A-B Tech School of Nursing Overview

Each A-B Tech School of Nursing program has program-specific outcomes. Program outcomes are listed below:


Associate Degree Program:

  • The nursing program has a systematic evaluation plan that is fully implemented, and continuous quality improvement is demonstrated.
  • The nursing program solicits and utilizes feedback from communities of interest in program planning and faculty decision-making.
  • The nursing program has a minimum of 60% of students complete the program on time and a minimum of 70% of students complete the program within 150% of their most recent admission.
  • The nursing program prepares students to be successful on the NCLEX-RN.
  • Nursing program graduates find employment as an RN within six months of graduation.
  • The nursing program’s students, graduates, employers, and faculty express satisfaction with the program’s effectiveness.


Practical Nursing program:

  • The nursing program has a minimum of 60% of students who complete the program on time.
  • The nursing program prepares students to be successful on the NCLEX-PN.
  • Nursing program graduates find employment as a PN within six months of graduation.
  • The nursing program’s students, graduates, employers, and faculty express satisfaction with the program’s effectiveness.


A-B Tech School of Nursing Mission, Vision, and Philosophy

The A-B Tech School of Nursing is dedicated to preparing highly competent and caring nurses who practice with excellence and integrity and recognize diversity and inclusion with respect to all. The faculty incorporates the values of caring, professionalism, a spirit of inquiry, continuous improvement, innovation, and inclusiveness.

The A-B Tech School of Nursing is committed to providing a student-centered, high-quality, nursing education program that is recognized for caring, integrity, inclusiveness, and excellence.

The A-B Tech School of Nursing faculty aspire to achieve excellence in education by sharing their professional values and beliefs with students, colleagues, and the community. The philosophy incorporates our ideas of diversity, inclusion, environment & society, education, health, human being, and nurses & nursing.

Diversity is fundamental to the School of Nursing. We share the belief that diversity better serves our students and faculty and drives growth and innovation. We recognize and address equity disparities affecting our students as well as clients in our care. This includes issues relevant to age, race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, personality, pregnancy, disability, carceral state, genetic information/medical history, citizenship, immigration status, income, health insurance status, political affiliation, or veteran’s status.

Inclusion is an environment and culture where each individual feels invited, included, and that they belong. We promote a welcoming environment for each student, faculty, and client by demonstrating respect, integrity, and support for everyone. We strive to ensure everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources and that everyone is treated fairly and is visible and heard.

The environment is the domain in which humans exist and is a dynamic factor that influences one’s health and the delivery and quality of nursing care. Humans influence the environment, just as the environment influences the human. The environment affects individual, family, and community health. All individuals have a right to a healthy, supportive environment that facilitates achieving an optimal state of health and wellness. Society has a responsibility for providing environments conducive to maximizing the health and well-being of its members.

Education is life-long and is a partnership between teacher and learner. The teacher shares their expertise while the learner brings their own knowledge and background to their educational experience. Education is dynamic, innovative, multi-model, and up to date which includes technology and informatics that require accountability for clinical judgment in a complex healthcare environment. Education is a mutual transaction of inquisitive, scholarly, evidence-based, conceptual knowledge. Education includes knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide competent care that is client-centered, culturally competent care that is across the lifespan. Education is accessible to everyone and is sensitive to the changing needs of the individual. The mentorship of learners is strategic and guided by clinical expertise which allows them the opportunity to develop clinical judgment.

Health is energy that sustains life and allows an individual to participate in a variety of human experiences. Health is individualized and client-specific and includes all dynamics of wellness. Health is essential and supports one’s ability to set and meet goals. The goal for delivery of care is to promote and maintain optimal mental, emotional, physical, and social health for all individuals. Health includes what is ethically appropriate for each individual client. Health is a basic right for everyone and allows the individual to fully participate in a variety of human experiences. Health is client-specific and includes all dynamics of wellness. Health includes one’s needs, background, and experience. The knowledge and science of the individual improves the health of others through a professional and safe environment, trusted and culturally competent relationships, and maintaining quality and safety standards.

Every human is a unique, complex, and holistic individual who must be treated with respect, worth, and dignity. Each human requires a unique approach to care and the care should be centered around their needs. Human beings continually interact with their environment and have the right to be involved in decisions that affect their lives.

Nursing is an art and a science. Nursing is a practice discipline that requires the deliberate use of specialized techniques and a broad range of scientific knowledge to design, deliver, coordinate, and manage care for individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations. The nurse works in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to promote holistic health and well-being of the person, society, and environment.

The nurse must be dedicated to lifelong learning to deliver high-quality care grounded in evidence and compassion. Nurses are scholars who practice with scientific knowledge and intellectual maturity. Nurses always have a humanistic concern for the well-being of themselves and others.