Madison County Resource Guide

Section I: Food, Housing, and Clothing/Diapers

Salvation Army

The Lord’s Harvest

Located in Mars Hill, NC, please see website for details

Beacon of Hope

Neighbors in Need

Forks of Ivy Baptist Church

For those without transportation, free local delivery may be available

Little Free Food Pantry

Located at the entrance of Mars Hill United Methodist Church parking area where anyone may drop off items or pick up food items as needed any time of the day 24/7. The Girl Scouts keep it stocked assisted by interested persons in the church and community.

Madison County Libraries Free Food Pantry

Located at each branch of the Madison County Public Libraries, anyone may drop off food items or pick up food items as needed during business hours (9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. weekdays, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturdays).

YMCA Mobile Market

Ebbs Chapel Food Pantry

Farm Fresh Produce Prescription Program

Income-based program for individuals/families enrolled in or eligible for free or reduced lunches, SNAP, WIC, CHIP and/or Medicaid. Do not have to be a US citizen Madison County Health Department enrolls individuals.

Wild Hearts Farm & Sanctuary - Free Food Share

At the Farm Connection, they provide prepackaged food boxes that generally include fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and some non-perishables. Sign up system to reserve a box to pick up at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Anyone not signed up is free to come at 5:00 p.m. to pick up unclaimed or extra boxes. Call Beryl Lynn (828) 319-5319 and leave a message with your name and phone number to reserve a box to pick up.

MANNA Express

Food distribution is on the 4th Friday of the month from 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. at Cooperative Extension.

Community Housing Coalition of Madison

May apply online, email CHC with “request for assistance” in the subject line and contact information, or call and request an application. To be eligible for assistance, clients must be residents of Madison County, NC. A critical function of each repair project CHC takes on is the initial on-site assessment of the needs to develop the total scope of the project.

Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity

Serving Madison and Buncombe Counties with affordable homeownership and home repair programs. Seeking volunteers to help build and repair homes.

Information for homeless students and their families

NC State Homeless Coordinator

Marshall Housing Authority

Tobacco Free

Mars Hill Housing Authority

Hot Springs Housing Authority

Madison County Housing Authority

Mashburn Gap Apartments

Homeward Bound Rapid Rehousing Program

Western North Carolina AIDS Project WNCAP

Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoS CoC) NC Coalition to End Homelessness

The Balance of State Continuum of Care is made up of 79 mostly rural counties in North Carolina. These counties are coordinated through Regional Committees. Each Regional Committee has designed a Coordinated Assessment process for their area. To find more information about each region, please go to the Balance of State Coordinated Assessment page or call NCCEH at (919) 755-4393. Madison County Agency and/or System Lead is in Jackson County.

Madison County Health Department

May be able to supply diapers, infant and toddler clothing, and other childcare items such as strollers, pack-and-plays, car seats, walkers, swings, booster seats, and other items pending availability.

My Sisters Attic

Abiding Hope, Inc.

Mother/Baby Supplies -maternity and baby clothes up to size 2T, diapers, wipes, formula and more

Ebbs Chapel Clothes Closet

ReClaim Madison

Discounts are available for Community Housing Coalition, Beacon of Hope, or any other Madison County Social Services client as a referral.

Beacon of Hope

Provides emergency assistance with food, clothing, household items, bedding, and personal hygiene for a $35 voucher available to those in need, and covers anything in the Thrift Store and/or Madison Community Market. Member credit program open to those who meet pantry income guidelines. Members volunteer and receive $8/hour in-store credit for up to 10 hours per month ($80 credit total).


May be able to provide a $10 gift card to use in-store if the patient requests to speak to the manager or assistant manager at the Weaverville location.

East Asheville United Methodist Church

BEAR Closet – Weaverville

BEAR Closet at Abernethy UMC – Asheville

BEAR Closet at Snow Hill UMC – Candler

St. Paul’s UMC BEAR Closet – Asheville

Loving Hearts for Christ BEAR Closet – Marion

Catholic Charities – Asheville

Children & Family Resource Center – Hendersonville

Sharing House – Brevard

Emergency Diaper Assistance

Section 2: Utility and Transportation

Mars Hill Baptist Church

May be able to help with emergency funds for heating, utilities, etc. provided they have funding.

St. Andrews Catholic Church

May be able to assist with electrical services and gas money if funding allows

Rural Organizing and Resilience

May be able to supply firewood

Madison County Department of Social Services

Appalachian Voices

May be able to help with weatherization and electric bill dept, please see the PDF on the website for information and resources

LIEAP Low Income Energy Assistance Program

For General Information about the LIEAP program.

