Speed is his Strong Suit: Chef Roman Nourse Wins National Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition

Roman Nourse, a 2023 Culinary Arts graduate, recently defeated seven chefs from around the country to win the title of U.S. Champion in the prestigious culinary competition the National Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs (JCR ) on June 8 in Seattle. Nourse, who works as Banquet Demi Chef at the Inn on Biltmore Estate, qualified to compete nationally after winning the regional South-Central Province competition in Atlanta earlier this year. He will go on to compete for the United States chapter of le Chaîne and represent the Biltmore Estate against 21 other international teams in Thailand in October of ’25.

The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is the world’s oldest international gastronomic society, founded in Paris in 1248. Each year the society sponsors young chef and sommelier competitions that attract contestants around the world. In the JCR competitors are given a mystery basket containing a few key ingredients. They must prepare a three-course meal to serve four judges using those ingredients—all in 4 1/2 hours.

Nourse said he believes he won the competition due to a combination of strong sanitation techniques and creative use of ingredients. His award-winning dish incorporated chicken, ham and rainbow trout as well as potatoes, heirloom carrots, and sea beans.

His strong time management skills, he said, he picked up at A-B Tech where students must create a “lab plan” before cooking that includes each ingredient and course and how long it takes to prepare. “You don’t see this kind of plan often,” he said. “It’s unique to the program,” Nourse said he takes the time to write out a condensed version of this plan every time he cooks large meals at the Biltmore.

Nourse’s role at Biltmore will soon be changing. He was offered his present position after graduating A-B Tech last summer. At the time he’d interviewed for a sous chef position, but was told he didn’t yet have enough large-scale cooking experience. Less than a year later, not only was Nourse invited to represent the Biltmore at the JCR; but he was also offered his dream job of sous chef beginning this fall. “I feel very grateful,” Nourse said. “It’s been fun to watch myself grow.”

A-B Tech Culinary Arts instructor Chef Chris Bugher has kept a watchful eye on Nourse’s achievements since he graduated last May.“With little experience he had his mind set on a goal and he accomplished it,” Bugher said. “Biltmore is lucky to have such an outstanding chef and person. He is enthusiastic, positive, and has an amazing work ethic.”

These days Nourse has begun training for the international competition in Thailand next fall. One way he gauges competitors is by checking out Instagram posts of their food creations. “It helps me to know where I stand and if I need to up my game,” he said.

Nourse is excited to travel out of the country for the first time and experience Thai food and culture. In the meantime, he’s enjoying reliving his recent success. “I left my heart, body, and soul in that kitchen,” he said. “Speed is my strong suit. All of my muscles hurt afterward I was moving so fast.”

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