Computer Technologies Student Expo
Come join us as graduating students show off their final projects and portfolios from the Computer Information Technology. Many students will be showing their capstone projects including databases, spreadsheets, networking, security, web design and development, print, audio/video, and interactive design. This is an excellent opportunity to find out more about the programs or recruit a graduating student for your business.
The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Details of upcoming events will be on the department's LinkedIn page at A-B Tech Computer Technologies Department
Employer Advisory Committee Meeting
Each year, we ask local professionals and organizations to join us at a luncheon to discuss changes in our programs, recognize award-winning students, and offer suggestions for improvements to our curriculums. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Peter Kennedy, Chairperson, at
Student Organizations
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)
Omega Alpha Epsilon Chapter
The purpose of this chapter shall be to further the goals of Phi Beta Lambda within the state of North Carolina. This chapter shall provide opportunities for post-secondary and college students to develop competencies for business and the educational world. Phi Beta Lambda is an integral part of the instructional program and in addition, promotes a sense of civic personal responsibility.
LinkedIn Page
Join us online at our department's LinkedIn page at A-B Tech Computer Technologies Department.