A-B Tech School of Nursing Clinical Simulation (On-Campus clinical)

On-campus clinicals will be part of each nursing course that includes a clinical component. Simulated clinical experiences align with the course outcomes and are designed to simulate nursing care across the lifespan. Simulated clients will have both acute and chronic conditions and the expected level of care will increase as you advance in the program. A simulated experience is equivalent to an off-campus clinical experience, including clinical attire. You are the “nurse” and should provide full care as directed by the course outcomes. It is important to be respectful and refer to the client by name and always demonstrate professional behavior.

On-campus clinical debriefing is the most critical part of the learning experience. The nursing faculty will facilitate the post-simulation discussion. Clinical errors are okay during on-campus clinical and with faculty support the clinical experience will be a learning opportunity for all participants. What happens in simulation stays in simulation. During debrief be respectful of all learners and engage in professional communication that is non-judgmental.