A-B Tech School of Nursing Chain of Command & Contact Information

For concerns regarding issues with students, faculty, and staff while in the program, follow the chain of command. Document concerns in writing using date, time, place, name, and description of incidents or issues.

Examples include classroom conduct, fellow student or instructor behaviors, and clinical staff issues. Document the steps taken through the chain of command as well. Always address the person exhibiting the conduct first if appropriate.

  1. Person(s) exhibiting the conduct.
  2. Direct instructor (clinical, lab, or classroom) & Clinical coordinator for clinical issues.
  3. Nursing Program Coordinator
  4. School of Nursing Chairperson
  5. Vice President of Student Services

If at any time during the program, the student has a change of name, address, email, or telephone number, the student should report the change to the School of Nursing administrative assistant as well as to Student Services.

The following are important details for contacting the School of Nursing Faculty and Staff:

  • It is professional to address nursing faculty and staff by last name. Even if you know the person on a personal level. It is also important to maintain a professional boundary while in the role of student/faculty.
  • If a student is having problems with the course or material covered, the student should reach out to the course instructor(s).
  • Full-time nursing faculty office hours are included in each course syllabus.
  • Clinical supervision will be provided by full-time as well as adjunct nursing faculty. Should a student need to reach an adjunct clinical instructor, the best method is to use the instructor’s A-B Tech email address.
  • For general assistance, please contact Kimberly Morehouse, Nursing Department Administrative Assistant, at (828) 398-7259 or kimberlymmorehouse@abtech.edu