Contact the local Department of Social Services to apply:

Weatherization Assistance Program

Contact the local designated service provider for Madison and Buncombe County at (828) 252-2495, other county contacts are listed on the link, how to apply.

Community Action Opportunities

Home Weatherization: At A-B Tech Madison
Weatherization/HARRP Application

Complete application

NC Department of Health and Human Services

Link with additional resources for various energy service providers and other assistance programs

Duke Energy Utility Assistance

Search for eligibility online at Duke’s website.

Neighbors in Need

To be eligible for assistance, clients must be residents of Madison County, NC. For Heating Assistance, the Neighbors in Need program begins on the first Tuesday in December. The one-time heating assistance payment per household is for a 12-month period. Currently, the 2021/2022 stipend is not yet available. There is assistance for electric heat, heating oil, propane, kerosene, and firewood.

Clients can sign up for assistance in advance if they believe they will need help in the coming winter. After the client’s eligibility is determined, they will receive a postcard in the mail with the amount of assistance for which they are eligible. Clients can apply in person at 165 South Main Street in Marshall, NC starting now. If a client urgently needs assistance, they can bring their heating bill statement to Neighbors in Need at the above address to apply.

Clients 60 years of age or older must first apply to DSS for assistance. If they still need heating assistance after applying to DSS, they can then apply to Neighbors in Need. Assistance for non-heating electric bills, as well as food, is available year-round. For non-heating electrical bills, the stipend is $100.00 for an individual and $200.00 for a household.

Madison County Transportation Authority

Fee Schedule
  • Free for: 60+, Veterans, and those using it for employment purposes
  • $5 Round trip -w/in Madison County
  • $6 Round trip – Weaverville
  • $12 Round trip – Asheville

A personal care assistant may ride with you at no additional charge

Madison County Department of Social Services

Coordinates Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation For Medicaid Managed Care Patients

AmeriHealth Caritas
Carolina Complete
Healthy Blue
United Healthcare
ModivCare Corporate

Vehicle – purchase or repairs

Able to purchase a working used car for $610 and/or get assistance with repairing your car. If you get your car repaired, you are responsible for 10% of the repair bill and need to pay a $100 application fee which will go towards the repair bill cost.

Section 3: Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health and Disability

Medical Access Plan (MAP)

Health Insurance for Madison Residents

  • Requirement: Must be a patient of the Hot Springs Health Program
  • Income-based: All individuals within the household qualify if not receiving Medicaid
  • Contact: Chris Chandler Mashburn Medical Center
  • Phone: (828) 649-3500
  • Fax: (828) 649-1032

Mashburn Medical Center

Hot Springs Medical Center

Laurel Medical Center

Mars Hill Medical Center

Medication Assistance Program

Hot Springs Health Program prescription assistance. Please note that Medicaid recipients do not qualify for the MAP Program and it is only available to patients at Hot Springs Health Program.

Madison County Health Department

May assist with vaccinations, sick visits, prenatal care, child health, testing for communicable diseases, sexually transmitted infections visits, WIC, BCCCP (Breast Cervical Cancer Control Program ) and Wise Woman, family planning, high-risk pregnancy (CMHRP) and high-risk infant 0-5 yo (CMARC) case management Programs, Hepatitis C treatment, and opioid use disorder treatment.

Health-e-Neighbors at the Outland Family Clinic

Fee-waived appointments are available every day. Call for an appointment.

Telehealth Appointment Space

All three branches of the Madison County Public Libraries provide private, reservable spaces for residents to conduct telehealth appointments. A telephone or laptop can be provided, if needed, to facilitate the appointment. Free internet is available at all library locations.

Hot Springs
Mars Hill


Provides home medical equipment services-(including maternity products)

Accepts Medicaid

Abiding Hope, Inc

Free Urine Pregnancy Testing, Free Limited OB Ultrasounds Parenting Classes Pregnancy Loss/Grief Support, Abortion Recovery Support, Community Resource Referrals

Children’s Developmental Services Agency (CDSA)

Child Health Audiology Consultant

North Carolina Division of Public Health

Madison County Health Department

Biltmore OB/GYN

Laurel OB/GYN, PA

MAHEC Women’s Health Center

Grace OB/GYN

Madison County Health Department

French Broad Family Dentistry

Mars Hill Dentistry


* Call to see if they are accepting new patients.

