About WebAdvisor

What's Available for Students

  • View and update your contact information on file
  • Add or change an academic program
  • Program evaluation tool
  • View the date and time you can begin registering for classes (current/returning students only)

How to Access WebAdvisor

  1. Web Advisor accounts are automatically created. Read about account creation.
  2. Know your User ID: User ID Information
  3. Know your Password: Password Information
  4. Know about your student email account - Mandatory for payment confirmations and changing your password: Student Email Information
  5. Visit the WebAdvisor Main Menu and log in.

WebAdvisor Automatic Account Creation

WebAdvisor and Student Email account creation

Accounts are created on different schedules depending on if you are a curriculum student taking courses for college credit, a continuing education student, or a faculty member.

Curriculum Students

If you are a curriculum student, your WebAdvisor and A-B Tech accounts (including email) are created around one day after completing the initial online application to A-B Tech.

Continuing Education Students

If you are a continuing education student, your WebAdvisor account is created the working day following your submission of an online application. You will receive an email with your login information.

Faculty Members

If you are a new faculty member, your WebAdvisor account is created after your records in the A-B Tech administrative computer system are complete.