The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Wednesday, October 28, 2015, at 12:00 noon in the Simpson Conference Room in the Simpson Administrative Building. Joe Brumit, Chair, presided.
The following members of the Executive Committee were present: Chair Joe Brumit, Don Locke, Richard Hurley, Mary Ann Rice, and Mandy Stone. Also present were Dr. Dennis King, President; Carolyn Rice, Board secretary; and Chris Campbell, College attorney.
Chair Joe Brumit welcomed the Executive Committee and called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.
Chair Brumit informed the Executive Committee that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the receipt of anonymous letters and Trustee training in reference to the handling of College personnel issues.
Anonymous Letters/Training Discussion
Chair Brumit shared his concern with the Committee regarding the Board’s historical reaction to anonymous letters received involving College personnel. When an employee feels that the way to get personnel issues changed is to go to the Board or to the community instead of the President, the employee grievance process breaks down.
Mr. Campbell discussed the receipt of anonymous letters and the situation that may lead to an investigation. If the letter does not contain sufficient facts to warrant or enable review, there will not be an investigation. If specific names or facts are mentioned, however, especially in regards to harassment, the College must investigate. Regarding the treatment of employees by their superiors, employees should follow the College’s Grievance policy. Human Resources should be informed and the President should be the final point of contact.
When an anonymous letter is received regarding the President, the Board Chair and Vice Chair should be advised and address any allegations. This way the full Board will know that the situation is being handled. If there are extensive allegations of financial improprieties etc., then the Board Chair would bring that to the full Board in a closed session for a full Board discussion.
Mr. Campbell discussed rewording the Grievance policy and educating the campus regarding who may and may not appeal to the Board involving employee issues. Currently, only eligible full-time regular employees who have been recommended for dismissal or demotion during the contract period have the right to appeal any such demotion or dismissal to the Board of Trustees. Employees who are not renewed have limited appeal rights.
The Committee recommended campus-wide training for all College staff regarding the employee grievance process and holding a training session with the full Board. The Committee agreed to have Chris Campbell conduct training for the Board during the Board Retreat on January 11, 2016.
Construction Update
Dr. King provided the Committee with a brief update on the ongoing construction on campus.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary