After Decades of Homelessness and Addiction, Woman Receives GED at A-B Tech

Posted on the WLOS website on June 14, 2024

Asheville, N.C. (WLOS) — About 14 months ago, 43-year-old Chayse Sosa struggled with homelessness, drug addiction, and poverty. On Thursday night, she achieved a huge milestone when she walked to the stage and received her GED diploma.

Sosa said that at one point in her life she was living in the woods without a tent. She said she never imagined that she would be here today.

"I lost my parents at four and got placed in the system. I started active addiction at 11 years old and dropped out of school in seventh grade. At 16, I was emancipated, traveling homeless," she explained.

Sosa struggled with homelessness for nearly half her life and struggled with drug addiction for more than two decades.

It wasn't until 2019 when she got a wake up call.

"I moved to Asheville. I got in trouble, I was able to get out in drug court, and drug court really saved my life," she said.

Despite her challenges, she refused to let her circumstances define her future and her desire for a fresh start.

"They gave me a second chance and helped me with housing, and one of the requirements was to get a GED," she explained.

In February, Sosa took a placement test and passed. Nearly a month later, and after about 18 hours of Academic Preparation, she passed and earned her GED.

She walked across the stage Thursday night at A-B Tech and received her diploma. As thrilled as she is, she said she is on a new mission to help those struggling with homelessness and drug addiction in Asheville.

Sosa is now pursuing an Associate's Degree in Human Services at A-B Tech. She said she hopes to use that degree and make a difference.

"I really want to do something with transitioning homeless people in addiction out of that and hopefully give people a second chance," she said.

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