Retail Marketing Certificate

Student working on laptop in Business Administration
Program Code: C25120M1

Retail Marketing Certificate

The Retail Marketing Certificate is designed to prepare students to be successful in a retail marketing environment. Students will learn the fundamentals of marketing goods and services. This certificate will provide students with the essential knowledge of retailing, including effective operations, retail structure, non-store retailing, and upcoming trends. Students will learn how to design stimulating visual displays and the importance of visual merchandising. The uniqueness of consumer behavior will be explored with emphasis on the decision-making process.

Specific Requirements

Courses requiring a grade of “C” or better: BUS, MKT

Courses in this program

Course Code Course Credit Hours Link to course details

This course provides a survey of the business world. Topics include the basic principles and practices of contemporary business. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of business concepts as a foundation for studying other business subjects. This course has been approved for transfer under the CAA as a pre-major and/or elective course requirement.

This course introduces the principles and problems of marketing goods and services. Topics include promotion, placement, and pricing strategies for products. Upon completion, students should be able to apply marketing principles in organizational decision making.

This course examines the role of retailing in the economy. Topics include the development of present retail structure, functions performed, effective operations, and managerial problems resulting from current economic and social trends. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of retailing.

This course introduces basic layout design and commercial display in retail and service organizations. Topics include an analysis of display as a visual merchandising medium and an examination of the principles and applications of display and design. Upon completion, students should be able to plan, build, and evaluate designs and displays. This course is a unique concentration requirement of the Marketing and Retailing concentration in the Business Administration program.

This course is designed to describe consumer behavior as applied to the exchange processes involved in acquiring, consuming, and disposing of goods and services. Topics include an analysis of basic and environmental determinants of consumer behavior with emphasis on the decision-making process. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze concepts related to the study of the individual consumer.

This course stresses the importance of customer relations in the business world. Emphasis is placed on learning how to respond to complex customer requirements and to efficiently handle stressful situations. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the ability to handle customer relations.

Total Credit Hours Required:

Curriculum is based on the 2024-2025 catalog.

Good To Know

Why General Education?

You may be asking yourself, “Why do I have to take (course name) when it is not directly related to my major?”

General Education courses will help you develop skills necessary to be successful in your major and in life. General Education can teach you how to talk to your employer, write a paper in a major course, understand interest rates on your car, and much more. General Education can also give you the skills to be a better member of society and a more informed citizen. Critical thinking, global understanding, and appreciation for the human experience are hallmarks of a well-rounded education.

How many hours of General Education do I have to take?

If you are enrolled in an Associate of Applied Science Degree program, a minimum of 15 general education hours are required in the following categories:

  • Six hours from Communication
  • Three hours from Humanities & Fine Arts
  • Three hours from Social & Behavioral Science
  • Three hours from Natural Science & Mathematics

General Education courses have been pre-selected for you by your faculty from the following list:

CommunicationHumanities & Fine ArtsSocial & Behavioral ScienceNatural Science & Mathematics


Degrees designed to transfer to universities require more general education hours. If you are enrolled in the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science, you are required to take 45 hours of General Education from the following categories:

  • Six hours in English Composition
  • Six to nine hours in Communication/Humanities & Fine Arts
  • Six to nine hours in Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Three to eight hours in Mathematics
  • Four to eight hours in Natural Sciences
  • 11 to 14 additional General Education hours

If you are enrolled in the Associate in Engineering, you are required to take 42 general education hours from the following:

  • Six hours in English Composition
  • Six hours in Communication/Humanities & Fine Arts
  • Six work hours in Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • 12 hours in Mathematics
  • 12 hours in Natural Sciences

If you are enrolled in the Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts, you are required to take 25 general education hours from the following:

  • Six hours in English Composition
  • Six hours in Communication/Humanities & Fine Arts
  • Six hours in Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Three to four hours in Mathematics
  • Four hours in Natural Sciences

Additional information about General Education for transfer degrees, including courses that satisfy each category, may be found in the current College Catalog.

What will I learn in General Education?

At A-B Tech, our faculty have designed a general education core so that A-B Tech graduates will learn the following:

Students will critically evaluate information:

  • Students will demonstrate information literacy.
  • Students will critique works of human expression.
  • Students will analyze scientific literature.

Students will solve problems:

  • Students will identify processes.
  • Students will analyze problems.
  • Students will interpret the results.
  • Students will recommend appropriate strategies or solutions.

Students will effectively communicate.

  • Students will communicate appropriately about the subject.
  • Students will communicate appropriately with the audience.
  • Students will communicate appropriately for the medium.

Ever wonder how A-B Tech awards credit for a certain course?

A-B Tech complies with the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges Code, so your courses are assigned the course level and receive the same amount of credit as courses at all 58 North Carolina Community Colleges.

If you want to read more about this, see the A-B Tech Policy and Procedure for the Assignment of Course Level Credit.

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