Comparing Schools

We’re pleased to announce the GI Bill® Comparison Tool is now live!

The tool assists a student to:

  • Determine their eligibility percentage, choose resident or online training, and their school
  • Choose their status (i.e. veteran, active duty, spouse, child, or reserve/guard)
  • It will then tell them the percentage of tuition & fees payable at that school (if it's public) or the max payable (if it's private)
  • Calculates the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) at full time and considering their eligibility percentage
  • Provides the max book stipend based on their eligibility percentage

The tool also gives info on the chosen school with regard to:

  1. Principles of Excellence
  2. Yellow Ribbon
  3. Number of VA students at that school
  4. Graduation rates, loan default rates, and median borrowing at that school