A-B Tech School of Nursing Lab Success

The A-B Tech School of Nursing offers an optional open lab to all students. All students should utilize the skill labs. If a student’s lab performance is unsatisfactory, it is recommended that the student attend all available open labs. Open labs are offered multiple times each week and are designed for the student to practice clinical skills. The open lab may be either student-directed or faculty-directed. If referred, a student will be required to attend an open lab to remediate a specific clinical skill. It is unacceptable for a student to leave clinical early to attend an open lab.


Lab Guidelines and Etiquette

Use professional behavior during training in the lab. It is expected that a nursing student will demonstrate appropriate behavior during teachings and demonstrations. This includes not talking while instructors are giving instructions, engaging in simulated situations, and actively participating in the demonstrations. The student must bring all necessary supplies with you to the lab as instructed. Before beginning any lab activity, the student must wash their hands and operate or move mannequins only under direct supervision of the nursing faculty.

While in the lab, the setting replicates clinical, the student will treat manikins and simulators with respect as if they were real patients. Handle them gently and with care. The skin of the manikin can easily be damaged. Never write or draw on the simulators because they will permanently remain on the manikin’s skin. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum near the manikins. Do not manipulate or remove any cords or connections from any of the equipment or the simulator manikins unless instructed to do so by the nursing faculty.

When the lab is complete, dispose of all supplies as instructed, and clean the room, and all beds should be flat and in the lowest position. All chairs and tables are returned to the original classroom setup. If directed, clean manikins and models: remove dressings, IVs, and any invasive lines.


Lab Competency and Skills Testing

Lab competency testing will be graded as “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”. Any student who receives an unsatisfactory lab grade will have a course grade of “D” and will not progress in the nursing program. If the student’s final academic grade is 69 or below the student will earn a grade of “F”, regardless of the lab performance. Competency testing may vary in length and time. Each student is expected to be able to demonstrate competency in all required skills, but actual testing may only include a portion of the required skills. Each student’s competency testing may not be identical but will be equivalent in scope for all students in the course. Each student will have a maximum of 2 chances to pass any skill competency, and the second skills test will be evaluated by two or more instructors.