs and organizations to enhance the leadership, cultural, personal, and professional development of our students. Some are program-specific, and others are of general interest and open to all. See their respective descriptions for more details.
Do you have an idea for a club you'd like to see at A-B Tech? To learn how to charter a new club or society see Forming Clubs and Societies.
General Interest Clubs and Societies
Contact: William Derek Rhodarmer at williamdrhodarmer@abtech.edu
A space for students who enjoy creating art to meet up for drawing sessions, connect as artists, and go on art-focused field trips.
Contact: Joshua Harris - joshuaiharris@abtech.edu and Erika Lett - erikallett!@abtech.edu
The Multicultural Student Leadership Association is a student organization designed to support the educational and professional aspirations of non-majority students and their allies enrolled at A-B Tech. Join us to make new friends, learn about College resources, and participate in personal and professional development opportunities.
Contact: Michele Hathcock at michelechathcock@abtech.edu or Tyra Syverson at tyraLsyverson@abtech.edu
This leadership development program is open to curriculum students who have completed at least 12 credit hours in good standing with a 3.0 GPA. The National Society of Leadership and Success Sigma Alpha Pi chapter is a leadership program that has hundreds of branches throughout the nation at community colleges and universities. Invitations are sent by mail.
Contact: Alikhan Salehi at alikhanhsalehi@abtech.edu
A space to build community and connection for those who are part of the LatinX community, or interested in LatinX heritage, culture, and language.
Contact: Marlene Frisbee – dorismfrisbee@abtech.edu
PBL is open to all college students in any curriculum. The purpose of PBL is to provide opportunities for college students to develop business-related career competencies. Several of the goals are to develop leadership, strengthen student confidence, learn about business enterprise, develop character, as well as facilitate the transition from school to work. Students have the opportunity to travel, network with businesses and other PBL students in both the state and country, further their education by competing in various business areas, learn from various workshops and seminars on a variety of business subjects, as well as take on a leadership role at the local, state, or national levels if interested.
Contact: Porscha Orndorf - porscharorndorf@abtech.edu or Dean Paulk - deanspaulk@abtech.edu
Queer the Way society was formed to develop a community among A-B Tech students to provide a positive atmosphere and influence for LGBTQIA students and allies. The society encourages networking, education, and awareness to promote healthy relationships and general well-being.
Contact: Dean Paulk at deanspaulk@abtech.edu or Mindy Coleman at mindyjcoleman@abtech.edu
A space to provide education, resources, and community for students with disabilities.
Co-Curricular Clubs and Societies
Contact: Denice Morgan - denicermorgan@abtech.edu
The School of Nursing Club is for all current nursing students (ADN and PN). The purpose of this club is to promote leadership for nursing students to enhance the welfare of the school and local, and regional communities. The club will be active in both state and national organizations. Participants will develop their role as professional nursing students by demonstrating competence and integrity, caring and inclusiveness to all, and recognizing and respecting each individual’s diversity. Participants will be leaders in schools of nursing governance, healthcare institutions, and the public at large.
Contact: Brooke Hensley - brookechensley@abtech.edu
The Dental Assisting Club cultivates, promotes, and sustains the art and science of the dental assisting field. Open to current, full-time Dental Assisting Students, the club represents and safeguards the common interest of its members and contributes to the improvement of public health.
Contact: Candace Crump - candacescrump@abtech.edu
MASA promotes the exchange of ideas, experience, and fellowship among Medical Assisting students and educators at A-B Tech. Members are encouraged in scholarship, leadership, and service. Through club membership, students are provided the opportunity to join the American Association of Medical Assistants.
Contact: Sereitha Miller at sereithadmiller@abtech.edu
The purpose of this club is to provide incoming radiography program students with a base to develop a wider understanding of diagnostics radiography and coordinating modalities. This club encourages the discussion of thoughts, experiences, and ideas for a radiography student in the clinic and academic curriculum.
Contact: Carolyn M. Derbes at Carolynmderbes@abtech.edu or Jana Jones at janaljones@abtech.edu
The objectives of this organization shall be to cultivate, promote, and sustain the art and science of dental hygiene. This club represents and safeguards the common interest of the members of the dental hygiene profession.
Contact: Sierra Allen - sierramallen@abtech.edu
The Association provides learning opportunities for Veterinary Technician students through field trips, guest speakers, and community activities as well as increases the profile of the A-B Tech Veterinary Medical Technology program and the broader community of veterinary medicine by participating in, planning, and organizing career days, seminars, conferences, etc. It also raises awareness within the A-B Tech community about issues pertaining to the health and well-being of companion animals and livestock by participating in campus and Student Government activities.
Contact: Heather Hall - heatherphall@abtech.edu
SOTA is an organization for OTA students. Through engagement in educational and social activities, OTA students have advocacy, service, and learning opportunities that assist in the development of a strong foundation in the occupational therapy profession. This association fosters partnership, mentorship, and professionalism within the A-B Tech Occupational Therapy Assistant curriculum.
Contact: Madelyn Johnson – madelyndjohnson@abtech.edu or Brian Newsom - charlesbnewsom@abtech.edu
The mission of the Association of Student Paramedics is to provide a unified voice in representing the members to institutes of learning, government agencies, and other organizations. The Association of Student Paramedics provides a resource for the exchange of ideas and the advancement of the Paramedic profession.
Contact: Rachel Vickers - rachelvickers@abtech.edu
The purpose of the A-B Tech Surgical Technology Club is to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences of surgical technology as a profession. A variety of fundraising activities occur throughout the year in the curriculum to provide monies for professional organization membership and the pinning ceremony.
Contact: Chastity Case – chastitylcase@abtech.edu
The purpose of the A-B Tech Sonography Club at the college shall be the promotion of scholarship, the development of leadership and service, and the cultivation of fellowship among qualified Medical Sonography students at this institution.
Contact: Kelli Harrell at Kellinharrell@abtech.edu
The promotion of scholarship, development of leadership & service, and cultivation of fellowship among qualified cardiovascular sonography students.
Forming Clubs and Societies
Currently, there are 19 chartered campus clubs and societies. These groups sponsor many events for the entire campus, as well as those planned for their own members. Students wishing to form a new club or society on campus must seek official recognition through the Student Government Association.
A chartering form must be submitted along with a copy of the proposed organization’s constitution and bylaws. Upon approval by the SGA Senate, the constitution and bylaws shall be forwarded to the Coordinator of Student Life and then on to the Director of Student Life and Development for final approval. Clubs approved to operate on campus must have their charters renewed each fall.
For a complete club handbook, contact the Student Government Association at sga@abtech.edu or (828) 398-7205.