Medicaid Prepaid Health Plan (PHP) Mental Health Crisis Phone: Numbers

If you need to call a Medicaid Plan/PHP about an urgent mental health, please use the numbers below. This is Not for routine use but only when you have a time-sensitive mental health concern such as a positive depression screen and suicidal behavior.

Carolina Complete
Healthy Blue

Lifeline Suicide Prevention

October Road

Vaya Health

RHA Behavioral Health Services

RHA of Asheville

RHA Behavioral Health Crisis Center

RHA Mobile Crisis Management

  • Hours: Available 24 hours a day/7 days a week Will be at the person in need’s location within 1-2 hours
  • Phone: (888) 573-1006

Trans Lifeline

Nonprofit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis.

RHA Behavioral Health Urgent Care

Disability Rights North Carolina

NC Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Assists people with disabilities to achieve their goals for employment and independence

VAYA Health

Byram Healthcare

Provides home durable medical equipment services

Accepts Medicaid

Section 4: Substance Use and Smoking Cessation

Madison Substance Awareness Coalition (MSAC)

Narcan and Lock Box distribution and connection to other resources.

The Eleanor Health Foundation

Substance Use Disorder Recovery Financial Help

Apply for scholarships related to substance use treatment and/or social determinants of health needs (ex. Utilities, rent deposit, legal fees, car repairs, etc.)

Holler Harm Reduction

Holler Harm Reduction is a free and confidential service that provides delivery of Harm Reduction supplies and overdose prevention materials to folks using drugs in rural Western North Carolina.

Madison County Health Department

Medication for Opioid Use Disorder

Smoking Cessation

Quitline NC
Mission Hospital Smoking Cessation Program

AL-ANON Family Group

Meets every Tuesday at Marshall Presbyterian Church.

Section 5: Employment and Legal

Life Works Madison County (Self Sufficiency Program ) “Helping People. Changing Lives.”

Career and Employment Support

The Madison County Public Libraries are committed to helping individuals meet their economic, financial, and career goals. To that end, they provide Free computer access at all three branches, links to resume and employment resources on their website, one-on-one technical assistance, and Free in-person and online workshops for developing the technical skills needed for success in the workplace.

Hot Springs
Mars Hill

NC Works Career Center - Madison

Senior Community Service Employment Program

NC Works Career Center - Asheville

Irene Wortham Center, Inc

Section 6: Madison County Area Schools

Brush Creek Elementary School

Hot Springs Elementary School

Mars Hill Elementary School

Madison Middle School

Madison High School

Madison Early College High School

Madison County Community Learning Centers: Woodson Branch Nature School

Services provided are K-8th grade education:
  • After School Program
  • Summer Camps
  • Adult Workshops
Contact Information:

A-B Tech of Madison

GED Test Fee: $20 but class is free

Madison County Literacy Council

NC Works Next Gen

An individualized Program that provides money and support for school and work.


16-24 years old Live in Buncombe, Madison, or Transylvania County Not currently enrolled in school.

Program Assistance:

Money for HSE (GED/HiSet) tests Money for A-B Tech or Blue Ridge Programs (short and long-term Programs) Assistance with transportation and childcare available Paid internship opportunities with local businesses Connections to local businesses for employment Resume, interview, and job search assistance Support of a career coach/mentor to help you navigate your next steps.

For more information:

Section 7: Childcare and Child Related Needs

Updated information on licensed childcare centers may be found by contacting the Southwestern Child Development Commission.

Southwestern Child Development Commission

For childcare referrals the Southwestern Resource Coordinator is available to help families make informed decisions about quality childcare and other parenting concerns. Simply answer some questions about your childcare needs and they will provide you with a listing of referrals that meet your childcare criteria.

Madison County Smart Start (Madison County Partnership for Children and Families)

Serving children age 5 and their families and childcare providers Support for licensed childcare centers and providers, free caregiver/child playgroups (“Kith and Kin”), early literacy Programs, subsidy for licensed childcare for parents working or in school full time (through Madison County DSS), also “Little Learning Library” for parent/caregiver/service provider use.

Madison County Kith & Kin Play Days

Caregivers and birth-5 children attend together; facilitated by an early childhood professional; free Marshall and Hot Springs Libraries & Beech Glen Community Center of Mars Hill.

Early Intervention

Exceptional Children’s Department for Madison County Schools

Ages 3 and above

Child Care Vouchers

To apply: call/visit DSS; based on income/household; Parent must be working/going to school full time.

