SOAR Student Celebrates New Internship

When Lowry “Crow” Flaschar first came to A-B Tech in August of 2023, the 19-year-old had just finished high school and wasn’t sure what to do next. The soft-spoken student enjoyed painting, reading, and computers, but struggled with interpersonal skills and hadn’t yet found her career path. A student advisor told her about the SOAR program, which provides free career counseling and individually tailored skill-building for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Now in year two of the program, Flaschar is set to graduate in the spring of 2024 and has landed a paid internship that is a stepping stone to her dream career.

This month Flashchar is starting an eighteen-week internship with REICH Manufacturing based in Arden to work with machines she’s mastered during her time at A-B Tech.

Flashchar recently sat down to reflect on her time at SOAR. Her hands worked a pink fidget toy while she shared memories of how she came to discover her new passion. Having always been someone who enjoys painting and using her hands, Flaschar fell in love with machines after hearing a talk by one of A-B Tech’s Advanced Manufacturing instructors who showed a video of tools and machines. SOAR Director Barbara Fedock recalls this turning-point when Flashchar made up her mind what she’d like to do next.

“She took ownership and decided to find a career,” Fedock says. “She also took a class that built her interpersonal skills and became very good at helping the other students.

Juggling her Monday-Thursday SOAR classes along with Saturday machining and a part time job at Michaels has not been easy, but Flaschar has thrived in her structured new life. According to Fedock, she has earned multiple certificates in math, literacy, and computer classes in which she excelled.

Sitting on a bench in front of the Hemlock building, where her classes meet, Flaschar pulls out her phone to show photos of objects created in her machining class. Her favorites are a carbon fiber bowl and a set of dinosaur cup holders.

When asked what she enjoys most about machining, Flaschar says, “My instructor Andy Michaels taught me how to be safe and how to cut circles in half to make a bowl.” Working with the tools and machines to create interesting objects, Flashar says she felt like she could creatively express herself.

Other highlights of SOAR have been going to festivals on campus such as the Earth Day Festival and the Fall Festival, building her communication skills, and connecting with new friends.

[Soar] helped me find a career,” she says, adding, “My parents are proud of me.”

As for the future, Flaschar, who recently got her driver’s license and enjoys driving her mom’s car, said she’s excited at the prospect of a daily commute.

“It’ll feel nice to drive nine minutes to and from work,” she says. “I’m excited to make more money so I can get a new car of my own. I hope I can get a full-time job there.”

Is she nervous about starting her new internship?

“No,” Flashcar says. “I saw the machines they have; They’re CNC machines. I’m excited to use them.”

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