Computer Skills for Job Seekers

A-B Tech Main Campus
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $70
Operating a computer is a necessary life skill for finding and maintaining gainful employment. Come learn basic computer skills that can enhance your search for employment. Included in this class is an overview of basic computer concepts, uses of hardware, applications, and programs. This course will familiarize you with the computer, develop basic keyboarding skills, and increase your comfort level with computers. Develop basic Microsoft Word skills that you can use to create or update a resume and cover letter. Create an email account to sharpen your email skills and learn email etiquette. Learn to surf the web to search and apply for jobs. At the end of this course students will be comfortable operating a computer, creating and managing E-mail accounts, finding information on the internet and using computer for researching, finding employment and using the internet for job posting online. Fee-waived for underemployed and unemployed. Call 828-398-7334 or email to sign up today.
Instructor: Butcher
Meeting time and location:

08/20/24 - 09/12/24
Tue, Thur 5:30p - 8:30p
Ferguson Allied Health, Room 438
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801