There may be a waiting list.

Madison County DSS

Bicycle Helmet Initiative

North Carolina Department of Transportation

Madison County Sheriff’s Office

Safe Kids Western North Carolina

Call for appointment

Mars Hill Baptist Church

Madison County Health Department

Call ahead to check availability

Safe Kids WNC

Section 8: Support Groups, Community Outreach

Madison Home Health and Hospice

Bereavement support groups, grief education, and caregiver support groups are held at a variety of times and locations around the county.

Kids Path Bereavement Program

Care Partners Health Services Helps children grieve in their own unique way, putting them on the path to healing. Includes individual and group counseling, play therapy, and more.

AL-ANON Meetings

Mars Hill United Methodist Church
Marshall Presbyterian Church

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings

Marshall Presbyterian Church
Mars Hill United Methodist Church

Community Action Opportunities


Complete application

My Sisters Place

Empowering Madison Youth to Succeed

Madison County Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education

Madison County 4-H and Youth Development

Safe Kids

Madison County Public Libraries

The Madison County Public Library system is a dynamic civic resource that promotes free and open access to information, materials, and services to all members of the community to advance knowledge, foster creativity, encourage the exchange of ideas, build community, and enhance the quality of life.

Hot Springs
Mars Hill

Madison County Parks and Recreation

Laurel Community Center

Provides education, fitness and recreation, senior meal Program, and other resources.

Area Agency on Aging Land of Sky Regional Council

Programs include:
  • Family Caregiver Support Services
  • Foster Grandparent Program
  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
  • Long-Term Care Ombudsman
  • Money Follows the Person
  • Project CARE (Caregiver Alternative to Running on Empty)
  • Senior Companion Program
  • Senior Tar Heel Legislature
Contact Information:

Section 9: Madison County Health Department

Pregnancy Care Management for High-risk Pregnancies CMHRP

Madison County Health Department

Children Care Management for high-risk children 0-5 years old

Madison County Health Department

Triple P Positive Parenting Program (provided by MAHEC)

Dental Center

Offers: Preventive care, x-rays, sealants, restorative care, dentures, partials, etc.

Located downstairs of the health department.

Environmental Health Office

Located on 25/70 with DSS and the tax office

Child Health Nurse

WIC (Women, Infants, & Children)

Post-Partum/ Newborn Home Visits

Maternal Health

Wise Woman

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Services (BCCCP)

Contact to schedule screening, pap smears, and referral follow-ups

Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV

Medication for Opioid Use Disorder

Section 10: Madison County Dept of Social Services

Madison County DSS

For all eligibility services (Medicaid, Food and Nutrition Services, Work First, Child Care Subsidy, NEMT) and Adult Social Work Services:

Please call (828) 649-2711

For Child Welfare Services (Child Protective Services, Foster Care, Foster Home Licensing, Adoptions):

Please call (828) 649-9498

For information about our Senior Congregate Nutrition Sites (Marshall, Mars Hill, Beech Glen, Hot Springs, Center Community Center, Ebbs Chapel, Spring Creek, Shelton Laurel) and Home Delivered Meals:

Please call (828) 649-2722

For information about Veterans Services:

Please call (828) 649-2722

Section 11: Miscellaneous

La Esperanza

La Esperanza is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit in Marshall, NC. We currently serve over 70 Latina families/300+ people in Madison, Buncombe, and Yancey counties. The majority are first and second-generation immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. The mission of La Esperanza is to encourage and strengthen the social, educational, physical, and mental well-being of the local Latino community and build relationships between cultures.

Pet Care

Friends of Madison County Animals (FOMCA) Provides free and low-cost services to qualifying pet owners in Madison County, including spay/neuter, pet food pantry, vet assistance vouchers, flea/tick preventative and other Programs.

Cell Phone: (free)

Assurance Wireless

Must have a household income below 200% FPL and/or be on Medicaid or enrolled in SNAP benefits.

Google: “free cell Phone: with Assurance Wireless”

Eyeglasses (free)

New Eyes 250% FPL or less with a current (within the last two years) eye exam. The website mentions some free eye exam resources.

Memory Care

MemoryCare has a comprehensive resource guide to help seniors and their families better understand dementia, the different types of care available, and how to manage the costs associated with care. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.

Sleep Doctor Free and Discounted Mattresses

This resource has a list of organizations dedicated to providing free or discounted mattresses to those in need.

View the guide at How to Get Free and Discounted Mattresses