A-B Tech School of Nursing Professional Social Networking

Social networking is an important way to stay connected. However, use of social media and networking can violate local, state, and federal laws. The following are the professional standards for an A-B Tech School of Nursing student:

  1. No photos, video, or audio recording will be created before, during, or after clinical. Material created can either be directly or indirectly related to the clinical experience or clinical facilities. No photos, video, or audio recordings of any type will be made in a clinical setting.
  2. Students must refrain from posting on any social network during course hours. Before posting, consider the permanent nature of such postings, and that faculty and staff may see such postings. Please note that “libel” is defined as defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures. A breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action and/or expulsion from the program.
  3. Do not include any individually identifiable client information on any social media network.
  4. Always ensure and observe ethical and professional client-nurse(student) boundaries.
  5. Create separate personal and professional information online. Take advantage of privacy settings when creating and posting material.
  6. Any content that could harm a client’s privacy, rights, or welfare, should be brought to the attention of appropriate authorities.