Student Success in College and Career Readiness

Student Success Stories


"For many years I kept this journey a secret in fear of judgment and ridicule by others. Through uncontrollable failures and successes, triumphs, and even tragedies, I knew that education was the way out of not only physical and financial poverty but out of mental and emotional poverty. Growing up I never knew what it was like to sit a dinner table in the company of friends or family, but every day at the Hemlock Building was like coming to the dinner table. Not only did we discuss educational difficulties but also the challenges that life had to offer. Those discussions taught me that you may not be able to control every situation but you can control your attitude and how you handle it. "Michael Hewitt

"This was an amazing journey for each and every one of us in here. Don’t think we are done yet because we are not, We’re just getting started. The late study nights, the early morning test, the aggravation, but most of all the dedication to wanting more is finally paying off. Yeah, I like it. I’m proud of everybody in here no matter their race, age, or gender. You did it, it might’ve been tough, and you might’ve wanted to give up sometimes but you didn’t now look at yourself, a graduate." Octavius Boozier

"I began my path with A-B Tech’s GED program in February of 2017. I spent my time there working hard on my math skills, so I could pass my exams and get a good job. It never occurred to me that I needed to consider going to college afterward. People like me do not go to college. We don’t pursue a higher education, or at least that was what I had always been told.

I already had a job lined up for after my graduation. That was when fate and several staff members within the dots program intervened. I had asked my teacher Mrs. Kimberly Litz if she could give me a recommendation for the job. She did and I was to start it in two weeks. That was when I received an email from one of the GED program administrators Mrs. Rebecca Loli. She was telling me about opportunities and resources available for me to continue my education. It felt like everyone who worked with me during my time in the GED program was rooting for me to continue my education. I still did not think it was a possibility for me. They not only convinced me to give it a shot, but they also guided me to the resources to help me get going. This included assistance with the scholarship application." Ava Rice.